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Yibei didn’t say much either, just took the fork and smoothly cut up the beef.

He felt no less comfortable actually. With a woman pasted on him brushing against him for so long, his body was tight as a bow string. His eyes may be on the food on his plate but his mind was full of softness whenever her body touches his.

So the dinner, the two people ate poorly.

Fang Chixia was disconcerted and knew that Luo Yibei’s thoughts has gone crooked again. With their bodies fit together, her eyes have wandered at the people around a few times and didn’t know where to look at.

After dinner, they went to the conference site and Fang Chixia arrived the earliest.

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She couldn’t bear the sparks which seemed to bubble up in the air between herself and Luo Yibei so she ran out without eating much at all.

Yibei, Jinyang and several people followed on her heels and mingled at the conference was set into motion a little bit late.

When Fang Chixia arrived, she wandered around the jewelry counters by herself.

Just a few seconds after taking a few footsteps, a clear call suddenly sounded behind, “Noah!”

The strange female voice, using Chinese, addressed Luo Yibei with his nickname that most people closest to him knew.

Fang Chixia who staring quietly at the beautiful jewelry, didn’t pay much attention to them, but unintentionally, out of the corners of her eyes, her gaze swept into Luo Yibei’s direction.

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Luo Yibei and Shi Jinyang stood together, and the appearance of the two people was like the spotlight has brightened a few kilowatts more. At the moment, all the lights were absorbed by the two.

Two men of different aura but with the same outstanding presence, attracted many eyes from the guests who looked over in their direction.

A few meters away, a slim figure advanced towards the two.

The people appeared familiar with each other and after greeting Shi Jinyang first, she then directly embraced Luo Yibei.

She did it naturally, as if this was the way the two of them used to greet each other.

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“You didn’t even tell me you were coming.” She hugged him for a while, loosened his body, and then girl’s arm settled in the crook of his.

She smiled particularly beautiful, like a blush of red plum blossoming in a snow-white world, those eyes even in the night were still as bright as the stars.

She shone as a very beautiful young girl and with her appearance, the eyes around when admiring the three people, girls especially, were full of envy and hate.

At the sight of the girl, Luo Yibei was in a distinctly better mood, the corners of her lips curving up and he had never laughed so much even gave her a rare smile.

Fang Chixia recognized the girl. She had seen her before when she was at Luo’s house.

The woman who held Luo Yibei arms in the banquet hall, who was so beautiful as to be picturesque, absolutely beautiful that she was somewhat unreal.

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Luo Yibei and the girl were a very good match and when the two people stand together, no one would question that the two weren’t a pair.

Although Fang Chixia and they were separated a few meters away, it was clear that Luo Yibei called the girl “Baby”.

His lips were slightly curved up when he called her name and his tone carried a natural outpouring indulgence. Looking at the eyes of many female guests at the scene, they appeared drunk.

Fang Chixia who was quietly looking at the high-profile pair, fixed her eyes on the shallow curve of Luo Yibei’s lips and the hand holding a jewelry stiffened.

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