The one I've loved

Chapter 40

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I hardly slept because I had to study for my upcoming exams and also I had to make the present for Austin. I knew it would be difficult for me to handle both the things but I wanted to do it at any cost . I completed weaving a night before Austin's Birthday and I carefully placed it in a box and wrapped it with a gift cover and then placed it on my table . That night I slept peacefully and woke up late . My father sent his driver to drop me to school as I was late . I reached Just when the school gates were about to close . For the first time in my life I stood in late comers line .

We have a rule that late comers should take signature of our sports teacher in their school diary . Punishment of being late depends on the number of times the student comes late to school , The punishment gets severe if a person have more than three signatures in his or her diary . Since my sports teacher, Mr. Steve Cullen is a psychopath he doesn't leave any student if he or she is late. He always find for chances to punish students . I stood behind a girl , even she came late for the first time but still he didn't excuse her . He hit her on the palm of her hand with his bamboo stick which left a Bruise on her hand . My heart started to beat faster when he said 'next' looking at me .I gulped before stepping forward . I took my diary from my bag before going to him . After taking my diary I walked towards him looking at the ground .

Jessica Olsen , may I know the reason why were you late today ? , I heard him say .

I didn't have the guts to look at my teacher but when I heard that voice I immediately raised my head .

It was Austin who stood in front of me . I was happy and at the same time I was afraid. There wasn't a smile on his face he had that cold look on his face which he always have while talking to other people . Austin is not a kind of person who would take advantage of his leadership to help his friends from punishment . He treats everyone equally . That was the first time I heard him speak to me coldly , it pricked my heart even though he sounded like he was teasing me .

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Well.... I .... , I was stuttering .

Sir is busy, you all can leave to your classes , take signature from your class teacher , he said before I could tell .

Everybody heaved a sigh of relief including me .

I'm waiting for your reply Jessica Olsen , he said . His voice was low but deep which was audible only to me and not to the students who were leaving to their classes.

I have something for you , I mumbled .

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I can't hear you if you mumble , he said as we were walking .

Happy Birthday to you , I said .

He let out a chuckle and said . Was that the reason you were late , he asked me to which I shook my head .

Go to the class quickly , he said when he saw Mr. Cullen approaching .

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I heard him say thankyou before I took few steps forward . I turned my head to my right side and saw him smile at me .

I went to the class and sat beside Rachel. I knew you would come no matter what , she giggled and asked me if I brought the gift .

I showed her the present which was wrapped with a gift cover . After sometime Austin came to the class and sat beside Justin.

I was waiting for a chance to give the thing I made for him . I couldn't give him in the lunch hour so I decided to give him after the school .

After the last bell rang , I saw Austin going to our principal's room and I followed him . I waited for him to come out sitting on a bench . As soon as he came out, a girl came in his way and stood in front of him blocking his way , she held a letter in her hand which she hid behind so that he won't be able to see it . Her friends were hiding behind a wall and waiting for her to give that letter to him . Those girls were my juniors .

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Austin didn't tell anything but just stared at the girl who blocked his way . His expression was cold as always. She shook her head when he asked if she had something to tell and gave him way to leave . If I was in her place even I would be afraid to talk to him if he had that expression but he was always sweet to his friends . His cold expressions are one of the reasons why most of the girls never dare to approach him . They don't even dare to look Into his eyes , little do they know that he is not what he looks like .

He was rushing towards the class , he looked at my side when I called his name out loud .

Why are you sitting here he asked me after coming where I sat . Nobody was around us at that time .

I was waiting for you , I replied taking out the gift I made for him .


I knew my exams were near but all I wanted was to give him the present I made for him and I was happy that I gave it to him that day . I should actually thank him for saving me from Mr. Cullen . If he came a moment later Mr .Cullen would've left a Bruise on my hand too .

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