Extra Chapter ② Raid Boss: Magoctave

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November 5, 2021Ririka☆

「It’s coming!」


After the second rumbling of the earth, the magma begins to shake.

「Prepare the water magic!!」

「「「「Roger that!!」」」」



The water magic prevented the boss’s first attack.

The attack caused magma to overflow from the crater and drip toward the base of the mountain.


「There it is! Name, Magoctave! Level, ha, 80!?」


「You’re kidding…」

「Can we win this… ?」

One by one, my companions expressed their weaknesses.

Admittedly, we’ve only been advancing for a few days, so we’re only about level 10…

「Stop your whining!! We’ve gathered so much! We’ve got to do our best!!」

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「… That’s right」


「All right, let’s do this!」

I’ve managed to keep the morale up. Now all we have to do is try to defeat it… Maa, that’s the hardest part, isn’t it?

Presently, what came out was a single thin arm. On the palm of the tip is a mouth with sharp teeth bared.

「Vanguard advance!」



With a strange sound, the arm raised its hand high in the air to smash the vanguard team.






As soon as the shield wielders had blocked the attack, we swordsmen rushed in.




「Are you kidding me!?」

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Everyone’s swords were blocked by Magoctave’s rock-hard skin.

Among them…



It was Cain who made a scuffling sound and slashed at Magoctave, who raised a feral voice.

The blueish black sword that he had received from Ayane had easily cut off two of its fingers.

Tl. I don’t really get this either…

「「「「「U oooooo! !!!」」」」」

A cheer went up from the rear support group.

「What’s with that big sword!?」

「You’ll have to tell me more later!?」

「O-Okay, I get it…」

At the same time, the vanguard team was trying to learn more about the capabilities of the great sword. At the same time, the vanguard team was trying to learn more about the capabilities of the greatsword.

The slashed arm dived into the magma, and, lo and behold, a new arm sprouted.

「You’re kidding, right?」

「… I see」

「Hmm? What?」

「That one has probably a total of eight arms. I should have realized it at the octave mark…」

「What… the… ?」

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「Perhaps, in the future, the arms will also launch attacks with sound」

The two of them in the rear support group were having this casual conversation.

One of them is a magician. The other is a violinist with absolute pitch.


「When I heard the sound of the first arm that got hit, it sounded like a Do」

「So you’re saying that that one that just came out is a Re?」

「I can’t be sure yet, though」


「Oh, that’s a Re」

「I’m sure of it. Yeah」

Such information did not reach the vanguard team, and little by little, they slashed away at the arms of the Magoctave.



「How much longer is this going to go on!!」


From the previous tendency, I knew that that arm would go diving into the magma once its strength was reduced beyond a certain point.

In fact, since everyone’s weapons are bladeless, it is only Cain and the Magicians who can reduce its strength.

「The eighth one!!!」

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I slash the palm of its hand and make it retreat.

「Oh? Did you do it!?」

It’s flagging.

In the past, when one retreated, another would immediately fill in, but this time there was no such thing.

Does this mean it’s over?

Tl. Flagging – becoming tired or less dynamic; declining in strength.

… I knew it was not going to be that easy.



「!? Water Magic!!」

Magma overflows again in the aftermath.

In the center of the 100 meter diameter circle was a very large octopus.

No, It’s not a plain octopus.

After all, it has 80 legs just visible to the naked eye.

「How are we going to win!!!???」

Author’s Note:

Octaves are something that came up in school recently, aren’t they? I was told something like octa = 8, which means that Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, which consists of 8 notes, is an octave. I had never heard of it before.

By the way, the 80 legs represent the number of keys on a piano. There are 88 of them, to be exact.

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