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【Emergency Quest】 Escape From Delyosas・Sushi.
【Reward】 ???
【Description】 This is a one-time escape game. You have to get out of Delyosas・Sushi without being seen by the guards. No help will come. You have to find your own way out!

【Rule】 No weapons or skills allowed. No destruction of any objects.

【Failure Penalty】 You’ll be caught again.

「………. Ugh…」

The pain in my head is so severe that I have to hold my head down to keep it from pounding.

「Where… ?」

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I got up and looked around and saw the bars. It seems that I am trapped… How did this happen?

「Hello, hello, little girl, how are you?」
「…… Earlier…」
「Un, un, I’m glad you remember」

I remember this man well. After all, he’s the one who drugged me before I passed out… I don’t know how I’m going to get out of here.

「Oh! I felt a chill… Was it my imagination?」
「So? Why did you bring me here?」
「Eh? That’s to sell you, of course」
「…… 」

Scum. A real piece of crap. I know from our conversation before the sushi that this person lives here. There are probably more people on top of him. Because if it was a personal kidnapping, he wouldn’t have bothered to do it in the restaurant. That makes the owner of Delyosas・Sushi the mastermind… ? Someone from the real world…

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「Well, there are 50,000 nobles who would like to have you, so just wait there leisurely. I’m leaving now. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!」

I’m wearing a tattered white dress… ? It has a collar attached to it. My weapons were already in my inventory before I entered the shop, so I took them out.

「N-No way!? Why won’t it open!?」

I tried to open my inventory, but when I reached the menu, there was no response. This is getting really bad… Perhaps it’s because of this collar.


「Hmm… It’s hard after all…」

I shook the bars and they didn’t budge. That’s to be expected. This room has only a toilet and a bed, apart from three stone walls and one iron bar.

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「… I don’t think there are any guards…」

I look into the hallway where I can see outside the bars to see if there is anyone there.

「Hmm… Is there something I can do… ?」

I look under the bed to see if I can find anything… Well, there was nothing in particular. But if anything, I found a place where I could escape.

「As expected, it’s the exhaust…」

It’s that high, but I’m sure I can get out if I go that way.

「Well, I can make it in plenty of time…」

The exhaust vent is located at a height of 5m. I could reach it even if I couldn’t fly, just by propping the bed up against the wall below the exhaust vent.

「Ho! To!」

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I climb up the bed without difficulty and touch the exhaust vent. It’s just barely within reach. If I were taller, there would be a little more room. While feeling the negative effects of my short stature, I started to remove more and more objects from the exhaust vent.

「───Hmm? Hey!! You! What are you doing!!!」
「Hyii!? I got caught!!!!!」


I was so surprised that I pulled the exhaust vent with all my might, which made me almost fell off, causing it to break. That’s right. Only my STR was unusually high…

「But there’s no time for that!」

The man, who must have been making his rounds, hurriedly inserted the key into the bars. Perhaps it is because he is in such a hurry, but he can’t get it in. In the meantime, I squeeze myself into the exhaust vent… There was plenty of room for me to squeeze in. I am grateful for the small size of my body and proceeded crawl forward.

I’ll say it again. ───How did this happen?

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