Chapter 78 – Second Round Ayane VS Aria ① 

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『Next up is player Ayane, who’s been making some waves, VS player Aria, who’s an amazing Ice Magic user! !』

『Maybe, but I don’t think Ayane can transform into that Dragon… Maa, that’s if she has any other transformations』

『Why is that?』

『I’m sure there’s a cool time for that kind of skill. It’s not like Ayane, Siegfried and Suzuka have the same transformation』

『I see! So player Ayane is currently unable to transform! This could be good information for her opponent, player Aria!』

『But! Ayane came in first in the quarterfinals, ahead of Aria. I don’t know what will happen yet』

『… That’s right』


「Ayane. I’m glad to see you again!」


「Yes. Didn’t I tell you then?」


「Eh! ? You don’t remember! ?」



「───see you──again──」

───Zashu! !


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「Ah! Did you say see you later?」

「That’s right… I never thought you didn’t hear me…」

「U… Sorry?」

「All right! I’m going to beat you this time! !」

「Un! I can’t lose, too!」

My weapon of choice is the Reizanmaru. This time, I’m going to use the 《Spirit Blade》 as my first move. Otherwise, it’s going to be tough. But this time, I can’t use 《Flame Wind Blade》 because I don’t have it due to someone else’s fault.

『───I think we should get started! Let’s go! Let the match begin!』

「《Ice・Ice Bullet》! !」

「《Spi─── ! ? Fu ! Haa! !」

───Bakibbakin! !

I was going to use my first move, but I was interrupted.

「《Ice Rink》!」

「《Spirit Blade》!」

I chant almost simultaneously with my opponent. As my footing freezes, a magic circle appears in front of me.

What came out is…

───Dondondondondon! ! ! !

The one I hate the most right now, beating his chest as hard as he can…

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『Uhhoooohoooooiii! ! ! !』

「Why are you here! ? ! ?」

「Wha! Why is that gorilla here! ?」

『Uho! Uhoho! !』

I don’t know about you, but I’m sensing favoritism… But I will never forgive you! Maa, I’m grateful for the power.

But I didn’t think that I could also use the power of the player’s madness. Maybe this demon existed as a single entity? Well, I don’t really care.

《Spirit Blade activated───Temporarily gained《Stupid Power》》

「… ? I feel… Power… ?」

「───Ice・Ice Block》! ! Don’t look away, you’ll endanger yourself! !」

「! ?」

This was not the time. Before I knew it, there were countless ice blocks floating behind Aria. It was a scene I had seen before.

───Dogogogogogogogogogoooooon! ! ! !



I’m trying too hard to avoid it, and I slip. This was another scene from that time ago.

「It hurts! ?」

───Hyu! !

───Bakibakibakin! ! !


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The spark of agony that she let loose shattered the ice around her. She stood up and readied her sword, confused.

───Is this the power of that gorilla… ?

It was too strong a force to think so.

「What’s that technique… I don’t know…」

「What the… ? Sorry… ?」

Aria’s eyes tear up. She’s about the same height as me, so she must still be in middle school… Who’s a loli! ?

「What’s going on?」

「No… It’s nothing…」


I can’t… I can’t… We’re in a fight. I have to concentrate!

「《Water Wave》!」

───Zazaaa… n…

「Uwa… to!」

「Freeze! 《Ice Rink》! !」

「Not so fast! ! Haa! ! !」

───Zupaaaaaa! ! ! ! Kachin! !

The gorilla’s gorilla strength slashes cut through the 50cm high waves. And the wave froze in place.

「Ah, you’re like Moses or something! ?」

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「You can’t normally cut them! ?」

「If you can think of it as the power of that gorilla…」

「Kuuuuu! ! ! !」

Aria bites her lower lip in frustration and groans.

「No, don’t bite your bottom lip」

「… I- I don’t care, it’s a game! !」

「Oh, that’s right… But you can’t do that in real life, okay?」

「Uu… Yes」


「… 《Snow Moon Butterfly Concerto》!」

Aria-chan activates her skill while her face turns bright red. This time she seems to be angry… Did I do something wrong… ?

○Today’s Skill○

Today we’re going to look at 《Ice Block》.


【Name】《Water Magic》: Ice Block MP consumption: 10~

【Effect ① (LV. 1)】 You can produce ice blocks the size of watermelons.

【Effect ② (LV. 5)】 You will be able to change the shape of the ice block.

【Effect ③ (LV. ☆)】 It can be made harder and larger by increasing the MP it consumes.

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