───Ryoka’s side

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「…… Strange」
「Hmm~? Mogumogu… what’s strange~? … mogumogu…」
「Don’t talk while you eat!」
「Fue~! That’s good!」
「… Jeez…」

In the meantime, Merlin and Furin are flirting right in front of me, while I wrinkle my brow and worry. The two of them are friends from the journey from the deformed forest till Sādin. Aya left us at the end, but we became friends afterwards. Aya became a little sister, but we had a lot to talk about. When we meet each other often, we talk leisurely like this.

Today I was relaxing in my house with Aya, who I recently bought along with two other people who happened to be in town. I have to admit that I’m grateful for their presence now that I’m in an awkward relationship with Aya.

… I don’t know why they seem to be so close to each other these days (distant eyes).

「So? What’s going on, Suzu-chan?」

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「… It’s about Aya?」
「I send her a friend chat and she didn’t respond to anything!!」
「Usually she sends it right back!」
「T-That’s just a coincidence, isn’t it~?」
「I- I agree… I think so too…」
「No! Something is definitely wrong!! My instincts are telling me so!」
「Uwaa~ … This is a serious illness~…」
「Suzu-chan is always like this when it comes to Aya-chan…」
「If it gets like this, I’ll have to find Aya… Mumbling…」

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「「You’re so overprotective….」」
「Wait for me, Aya!!」

So I ran outside, leaving them to find Aya.

「It’s no use… Let’s go with her…」

They hurried out of their seats to follow Ryoka, who had run ahead of them, and then ran with her.


───???’s side

「It’s a busy place」

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「Fu… It will soon be over」
「Yes, you’re right!」

Me and two of my best mates were looking down from the outer wall at the labyrinthine city of Formana.

「And then what? What do we do now?」
「… You’ve already forgotten…」
「I can’t help it. They use too many euphemisms. I wish they’d say it more directly… Damn it…」
「… Well, I agree with you on that. So, the details───」

This guy… According to what Diol told me, the first thing to do is to enter this city at night and break into the lord’s house in the central district. Then assassinate the Lord of Formana and escape… That’s the plan.

「──It’s like… Hey, Sugiran. Are you listening to me?」

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「Of course I am, Diol. You and I are one, aren’t we?」
「Ha! How dare you! It’s just a coincidence that our abilities are compatible」
「Well, don’t say it like that! Hahaha!」

Diol was right, our abilities were compatible. I’m very good at close combat, whereas Diol is good at support, mainly with enchanting magic. And this magic is a good match for me. Strengthening me and my sword with his magic, I attack. Diol , on the other hand, uses dark magic to hide. That’s how it works.

「Oh, and by the way, that bastard lord! He’s blocked the labyrinth!」
「Don’t be so angry. We’ll be liberated soon」
「… That’s right. We’ve lost a lot of money because of the people who work for the lord. We’ll make sure they pay for this….」
「That’s right…」

「「──All for the sake of our 『Heavenly Prison Chapter』!」」

Sugiran and Diol both had vicious grins on their faces as they imagined the future of this city.

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