The one I've loved

Chapter 32

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.....THUD ....

Came a loud noise of our class door .

Aron .... , Austin looked furiously at him .

Oh my .... prezzz, I'm so sorry , I'll be careful from next time , Aron replied .

I met Aron when I participated in Q.A.E.S competition . He was one among the five members who were selected for elocution . He is very naughty and always disturbs the class , even though he is a last bencher he always answers correctly when ever our teachers ask him any question related to the topics .

What were you guys doing closing the door , he asked Austin with a wicked smile on his face.

You must've guessed it by now , Austin replied calmly .

Did they forget that I'm still standing here , I thought .

Are you intrested in being a member of student council ?, Aron diverted the topic .

I never gave a thought about it and I have zero knowledge in it , I replied .

I'll be there with you just let me know if you are intrested , Austin said softly which made me blush .

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After a while the other students started to come .

Hey , Justin said looking around .

Rachel is suffering from fever , I said .

Oh , he replied .

Missing her ? , Aron teased Justin .

Aron and Austin are the only guys who knew that he liked Rachel , he never told them but at the same time he didn't deny the fact that he likes her .

Justin ignored to what Aron told , and spoke about yesterday's cricket match .

I wanted to spend more time with Austin ,but I knew that it was impossible for that to happen , I went and sat in my bench reluctantly .

I was alone since Rachel wasn't with me but during lunch hour I sat with Justin and Austin . It was the first time I ever had my lunch with Austin . We couldn't talk much but still I I felt good .

Justin told me that he would come with me in the evening while we were having our lunch .

After the school Justin and I were walking and saw Austin and Aron near the entrance gate .

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Wow , it's quite shocking , said Justin to Austin .

Everyday Austin's father dropped him to school in the morning and his driver used to pick him up in the evening . I never saw Austin coming by bus . Most of the students comes to school by their own vehicles . But our parents wanted us to use public transportation . They wanted us to know the value of money and time .

Dad told me that the driver wouldn't come today to pick me up , Austin replied hoarsely .

Really ?, Justin asked him skeptically.

I'm hungry , Shall we go somewhere and eat ? , Aron interrupted .

That sounds great , I said in excitement .

It was Aron who led us to a restaurant and we followed him .

We ordered four plates of Manchurian noodles and four glasses of coke .

Since the time we came to the restaurant till we left those three handsome guys sitting in front of me didn't leave a chance to tease each other .

I saw a different side of Austin , I've seen him talking and laughing before but it was mostly from a certain distance but this time I was sitting in front of him .

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After coming out of the restaurant ,Aron told that he was going to Hidden hour, it is a gaming center. Most of the guys of my school goes there almost everyday and Aron was one among those guys .

Justin got tempted to what Aron told and said that even he wanted to go .

Sorry Jess , I have to go Justin said sheepishly.

Is she coming tomorrow ? , he asked before leaving to which I gave a nod .

I didn't expect my cousin to leave me for some stupid game center.

Aron ....., Austin called .

I couldn't hear what he asked him but after coming he said that there was a short cut to the bus stop .

He told me to follow him but the way we went wasn't a short cut .

It's a lonely place and takes more time to reach bus stop .

Even though I knew the way , I didn't tell him that he was going in the wrong direction , I thought that I'd get more time to spend with him .

He was walking normally but I wasn't able to catch up with him . His one step was equal to two long steps of mine . I tried walking faster but I couldn't . After some time I finally succeeded walking next to him , it wasn't because I walked faster but because he slowed down for me to walk next to him .

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Our conversation started from our social home work and then it changed to history then universe , space and finally aliens .

The way he was talking looked like he was casting spells on me to fall for him more and more . I wasn't able to take my eyes off from him but whenever he looked at me I looked away .

As soon as we reached the bus stop I saw a bus coming our way and it was the bus which goes to the place where I stay , my house.

I told him that I'm taking that bus .

I was talking to him but he wasn't even looking at me .

He took a piece of paper and a pen , he wrote something on the paper and handed it over to me .

Call me after reaching home , he said .

Sure , I replied after taking the paper in which he wrote his number .

I couldn't stop thinking about the things that happened , a wide smile was plastered on my face since the moment I got into the bus .

_ _ ___ ___ __ __ _ __ _

I knew I was being a bad girl then by not telling that I knew the short cut but what else could I do , I was madly in love with him . I didn't care about anything , all I wanted was to spend time with him .

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