Chapter 130 – Disneyland

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「Hmm~? What’s wrong, Aya?」
「No… I’m just… I’m getting a lot of titles」

Yes. The titles are a big deal. Here’s the titles in question…

【Name】 『Jealousy』
【Effect】 Э#д▽△ёЭ/▲чヾ▼”ЭЁ٩Ё٩Ш●:Ы◆▲
【Acquisition Requirements】 Get recognized by the Jealousy of the Great Sea Emperor Mariesta.

【Name】 『The Path to ???』
【Effect】 The path to ??? has now begun. 2/7
【Acquisition Requirements】 Collect 7 specific titles.

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Yes. These show that one of the titles required to get to ??? is『Jealousy』. And since it says 2/7, there’s another one, which I think is probably 『Raid Boss of Rage』. Well, there’s no particular reason… Yet, 『Rage』 and 『Jealousy』 are from the Seven Deadly Sins. The title also says to collect 7 titles… Oh no… I’ve become something amazing… Aren’t I……

「Hmm… Is Aya angry… ? … Fufufu……」
「Fufufu! Stop making fun of me!」



I think about it as I give a sharp look at the two laughing people. By the way, Suzu is taking a break to look at my title. Iris, on the other hand, wanted to move her body and was slashing down monsters with all her might.

【Name】 Chured LV. 58 Condition: Normal
【Weakness】 None
【Attribute Weakness】 Water
【Description】 A rat-shaped monster about 60 cm long, found mainly near volcanoes. The Chred is fire-based, and prefers close combat using fire-based magic.

HP: 4689/4689
MP: 1240

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STR: 952
VIT: 341
DEF: 428
AGI: 1384

Iris is mainly dealing with a large army of rats, including Chured. There are rats of all basic attributes. Water is Chublue. Light is Chuyellow. Darkness is Chublack. Well, as you can see, they just look like the colors used in their names.

Chured is quick on its feet and was attacking with flames in its sharp claws, so Iris had to cut off its legs first. Then she stabbed it with her sword and moved on to the next monster.

Chublue mainly used water-based magic. Its athletic ability was equal to zero, but it was safe to say that it excelled in magic instead. Iris approached and slashed at it while avoiding its attacks.

Chuyellow uses light magic. But that was just a supporting role, though. What it really excelled at was body enhancement. It uses body enhancement to strengthen its body, and then attacked Iris. The light magic was used to dazzle and to fill the openings after the attack. Well, she got close and slashed it.

Chublack is dark magic. It lurks in the shadows, aiming for Iris’s vitals… Well, Iris doesn’t have any vital points. Iris had sensed it in advance and pointed her sword in the direction it would come out.

「… You’re getting kind of heavy…」
「Eh? I-I’m heavy… ?」
「Uu… A-Aya is light!」

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「Really… ?」
「Yeah! Like a feather!」
「… I don’t like it when someone calls me small…」
「Unreasonable… !!」

Hmm? I feel like my line of sight is increasing…

「Gi-Give, give!! Heavy!!」
「O-Okay, okay. I’ll get off in a minute…」
「Fuu… Thanks, Aya…」
「What? Are you back?」
「Ah, that’s right… I have no idea how long it lasts…」
「10 minutes」
「The duration of the effect?」
「Eh, is that so… Don’t tell me, you were counting… ?」

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「Uwa… you were counting while talking…」

I feel like Suzu is withdrawing, but I don’t know why she’s withdrawing.

Oh well…

With that in mind, the three of us proceeded to defeat the monsters as I walked with my feet, which had reconnected with the ground after 10 minutes.


After a few minutes of walking.

「Oh… This door looks like it would hold a boss…」
「I guess so…」
「That’s true, I suppose」

We were standing in front of a huge set of double doors.

TL. Why its titled Disneyland… the answer in in the next chapter…

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