Chapter 54 – Communication with the dead - Strawberry Lilies

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6-7 minutes 20.12.2021

I released 《Dragon Power》 and let out a sigh of relief. Then, I set Mizuzanmaru on my waist again.

The next time I can use my trump card, 《Dragon Power》, will be tomorrow in the game. Until then, I won’t be able to use it… I have to stand firm….

「… That was a close one…」

Yes. It was a close call.

A thousand arrows coming at me at the same time is something that would never happen in real life, so it was a bit scary, but thanks to 《Dragon Power》, I was able to save myself. If I see him again, I want him to do it again…. I think it would be a good training.

There were quite a few arrows that I barely managed to avoid earlier, so I’d like to have a little more room to avoid them. Also, I think I could have minimized my movements a bit more.

Anyway, that’s enough reflection for now, let’s go somewhere else.

So I left, looking at the beautiful forest and wishing I could stay.


A few dozen minutes walk.

I am now in what seems to be a swampy area.

「… Houses?」

From a distance, I spotted 5 houses clustered together, small but decent enough to live in.

「Is it a little village?」

I think I’ll see if there are people there first, and if it looks okay, I’ll just walk through.

After all, it’s not safe to be targeted from behind. Checking is important.

And so I approached…

「――There’s an opening!」

「――Take that!」


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「! ?」



――Dogooon! !

As soon as I got close to the first house, from the nearby bushes, a brown spear emerged from the ground, and then a man with a sword rushed in, and a woman who looks like a ninja throws a kunai.

They all aim at different vital points, and I think they are moderately well-coordinated enemies.

――Kikin! !

I avoided the 《Earth・Spear》, and caught the sword directly while parrying the kunai.

「What the! ?」

「Ku! !」

「! Fa 《Fire・Ball》!」

「《Water Blade》 Fu!」

「Gah! ?」

She activated her skill while holding the sword and kicked the man with it away. Then, she fired the 《Water Blade》 at the 《Fireball》.

――Baju! !

「――Right here! !」


――Gyiiin! ! Kyiinkkinkkyiiin! !

The ninja took advantage of the opportunity and slashed at me from behind with both hands holding kunais, but I deflected them with Mizuzanmaru.

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「Kyaa! ?」

Her hands were flung outward, and her unprotected stomach was cleaved to the side. But it was shallow. She must have pulled back as quickly as she could, she’s pretty strong.

「Gu… U~u… W- We’re not there yet! !」

「Me too!」

「M- Me too!」


I kicked the swordsman guy, aimed at his dove tail, but he could still stand…

It’s tough, but… I have to do my best. I want to see Suzu.


With that, I put away my Mizuzanmaru and drew my Reizanmaru. The reason why I chose this one is because the fight is going to take a long time. The other side is well coordinated and will not give up, so the longer it goes on, the worse the odds are…. Because HP is not infinite. They’ve got the ability to evade quickly, so it might take even longer….

That’s why.

「《Spirit Blade》」


A white magic circle unfolded in front of me, and a humanoid spirit emerged.

『――It used to be here…』

「I’m in a hurry, so please be brief」

『Eh, uh, un. Etto… I am the spirit that guarded the treasure that lies in that mountain』

「Yes. Thank you very much. Would you be willing to help me if you can?」

『Eh, un』


The spirit of the man went into the sword as if he were being sucked into it. When this battle is over, let’s head to the nearby mountain that he was pointing to earlier.

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It is possible that some of the benefits of this spirit will not change in the end, but that is just luck now.

《Activated the Spirit Blade――Temporarily gained 《AGI x 3》》

Oh! It’s good, right?


「Come on, let’s go!」

The three of them stared at me, stunned, with their mouths half open.

「… Fu!」

「Eh! ? Wait a m… Gyaa! !」

「… Ya!」

「Ueeeee! ? ! ?」

「… Seei! !」

「Kiyaaaa! ?」

Perhaps the spirit of that man was the type of person who would use his speed to beat his opponent…

He said he was protecting something, so he was like a guardian, right? And yet, I’m sorry to say it, but he looked so frail and thin… I think he put a lot of SP into his AGI because of his lack of power.

With her speed, she was able to cut down the 3 in an instant.

「Guuu… One last… thing… Ke…」


「Later… A sword… I’ll have it made… It’s… It’s okay… Is it?」

「Eh? It’s okay? You have to pay me properly, though」

「! ! Thank you… very much… ! Friend… re, quest… let’s do it!」


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That ninja lady was looking at my sword enviously even while we were fighting…

So after adding the other two as friends, I went into the mountains in search of the treasure.

By the way, the ninja woman was named Noichi-san and the swordsman guy was Dawson-san. And the magician’s name is Tini-san.

○Today’s Skills○

Today’s 3 skills are 《Earth・Spear》, 《Fire・Ball》, and 《Spirit Blade》.


【Name】《Earth Magic》: Earth・Spear MP consumption: 50

【Effect ① (LV. 1)】 You can create an earth-elemental spear from the ground. The speed and power are proportional to the skill level of 《Earth Magic》.

【Effect ② (LV. 5)】 You will be able to produce up to 5 times in a row.

【Effect ③ (LV. ☆)】 You will be able to change the size and shape freely.


【Name】《Fire Magic》: Fire・Ball MP consumption: 50

【Effect ① (LV. 1)】 You can release a large ball of fire. The speed and power are proportional to the skill level of 《Fire Magic》.

【Effect ② (LV. 5)】 You will be able to detonate it. The power is proportional to the skill level of 《Fire Magic》.

【Effect ③ (LV. ☆)】 Increasing the MP consumption will make it more powerful.


【Name】 Weapon Skill: 《Spirit Blade》 MP consumption: 200

【Effect ① (LV. 1)】 You can summon a spirit in the area at random.

【Effect ② (LV. 5)】 The summoned spirit can be possessed by the weapon using this skill.

【Effect ③ (LV. ☆)】 Randomly and temporarily gain the abilities of the spirit that possessed the weapon.

LV.1: MND+20


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