Chapter 63: What’s the Connection?

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“Major General, are you going out?” Standing in the corridor, Joseph looked at Ji Cheying who opened the door and came out with his jacket on his elbow, as if he was going out. After receiving a positive answer from Ji Cheying, Joseph asked with concern and surprise, “But Major General, don’t you have a meeting with Professor Yan later to discuss something?”

As soon as the question was finished, Joseph saw Ji Cheying enter the private communication code of Yan Siyu, and the unsmiling Professor Yan answered and said very quickly, “I’m leaving now, if you’re here to tell me that the meeting is canceled, be ready to die as a thank you.”

Because Ji Cheying did not transfer his voice to his headset in time, the icy voice of Yan Siyu rang out in the corridor in a not-so-subtle manner.

“…” A drop of cold sweat formed on Joseph’s forehead as he stood next to the other. Worthy of growing up together, the professor really knew their Major General too well. He knew what the Major General was going to say even before he said it.

In the face of his friend’s threat, Ji Cheying was not moved at all, and he walked out while saying, “I have something to do now, I’ll invite you to dinner.”

Yan Siyu turned around and went back to the lab with no hesitation, and then he said indifferently, “You owe me many meals.”

“This time for sure.”

Yan Siyu raised his eyebrows rather curiously. “What is it?”

Probably because he didn’t expect his friend, who had never been a nosy person, to ask such a question, Ji Cheying hesitated for a second before saying, “Looking for someone.”

Although they hadn’t met since Ji Cheying returned to the Imperial Capital, Yan Siyu had a few guesses in mind when he heard this. His voice, like Xie Quan’s, was not too emotional and seemed a bit cold, but while Xie Quan’s voice was softer, Yan Siyu’s was more like ice, or more like a robot. “I heard you brought someone back.”

Ji Cheying was not at all fooled by the other party’s rhetoric, and he said to the point, “You didn’t hear about it, you found out about it yourself.” 

He brought back a team, if he did not deliberately check, how could he know whether there was one more or one less?

Seeing that his own words were broken down by Ji Cheying, Yan Siyu confessed honestly, “It’s not really a check, but I just happened to see the clearance document you came back with this time, and there was one more than when you were there.” Then he asked in that heartless to mechanical voice, “Which person is it?”

Although the voice still sounded volatile, but as a childhood friend1, Ji Cheying still clearly felt the curiosity in the other’s words. Ji Cheying raised his eyebrows, he had now reached the underground garage and unlocked his hover car. “When did you become so nosy?”

“Not usually, but I have some interest in this guy.” 

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In that instant, the alarm bells in Ji Cheying’s head were immediately triggered. Here we go again. Ji Cheying’s head hurt when he heard the word “interest” lately. Entering the address into the console of his hover car, he said, decisively and forcefully, “Don’t be interested.”

Then he heard his best friend reply without budging, “That’s a little hard, I’ve always had an inquisitive mind.”

The corners of Ji Cheying’s mouth twitched as the hover car rose smoothly vertically from the underground garage passage to the ground and then quickly into the air, merging into the aerial driveway. Some blinding sunlight shone into his eyes, Ji Cheying slightly squinted his eyes to adapt to the light, and lowered his head to look at the small red dot belonging to “Xie Quan” on his terminal map. “He’s just an ordinary person, no need to waste your inquisitiveness. “

Yes, although before Xie Quan asked Ji Cheying if he had been tracking his own location, which Ji Cheying denied without shame, the truth was that he had not stopped tracking Xie Quan’s location.

Of course, he only let people keep track of it, and he did not keep checking it himself. After all, he wasn’t a pervert. He kept tracking Xie Quan’s location just to prevent his previous kidnapping from happening again. And here, in Ji Cheying’s ears, the receiver also sounded his best friend’s unrelenting retort.

“Ordinary people don’t get brought back with you in an airship. You never use a vehicle as slow as an airship. Much less worry about me being interested in an ordinary person.” Yan Siyu was a scientist, logical, rigorous, organized, who spoke three sentences one after another, making Ji Cheying’s temples jump.

Finally, Ji Cheying compromised. “…I’ll ask him to meet you for dinner then.”

The meaning of this sentence was agreed upon by both of them.

Ji Cheying and Yan Siyu had known each other for more than ten years, and when they were both in military school they had a young conversation about the future. Back then, they agreed that if they had someone to spend their lives with in the future, they would have a meal together and get to know each other.

In his mind, Yan Siyu estimated that it would not take long for his best friend’s wedding wine. He nodded. “Okay, I’ll book a table, your treat.”

After saying that, Yan Siyu suddenly remembered the person’s information and asked, confirmingly, “Is he a beta?”


“Oh…” Yan Siyu said succinctly, “It’s okay, you’re not short of money, you can buy a lifetime of soothing agents.”

It was just that his body would suffer more. He said this because Ji Cheying’s companion disease was special. Unlike other people’s disorders, Ji Cheying’s disorder occurred very frequently, and would make him a little twitchy from time to time.

Ji Cheying’s companion disease only striked at one time, when he was susceptible and his companion disease made his susceptibility period more difficult. It would be solved in the future if he found an omega with a high degree of compatibility but since his future partner was a beta, this companion disease would basically follow him to the grave.

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Thinking of this, Yan Siyu looked at the date and reminded him, “Hurry up and prepare a hole, your susceptibility period is approaching.”

Ji Cheying was silent for a few seconds. “…Thank you for your concern.”

“You’re welcome.”

When the torturous conversation was over, Ji Cheying’s hover car arrived at his destination about twenty minutes later.

The thin, slender figure of the youth walked slowly through the streets that were no longer part of the slums, the shadows being stretched longer behind him. This street, although out of the slums, was right in the interval between the slums and the rest of the area, with no decent stores and few residences, but more small stores that have fallen into disrepair, and dilapidated public facilities. Even the trees on the sidewalks look a bit withered.

There were still some pedestrians on the street, those who were not dressed in the mainstream, their faces were tired to some numb expression, probably tired of running around. The hover car pulled up steadily behind the youth.

Ji Cheying stepped out of the car and locked his gaze on the figure that stood out among them, but seemed to gradually blend in. His heart suddenly tightened, as if someone was clutching his heart tightly, causing him to have a few palpitations.

This feeling made him unconsciously rush to catch up with Xie Quan’s figure, and then reach out his hand—and grab Xie Quan’s hand tightly.

The young man’s footsteps were halted and he immediately turned his head.

Ji Cheying scrutinized the other man carefully.

The expression was as usual, the face was as usual, and the body did not seem to carry any wounds. It appeared that everything was fine. Ji Cheying finally breathed a small sigh of relief in his heart.

He was now profoundly and truly aware of one thing: his own mind seemed to be getting unstable. What was the difference between this and those parents who are watching their children?

Realizing this matter, Ji Cheying’s expression showed a few tangles and struggles.

Xie Quan’s next words soon cleared his heart of all complexity.

Xie Quan frowned, with a bit of displeasure in his eyes. “You really did track my location.”

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“…” Ji Cheying released his grip on the opponent’s hand, took a deep breath, and then gritted his teeth and tapped the opponent’s head. The palm of his hand rested under his head, rubbing his hair heavily. “I came all the way over here to find you, and this is all you have to say without a word of thanks?”

Xie Quan steadied himself and let the other man rub his hair, he asked without changing his face, “So what did you come here for?”

Ji Cheying opened his mouth and then suddenly remembered something, he let go of his hand, wrapped his arms around himself and replied with displeasure in his voice, “To take a walk.”

This was exactly the answer Xie Quan gave Ji Cheying earlier.

Xie Quan looked at Ji Cheying’s sudden change of face in a daze, but did not say anything, just followed Ji Cheying to the car in silence.

The two of them were silent for a while. Ji Cheying saw Xie Quan’s appearance and could only take the lead, with a little helplessness and compromise. He did not say anything more about what happened before, but just talked about the next arrangements. “I have something to do in a few days, I may be away for a while, if you need anything, you can find Henry.”

Xie Quan listened and nodded. “Okay.”

He didn’t ask Ji Cheying what he was going to do. Ji Cheying’s heart was slightly lost, but he continued to urge, “You don’t mess around.”

Xie Quan thought for a moment and clarified, “I don’t usually do anything.”

“Your anything is quite special.”


Ji Cheying waited for a while, but couldn’t help but ask with a slightly sullen face, “Why didn’t you ask where I was going?”

Xie Quan rightfully said, “Of course you have your own business to attend to.”

That’s… That’s a very good point. Ji Cheying was here, so he must have his own business to attend to.


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This made Ji Cheying very uncomfortable to hear. What did he mean by “your own business”? Is this how they were separated? When he thought of Xie Quan going out alone today, accompanied by the flower of the empire, Lilith, the evil fire in his heart that had been barely suppressed burned even more.

He sneered, his eyebrows cold and arrogant, “I am not going with anyone, after all, I am not you. You have a lot of people to accompany you.”

There was Lilith.

And that mechanical student.

Just a few days after coming to the empire, there were a few more confidants.

Oh, one of them might even be the other’s first love.

Omega, beta, alpha.

He was quite involved.

The more Ji Cheying thought about it, the angrier he became. He was still thinking of taking the other to meet his best friend, and had already taken him to meet his family.

Xie Quan also sensed Ji Cheying’s anger, and he asked, rather puzzled, “What have you been angry about since a while ago?”

The words exploded with a pop like a pinprick on a balloon.

Ji Cheying sneered, “My partner is hugging others left and right in front of me, what do you think?”

Xie Quan froze for a second. He furrowed his brow in thought before asking incredulously, “Who?”


Translator Notes:

This originally said “竹马” (bamboo horse), which is based on the idiom “竹馬之交” for close friends since childhood.

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