Chapter 165 – Instant Drop Two Frames - Strawberry Lilies

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4-5 minutes 17.04.2022

──Shuri’s side

──knock Knock…

「Come in」
「… Excuse me」
「Ara. Shuri? What’s the matter?」
「Leader… That is how you look today…」

I went to the leader’s room, where he was usually not, to see if I had any luck, and it just so happened that he was there.

I open the door and see a figure sitting at a desk in the back. The leader of the Heavenly Prison Chapter was that of a man dressed like a scientist today. I have a bit of a problem with this appearance. There’s something shady about it…

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「Well, let me cut to the chase… Why did you create this organization… ?」
「… That question again?」

Yes. I have asked similar questions before. Why did they create this organization? Even I, as an executive, don’t know. Come to think of it, none of the executives know anything about the leader. Neither do we know what they look like, what their name is, what they are thinking, or the purpose for which they created the organization.

「It is important to me」
「… Hmmm? As I said before, I just want to protect humans from monsters」

This, as stated by him, has been said before. But who would believe that this is true?

「… Fufu. Sorry. That look on Shuri’s face is funny, you know?」
「… Is that so」

I am aware that even I looked a little strange, but you don’t have to say that much… ? Well, it doesn’t matter. Right now I need to clarify what this person is trying to do… !

If this person’s goal is to turn the world into an enemy, he must be stopped. Otherwise… Let’s demand improvement.

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「Oh, yeah! On the Demon Continent? I’ve discovered a new monster~」
「She’s very human-like… I gave her the pill without her noticing, and sure enough, she went berserk…」

… This person is always doing something. He gives the pills to people in various places and enjoys watching what happens to them.

On a related note, we executives are also being given this pill. This pill, when taken, allows one to use a portion of the monster’s power. The side effects include the appearance of the monster’s characteristics on the user’s body, and once taken, it is truly a pill from which one cannot return to their former life.

I can use some of the powers of a Twilight Witch, which is the Evening Witch. In return, I have a third eye between my chest and collarbone, although I usually hide it. Evening Witches have excellent eyesight and can see everything but the heart of the person they are dealing with. And I am no exception.

… And, to my chagrin, the power I’ve gained from it is magic… I have no talent on that whatsoever. That is why I was happy when I first obtained the power of sorcery. Because I now have the power to protect the people I love.

But the soul was a very strong thing.

The spirit of the Twilight Witch in me still lives on. That’s exactly what it is, and it’s about to take over my soul…

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So I am scrambling to stay alive.

Once I perfectly control this power, I will be able to subdue the soul of Twilight Witch… I believe so…

「Yes, yes! She was such a beautiful girl, but…───」

This person’s conversation gets sidetracked but keeps on running. Naturally, the momentum of the conversation will increase and eventually no one will be able to stop him, so when he reaches this state, I and all the other executives will leave as if we were running away.

「… Therefore, I shall also leave」
「Oh, no more running away!」

I tried to turn on my heel and run away, but my hand was pulled back and I felt two soft cushion-like objects hit the back of my head. I looked up and saw the leader, who had somehow taken on the form of a woman, looking down at me with ecstatic eyes.

「… Correction. I’m not comfortable with this appearance either…」

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「Ara? Will you tell me why?」

Oh crap. I misspoke…

「Shall I tickle you again… ? Or…───」
「I’m afraid I’ll have to pass───」
「No~ ♡ 」

After this, I was thoroughly petted on the lap of the leader, who was sitting on a chair.

「Haa… Haa…… Hi… Hm…… Haa…」
「Really cute… If possible, that monster child too…」

Just before my consciousness fell, the leader had muttered something that bothered me, but I never recalled those words in the future. No, I could not.

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