Chapter 3 – What’s a Girudo?

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When I woke up, I was standing in the center of some kind of building.

It was white and looked like a medieval temple.

「Wow… It’s amazing…」

「Right? I was surprised when I first came here, too」


「Aah! Sorry, sorry! I’m Cain. Nice to meet you!」

「Y, Yes! My name is Ayane!」

I was so surprised.

Suddenly, a man named Cain, who was wearing a tank top that showed off his muscles and had his black hair slicked back, came up to talk to me from behind. Thereis a large sword in his back――He is equipped with a great sword, so his job is most likely a warrior.

「Ayane’s a beginner, right?」

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「Yeah… We~ll… Yes. That’s right」

「How about it? Do you want me to show you around city?」

「No! I’m fine!」

「I see. If you need anything, just let me know, I’m based in this city, so we might run into each other at some point! Otto, that’s right, you should go to the guild first」


「Yes. There are many guilds in this city, and since my job is that of a warrior, I belong to the warrior guild」

「I see… So since I’m a blacksmith, I should go to a place called the Blacksmith’s Guild!」

「Ho~o! Ayane is a blacksmith? You’re gonna have to make me a weapon someday! By the way, the Blacksmith’s Guild is… let me see… When you exit the temple, go straight to the right and you’ll find it」

「Yes! Thanks for all the information you’ve given me!」

「Ooh! I’ll see you around!」

With that, Cain-san left the temple.

「All right! I’ll do the same!」

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As I walked out of the entrance of the temple, using my hands to block out the sunlight that shone through, I saw a large, bustling city.

I immediately decided to go to the Blacksmith’s Guild, as Cain had told me.



「Here… maybe?」

I arrived at a large wooden building. Above the entrance hung a sign with a hammer on it.

As soon as I entered, there was a reception area with a space for blacksmithing surrounding it.

And there were a few people here and there who were already working on the forge.

The receptionist was gigantic… A shaggy brown bearded man with muscles more than twice the size of Cain’s stood there.

「Excuse me. I would like to register」

「Welcome! I’m Gail the Dwarf, nice to meet you! So, registration! Are you going to register without an explanation?」

「I’ll ask you later!」

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「All right!」

He is a dwarf!

《Do you want to join the Blacksmith’s Guild?》

A machine-like voice echoed in my head. Of course the answer is yes!

《You have become a member of the Blacksmith’s Guild》

It’s so easy!

「Oh~, you’re registered! Then I’ll explain!」


「Good answer! First of all, as is the case with any guild, guilds are like middlemen! We ask you to do quests for us, then you get clients in return!」

「Hmm hmm…」

「The Blacksmith’s Guild deals with requests related to blacksmithing! And the ones who belong to the Blacksmith Guild can use the equipment in this facility!」

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「Oh! That’s good to know!!」

「Right? Ah! That’s right! I’m supposed to give this to everyone who joins the guild!」

「Is that so?」


【Name】 Beginner’s Blacksmithing Kit: Quality 3

【Description】 A kit for blacksmithing that beginners will adore. It contains the bare necessities for blacksmithing, such as a hammer and anvil.


I see. But I can’t make anything with this, can I?

Well, I can make it in the guild! And maybe one day I’ll buy my own home and open a store there… ! Wow, this is gonna be fun!!

That’s how I keep my dreams alive…

「Do you want to accept a request?」

「… Yes!」

I had received my first request after arriving in this world.

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