Count Garneid’s mansion looked exactly the same even after I had gone for a long time.

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My mother and father had already reached the gate before I arrived.

“Where have you been all this time? Do you know how much we’ve been looking for you? Oh my God, if you didn’t die, you should’ve sent us a letter…”

At the words of my father, who rebuked me in a loud voice, I just kept bowing my head.

“I’m sorry.”


“Yeah, you should be sorry. You’re old enough, though if you were a few years younger, you’d be banned from going out.”

This time, it was mother who gave me a stinging gaze. Having nothing to say, I nodded my head again.

“I’m really sorry…”

“And, you even broke up with the Lord of Brudenell. You’ll regret this for the rest of your life.”

“I can’t help it.”

I shrugged my shoulders before continuing my words.

“The Lord isn’t in the spirit to get married.”

“Then, you should get married even more.”

At my words, my mother scolded me, “You’re a child who doesn’t want things unless you live your life the way you want. So, how good would it be to live with a groom who’s completely lost his mind? The Duchy would be in your hands.”

“Unfortunately, I have no interest in dukes. Just County Garneid is enough.”

“Evelyn, are you going to take the successor class properly now?”

My father, who had been listening to my conversation with my mother until now, was thrilled and grabbed my hand.


I nodded my head as I replied.

“I’m sorry for neglecting it until now.”

“There’s no need for that. Now that you’ve returned in good health like this, we should hold a banquet to celebrate. Would that be plausible?”

“Oh, talking about that.”

I looked straight at my father.

“Can Ophelia and I hold the banquet as the hosts together?”

“…With Ophelia?”

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“Yes. Ophelia is now the Viscountess. So, I think she’s qualified enough.”

“Even so…”

Even at my solace, father still looked sullen. I sighed and added.

“It’s beneficial for our family as well. Haven’t you heard that Sir David, no Viscount Marquell, is rising as the second in command for the Duke of Brudenell these days?”

My father frowned.

Apparently, he did not seem to believe what I was saying.

“I’ve heard rumors like that. Still, isn’t it just a rumor?”

“I went to check it out myself. The vacancy of Lord Cassius was filled by Viscount Marquell.”

“…Is that true?”


I laughed to myself.

Looking at the faces of my father and mother, it was as if it had already been decided that the banquet would be Ophelia and me.

“All right… Then, there’s nothing our family can do. Make sure you contact Ophelia.”

Before I knew it, the topic of the conversation completely shifted from my return to the banquet. I quickly melted into the friendly atmosphere. Yes, even if they were not my real family, these two and Ophelia are the only people in the world who would stomp their feet when Evelyn disappeared.

Cassius Brudenell is… Let’s make him an exception.

If it were not for him in the first place, there would be no reason for me to disappear.

“By the way, Evelyn.”

My mother suddenly opened her mouth as if she had remembered something.

“I was going to talk to you as soon as you came back safely. Your father is going to retire soon, what do you think?”


I doubted my ears.

In general, the nobility here did not abdicate easily until it became difficult to move. However, Count Garneid, who had just turned fifty and was still vigorous, would abdicate…?

“I don’t mean to hand the County over to you right now, Evelyn.”

My father hastily fixed my thoughts.

“It just means I’d want to hand it over when you’re ready.”

“…May I ask why?”

A moment of silence passed.

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Seeing that mother and father exchanged glances, there must have been a reason though it also seemed to be the reason they were reluctant to tell me.

“That… We can guess the reason why you were missing.”


I kept my mouth shut and let my father continue. It was because no matter what I said, it would not help at all in this situation.

“So, we thought you might need some strength. If we’re doing too much, tell us now.”


I opened my mouth before closing it again.

My father’s intentions were clear. Since I was just a young lady from a countess, I have been suffering without strength. Because of that, he was going to hand over his seat to me so I would not be threatened by anyone.

“…Thank you.”

“Well, you still have to do well in class. If you don’t get suitable results, I might take the title away even if I give it to you.”

Mother intervened between us. I could feel the affection for Evelyn between her spiky words, and I stopped laughing.

“I’ll do my best.”

At that, my mother snorted, but she did not look upset. Then, father coughed softly.

“Well, shall we have refreshments with our daughter, whom we haven’t seen in a long time?”



゚・ : * ✧ * :・ ゚




Seeing Ophelia half-running towards me, I smiled slightly. Despite being her Viscountess, her behavior was still the same as before.

Well, when did I act like a young lady?

“Sister, I really missed you…”

“Me, too.”

Face-to-face with her now, I hugged her tightly. Perhaps, it was because she ate well, Ophelia had gained a healthy amount of weight, but she looked cuter and healthier than her skinny appearance before.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t attend the wedding.”

“No, it’s okay.”

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Ophelia shook her head.

“I did it on purpose because I don’t want to sister to feel pressured.”

“Still… I was supposed to give you a wedding present, but I didn’t even give you the things I promised.”

“You gave me all the furniture in advance! Besides, the house was also given by the Duke. He’s been pandering to David so much, so he must have a guilty conscience for David.”

Unlike her old days, Ophelia is now quite bold with her words and chattered non-stop.

“Well, he’d been searching for sister a lot. David somehow managed to find out that sister was in the South… After that, the track disappears.”

“Is that so?”

I smiled bitterly.

If I ever had to run away again, it seemed like I had to hide my identity at that time. Even though I thought I would be buried in a crowd like a grain of sand, it seemed that that was not the case.

“Anyway, I’m really glad to see sister again. I heard that you also broke off the engagement with that man?”

Ophelia is now outspokenly cursing Cassius. In the past, she was at least polite, but now, she did not seem to feel the need. I also did not really want to point her out either.


“It’s so good!”

Exclaiming that, her face shone brightly. I smiled and shook my head seeing her like that.

“I’ve got more good news.”

“What is it?”

“There will be a banquet at the County of Garneid. The host is…”

Ophelia caught my words quickly.

“Of course, it is my sister! May I be invited, too? It’s all right if I can’t go, but if it’s okay, I want to go. Because it’s a banquet hosted by sister…”

My heart ached at the sight of Ophelia, who wanted to go but did not openly ask for an invitation.

“It’s you and me.”


“The hosts, it’s you and me. Just the two of us.”


She gazed up at me in disbelief.

“Is that okay? I can’t…”

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“What can’t be done? You are the Viscountess.”

“Still… I’m—”

“How long are you going to live like that?”

I uttered in a stern voice.

“Are you even going to bow down to your children like that?”

“…S, sister.”

“This is an opportunity that’ll never happen again. I don’t plan on going to be at the forefront this time. You’ve to organize it all.”

“Will I be able to… do well?”

“You’re asking foolish questions.”

I snorted.

“Who would refuse a host as kind and charming as you?”



゚・ : * ✧ * :・ ゚



In conclusion, the banquet ended very successfully.

I left everything to Ophelia on purpose.

If it was what I did…

Well, it was kind of like inviting the guests, who would never have come if Ophelia had invited them. All the rest was done by Ophelia herself—from organizing the banquet hall to arranging servants in their respective places, to finally serving guests who were laughing and spitting their saliva…

Even if I did, I could not have done better than that.

Thanks to this, Ophelia now had a fairly strong position in the social world.

‘…I always had to protect her, but now she’s all grown up.’

Feeling rather poignant, I decided to leave the hall for a while. It felt like I was going to burst into tears if I stayed here a little longer. Although it was co-hosted, I thought that it would be all right if I had little presence.

…I should not have done that.


“Long time no see, Eve.”

In the garden where I went to get some fresh air, I ran into a man I thought I would never see again.

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