‘…I knew it was going to be crazy, but this is insanely absurd.’

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That was the first thought that came into Hermia’s head.

“…It’d be better to say such things only after Young Lady arrives. The Young Lady Garneid, I know, must be cheering and cheering by now.”

“Is that so.”

There was no emotion in Cassius’ answer as he finished his words.

“I’m glad if that’s the case.”


“Are you happy?”

“Yes. Isn’t it better than for her to be unhappy?”


Hermia stared at Cassius.

Seeing how coherent he was, it did not seem like he had been out of his mind at all. It was clear that he had his own purpose though she had no idea what that purpose was. Her voice echoed coldly through the stone walls.

“You’re asking for something easier than I thought.”

“It won’t be as easy as you think.”

Cassius answered in a low-pitched voice.

“Young Lady Garneid isn’t an easy opponent.”

“Aren’t you overestimating her?”

Hermia tilted her head.

Of course, although Evelyn Garneid was unusual, it would be impossible to break through the strict surveillance and get into the dungeon.

“Well, we’ll see. Anyway, it’s not difficult, so I’ll grant the Lord’s wish. Now, will you tell me what I have asked?”


Silence passed.

Hermia anxiously waited for Cassius’ answer.

“Yes, I killed him.”

From Cassius, neither the helplessness characteristic of a resigned person nor the apprehension of a liar was felt.

He just calmly told her the truth.


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“You already know, don’t you?”

As the corners of Cassius’ lips drew soft arcs, it felt as though this was not a dungeon but a relaxed look that could only be seen at a social ball.

“I wanted to take over the Duchy sooner.”

“…Then, why did you get caught so easily?”

“I didn’t get caught because I wanted to.”

Cassius corrected her words as he went on.

“It’s just that people in my family are more competent than I thought.”


“Besides, It was also a big thing that I couldn’t manage the information organization as I wanted.”

Hermia’s eyes narrowed.

His words sounded like a sincere confession. Nevertheless, she could not take a bite of this delicious bait. Because Cassius Brudenell, whom she knew, was not such a person who would be easily caught and captured like this.

As if reading Hermia’s thoughts, Cassius laughed.

“Do you think I am lying?”


Even though Hermia did not answer his question, he did not seem to need her answer either. The next moment, Cassius stretched out his hand towards her.

“I have something to offer you.”

The little key in his rough hand gleamed from the light of the torch.

“Take it. In my father’s bedroom… If you open all the floors, you will find a padlock. If you open it with this key, you won’t even need my statement.”

Hermia bit her lip. Was that really true? If true, her position in the Imperial Family would be consolidated more than ever.

But, if it was a lie…

‘Well, I have nothing to lose.’

In the end, Hermia grabbed the key.

“I really hope the Lord’s words are true.”

…Was it an illusion?

For a moment, Cassius’ eyes shone in the darkness.

“You can look forward to it.”

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In fact, when she heard that, Hermia did not expect much because there was no reason for Cassius to put so much effort into hiding the evidence that would not require a statement. However, as he said, the moment the Duke’s bedroom was opened and the lock was opened with the key he gave her…


Hermia understood everything Cassius said.

A clever device was installed on the floor of the Duke’s bedroom.

It looked like it had never been activated yet, but if it was activated, it was a device that could accurately break a person’s cervical vertebrae. A person afflicted with this device would either die instantly or, even if very fortunately survived, they would fall into a coma.

‘…But, instead of using this, he used poison.’

Did he think that the device was more susceptible to detection? It was a crucial judgment mistake.

After a day’s investigation, Hermia posted a report that was accurate enough to satisfy the Emperor, and Cassius was immediately brought to a formal trial. It took less than half a day for the news that Duke Brudenell had died at the hands of his son to spread throughout the Empire.

And, ten days after that.

Hermia stared at the unexpected visitor who came to her. At the same time, She could not help but recall the words she heard in the dark dungeon that sounded nothing but the nonsense of a madman.

“…Let me meet Cassius Brudenell.”

A half-weeping voice.

“I’ll pay whatever it takes… Please, let me see him.”

It was an earnest voice of Evelyn Garneid that she had never heard before.



゚・ : * ✧ * :・ ゚



When I heard the news that Cassius Brudenell had murdered the Duke of Brudenell, I did not cry.

The atrocity still did not fall.

Everyone was worried about me and asked if I was okay, though I had nothing to say because I was really okay.

What I felt was, surprisingly, a sense of relief.

‘He couldn’t get out this time.’

I did not know why his tail was stepped on*, unlike in the original, but it was a good thing for me. Even Cassius Brudenell would not have been able to escape from the imperial dungeon.
[ T/N: It’s an idiom which means ‘something secret is bound to be revealed if it continues for a long time.’ So here, she’s surprised that the secret was revealed, unlike in the original story. ]

‘Kitty… Will you be able to get some rest now?’

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Kitty’s body, which had not been able to close her eyes properly, still came to mind.

‘…This time, he’ll be tried. He’ll be judged by the law.’

I buried my face in the pillow.

Lately, I have been so weak that I did not even want to leave the room. The act of Cassius Brudenell, which had been so cruel and vicious, had finally come to an end. It was also revealed that he had poisoned his father.

But, why…

Did I feel empty, as if there was a hole in my chest like this?

A strange intuition seemed to be telling me that Cassius should not end with this alone.

I bit my lip.

Perhaps, this was the last chance to relieve Kitty’s chagrin? The current head of the investigation was Princess Hermia. If I collect evidence and bring it to her, we might be able to ask her for the price for him killing Kitty.

To be honest, I did not feel like trying to implement justice because I did not live a clean life either.

…The only regret I could not stop was that I could not let Kitty go like that.



゚・ : * ✧ * :・ ゚



“This is Kitty’s house.”

Kitty, to be exact, the mansion where Kitty used to work, was not difficult to find. It was to be expected, as Cassius could not hire a maid whose identity was not properly verified.

A maid who said she was quite friendly with her guided me.

The mansion where Kitty worked was particularly small though it was more like a one-room house than a house. Still, it was large enough.

“Thank you.”

“It’s nothing. Rather, I am just thankful that the Lady took care of Kitty. She’s a quiet friend who doesn’t talk much, so few people even recognize her kind heart.”

“…She was quiet?”

I blinked my eyes.

It was surprising that Kitty, who had a lot of talk and chatter, was quiet. Was she deliberately trying to fit in with me, who did not talk much…?

“Yes. She was still a good friend… She used to take care of me quietly.”

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“I see.”

I guessed there was a difference between treating a friend and treating an employer. When I thought of Kitty, who must have been talking brightly on purpose, tears welled in my eyes again. It could have been that Kitty really tried to steal my stuff. Nonetheless, that was not a reason to kill people.

Then, I looked closely at Kitty’s room. It was to find a clue that Cassius had hired her.

‘There’s really nothing.’

I raised my head to the maid and asked.

“How many times have people used this house since Kitty left?”

“Uh…No one.”


“Well, strangely, everyone had nightmares whenever they slept in this house. It was enough to interfere with their daily life… so we left it empty. After all, there are plenty of places to sleep.”


Listening to her words, I frowned.

After Kitty’s death, there seemed to be no reason for them to have nightmares before she died.

“Then, you barely touched this place.”

“Yes. Kitty was a neat person, so she wasn’t the type of person to arrange things. In addition, she had also cleaned up before she left.”

Although this was also somewhat different from the kitty I knew, I let it slide. As I glanced over the room with a simple desk, chair, closet and one bed, nothing stuck out to me.


Suddenly, something strange caught my eye.

It was a plaster wall, a different color from the other walls.

“…This is the only place that’s been repainted.”

“Oh… Is that so?”

The maid tilted her head at my words.

“I don’t remember anything like that…?”

I was certain.

Hiding things and coating to conceal them was a technique that Cassius Brudenell enjoyed. I immediately took off my hard shoes and started smashing the plaster with my heels as hard as I could.

Ttak, ttak, tak!

After several attempts, the plaster wall was broken, and an object of considerable size caught my eye… No, it was not an object.

That is…

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