The one I've loved

Chapter 47

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My father has chosen a guy for me without asking me . There were days we argued with each other whenever he took out the topic about my marriage . When I was away from home I didn't know about his intentions , I came to know the truth after coming here . I tried talking to him many times but he never listened to me .

Jess !!! what are are you thinking ? , Rachel asked me when I was immersed in my thoughts .

Nothing , I said .

Jessica , I feel you need to listen to your father and go meet that person so that you'd know what kind of person he is , maybe you might like him after meeting him , she said.

I don't want to meet anyone , I replied .

You won't tell Austin that you like him and you won't meet the guy your father chose for you ....what do you wanna do then ? , she said coldly .

She was right , the mistake is mine and I know that , I know that I have to do something about this situation instead of sitting and waiting for something to happen .

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I want to prepare myself for fashion show which is in few days , I replied .

While we were talking , Rachel ordered food from outside . We had our dinner together .

While we were eating Rachel's phone rang .The call was from my cousin . I took her phone and put loudspeaker on .

Rach , why would you go there at this time ? , don't tell me that you are actually planning to sleep there .

How did you even guess , Rachel asked to Justin .

Rachel wanted to spend a night at my house since we had many things to discuss.

Instead of answering to her question he said in a low voice , you want me to sleep alone ?

Rachel turned off the speaker mode after grabbing her phone from my hand .

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God knows what my perverted cousin told her on the phone which made her blush and she agreed with him to go to her home .

You done romancing on the phone ? , I asked her after she ended the call .

Romance ? , no we were talking about normal stuff , she said .

And I know what kind of normal stuff it is , I teased her .

Fine , let's just get to the point , she said to divert the topic .

There's nothing to talk about it , let's see what happens , I said .

After a while , my parents came , they went yesterday and returned home today after meeting my father's maternal uncle who fell sick . My aunt came along with them to my home .

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You girls returned home so soon ? , my aunt asked me .

It was around eight past thirty when my parents reached home .

We didn't go due to heavy rain mom , Rachel answered to my aunt .

She looked at me and asked me the same old question which she has been asking me since I came back , why aren't you listening to your dad .... I'm sure your father must've chosen a perfect guy for you , she said .

For goodness sake ... please let me live in peace aunt , I said .

This is for your own good Jessica , she said .

At first I wondered why my aunt came home at this time and then I realized that my father brought his sister to convince me to meet that guy .

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Look at your friend , they didn't agree to marry early but look how happy they are and now she have a tiny seed in her stomach which is growing now , she said looking at her daughter in law with a bright smile .

Mom , please .... the situations are different now , Rachel said .

Jessica your father allowed you to study fashion designing course without asking you a second question . Why can't you listen to him for once , my mother said looking at my father who was waiting for my answer.

My head started to ache after listening to them . Fine , I'll meet him but if I don't like him don't force me to marry him even after I reject him .

There was a bright smile on my father's face . He was very happy just because I told that I'll meet the guy he chose for me .

Okay , I won't force you if you don't like him , he said brushing my hair and the he kissed my forehead .

The very next day Rachel and I went shopping and bought the things I needed . Few weeks later after my birthday , my father fixed a date to meet that guy . I decided to meet him and tell him that I don't want to marry him .

I went to the restaurant and saw that guy who came before me and was waiting for me .

I was shocked when I saw him .

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