Chapter 57 – This time, it’s a battle royale with 50 people… - Strawberry Lilies

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『Good work! ! The next one will begin in half an hour from now!』

The preliminary round ended at about the same time, as time was accelerated or not depending on the situation.

According to Suzu, she’s gotten through most of the famous ones. Incidentally, I heard that Yoichimaru-san is also a famous player… I didn’t know that…

Since I had half an hour, I decided to wander around the square with Suzu.

As I wander around, I feel a lot of stares from people… Some of them are friendly, some of them are awe-inspiring.

『We have one minute left to initiate! !』

「… It’s already time~」

「Un. Good luck, Suzu!」

「You, too!」

Half an hour later, we parted ways for the next battle.



Just like before, I was enveloped in a pure white light and shifted.

「Indoors this time… ?」

The place I was transferred to was in a building somewhere. The area was decorated with very glittering taspetry.

「… Where have I seen this before?」

I’m alone in a long, long hallway. There are many doors in the corridor, and this place, covered with a red carpet, looks like somewhere I’ve seen before.

「Ah, the Tower of Trials」

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I remembered that the entrance to the Tower of Trials looked like this. The Tower of Trials was more beautiful, but this one was just as good. Maa, there was only one big door in the Tower of Trials, though.

「I thought it had already started」

I remembered that it had already started and immediately became wary of my surroundings.

「I guess I’ll start with the one closest to the end of the corridor」

It’s about 50 meters from here to the end of the corridor.

If I were to walk on the other side of the corridor, I wouldn’t be able to handle it if someone came from behind. Just in case.

「Uwa! This carpet is so fluffy!」

When I walked out, I felt a red carpet that must have been 5 cm thick.

「Hmm. But I don’t know if I can fight properly. Maa, I’ll think about it when the time comes」

I stopped thinking.


Coming to the end of the corridor, I first checked behind me and glanced around the corner to see what was ahead.

「………. There is one…」

A 90-degree turn led to a corridor that was identical to the one on this side. And then, 30 meters away, there was a woman who was just checking behind her. By the way, her weapon was a one-handed sword and a large shield.

I quickly hid and calculated the time it would take for the woman to get here.

( 4… 3… 2… 1… Now!)


「Uhya───! ?」

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──Gaaan! ! !

「Gu… Nuu! !」

「Ah, that was close…」

I slashed at the large shield that was held up as quickly as possible making the it vibrate, the recoil hitting my hand.

However, the opponent, perhaps surprised inwardly, did not counterattack with her one-handed sword.

「Ahh! ! Isn’t that Ayane-tannn! ! !」


「I’m a big fan! Can I shake your hand! ?」

「Eh, um… What? ?」

I can’t catch up. Why does this person know about me when I’ve never met her before?

Why is this person a big fan of mine? Why does this person want to shake my hand in the middle of battle…?

Maa. The bad thing about Japanese people is that they can’t say no.

──Gashi… !


The momentum of the other party got the better of me and I shook her hand.

Then, I was pulled towards the other person.

(This is a trap───)


The other person’s two ample chests hit my face.

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「Wau…. You’re so precious… I think I’m going to die…」


What is this?

I thought it was a trap, but it was just a hug.

「I’ll see you around!」


And while I was stunned, the woman was gone, and I blushed with shame, even after all these years.


「…… Next time, maybe a room nearby」

Forgetting what I said earlier, I finished checking the corridors, and next I started checking the rooms. However, there were only a few rooms around the corner.


「It’s beautiful… ──No! No! Good! There’s no one here!」

I see another glittering room and fall in love with it for a moment. After making sure no one was in the room, I went to the next room… I make sure to keep an eye on the hallway as well, you know?






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I looked at a total of ten places and confirmed that no one was there. Then I decided to wait patiently near the corner.



「No one’s coming…」

Only one person had come since then.

That man used a whip, but he was very rough, probably because he fought indoors.

Swords… It was more of a melee weapon incompatibility, so I dodged them all and defeated them. If I tried to parry them normally, I’d get tangled up…

『Only 20 people left』

Almost there.


Encounter with the third Ayane-tan fan.

・Something informative.

I have a new novel that I’m working on. I may post it during the summer vacation (in August).

By the way, it’s a magical girl story. Huh? Is there yuri… Why? … Of course there’s yuri!

(… I can’t say I wrote it because I was into magical girl stuff )

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