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「… Oneechan」

I’m about to go to bed when my sister, Yukika, comes into the room.

「Hmm… Yukika, you’re here?」
「Jeez… No matter how much you like Aya oneechan, that’s too much…」
「Uu… B-Because I felt like teasing her a little…」
「I understand that, but you’ve got to control yourself」
「Mou… Aya oneechan, how can you be so defenseless…」

Yukika comes close to Ayane, complains about me, and pulls the covers over her.

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「Next time this happens, I’ll take Aya oneechan away from you, okay?」
「Absolutely not」
「Then control yourself!」
「That… I can’t promise…」
「Haa… Then good night」
「Yeah, good night」

Yukika left the room, exasperated with me.

Yukika is now in the 2nd year of junior high school. Although she is younger than me, she is much more mature than me. I respect her, but I see her as an enemy. That’s because Yukika is after Aya. It was 2 years ago that I noticed it. Aya and I were in 2nd year of junior high school. I had some business with Yukika, and when I was about to enter her room… That… You know? …… She was doing… Yeah… Well, you know? Side dish… Yes… She was using Aya as a side dish!

TL. Side dish / Okazu (オカズ) – Something or someone to mast──bate to

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From that point on, I’ve seen Yukika as a rival among those who want Aya… But Yukika herself knows that I’ve heard her, and since then she hasn’t tried to hide her affection for Aya… Also, I feel like she likes me too, but I think it’s just my imagination…

Well, now I just have to think about Aya. Good night…



「… ───zu~? Suzu? Wake up~?」
「Hmm… ? What’s wrong Aya… ? Calm down… Morning…」
「Yeah, good m… That’s not it!! H─ea─vy!!」

I rub my sleepy eyes and check the situation.

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… Hm… ? … Lying face down… ? And I can hear Aya’s voice from below…

「─── Uniyaaaaaa!???!?!???」

In order to get up from lying down, I put my hands under my body and grasped two soft things. At the same time I hear Aya’s squeal.

… Ahh… I’m breaking out in a cold sweat…

「Su-Suzu… U-Uu, let go… ?」
「Ah, yes」

I obeyed what Ayane said and got off the bed immediately. It only took me 2 seconds. I’m amazed at myself.


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Aya’s face has turned bright red. This is exactly what you would see in novels and a boiled octopus. And, I’m probably a boiled octopus as well…

「…………… Ecchi…」

Ayane turns away from me, fiddling her hands together in front of her body, and mutters a few words. Naturally, I collapsed with a nosebleed. Well, that’s to be expected, isn’t it? It was a surprise attack…

「Suzu!? Hey, are you okay!? Hey!! Wait, wait a minute!! I’ll get the maid!!」

In my dazed state, my last thought was…

───Aya’s breasts were modest but soft

She would definitely be angry if she heard that.

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