Chapter 175 – SP - Strawberry Lilies

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3-4 minutes 22.04.2022

───Gaaaan!! Gaaaan!!

「…… Fua…」

I wake up with the sound of my father’s hammering iron as my alarm clock and start getting ready for school, which starts again today.


I think back to yesterday as I put my arms through the sleeves of my designated uniform.

「……… Isn’t there too much going on… ?」

I stopped buttoning the buttons and said a few words. So much had happened yesterday.
Well, let’s leave it at that, now I have to prepare breakfast.

「Hmm… I guess I’ll go shopping today…」

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After looking in the fridge and making sure there is nothing in there, I write 『shopping today』 in my notebook, which I always carry with me. For breakfast… Bread…?

「Dad, we had nothing, so bread is fine!」
「… Ahh」

I told my father, who was working in the forge, at a time when he would not be disturbed. By the way, today’s breakfast is buttered toast, which is easy to make and delicious.



「I’m off!」
「Ah. Take care」

A short time later, it was time to leave the house for school.

「Good morning Ayane-san!」
「Un! Good morning Mizuki-chan!」

Every time I leave the house at the same time, I pass by my classmate and classmate – Mizuki Mashiro. When I talk to her, she is a neat, pretty and very overprotective girl, but she also has a surprisingly naughty side and is a lot of fun.

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「Yesterday was a lot of fun!」
「Oh, no! I-I mistook you for someone else!」
「Is, that so… ?」
「More importantly! I’m looking forward to today’s PE!」
「Huh? Did Mizuki like PE?」
「Um… That! It’s badminton today!」
「Ah! That reminds me… Yeah. I’m certainly looking forward to it!」

I go to school every day like this. When I first started school, nobody passed by the foot of these mountains, but after about a week, for some reason, Mizuki started to pass by. I don’t feel lonely anymore, but I wonder where Mizuki’s house is… ?


Time goes back to a week after the start of the school year.

One class was playing rock-paper-scissors with all classmates except one.

「So I should do it then? Okay… Starting with rock. Rock, paper, scissors… Pon」

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The day before, the homeroom teacher was told by the students to come early tomorrow morning, and when she arrived as told, she was made to play rock-paper-scissors.

The rules were such that if you lose against a move made by one teacher, you sit down, and so on, with one elimination after another, we were finally down to the last two.

「Let’s play, Mizuki-san!!」
「As you wish, Ryoka-san!」

「「Starting with rock!! Rock, paper, scissors! Pon!!」」

Ryoka: Rock
Mizuki: Paper

「Kuuuuu!!! I losttttt!!!!」
「I did ittttT!!!!」

「Oh! Mizuki won!」
「But I think Mizuki can be trusted…」

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Thus the winner, Mizuki, had the right to arrive safely from in front of Ayane’s house to the school.

Furthermore, Ayane is the only one who does not know this.


「Good morn───mugiyu!?」
「Good morning Aya!!」
「Good morning Ryoka-san」
「… Good morning」

Suzu greets Mizuki-chan while hugging me. Her tone seems to be less than cordial? Well, I guess it’s just my imagination.

Is the 1st hour lesson Japanese? I need to get ready as soon as possible…

This is how the day passes.

Ayane-tan was protected before she knew it. Incidentally, Mizuki-san appeared once… It’s really just a glimpse, though.

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