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The two stood intimately together. Their oozing gentleness could seep out like water, the epitome of a pair of lovebirds.

Luo Yibei was the kind of man who has his own resplendence. Countless pairs of eyes would follow him anywhere he goes and tonight, many a young women were staring openly at him.

With this current scene, those hopeful hearts were smashed to smithereens.

Su Rui herself was shaking slightly, floored by this sudden display of affection.

Fang Chixia was actually sympathizing with her. Enfolded in Luo Yibei’s arms, she was already feeling suffocated and wanted to leave.

However, she was well aware that since Luo Yibei specifically asked her to come over, if his purpose hadn’t come to fruition, he would never set her free so easily.

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Fang Chixia considered her options for a while and suddenly raised her arms around Luo Yibei’s neck.

In order to dispel the goosebumps all over her body, she called out to him, “Husband, I want to tour around here. Do you mind?”

To help him break free from Su Rui’s entanglement and her also looking for an excuse to leave, both of which would be best solved with just her use of marriage endearment.

“Yibei, she is…” Su Rui’s asked with a slight tremor on her voice. Her face has also evidently changed after her words.

He really was married!

Luo Yibei replied with a faint “hmm” and glanced gently down at Fang Chixia.

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“Don’t go too far. When you come back, return to my side immediately.” He reminded her before letting go of her hand.

“Okay. I will. ” Fang Chixia heaved a sigh of relief, nodded lightly and calmly left.

She wasn’t into such displays of affection. She was keenly aware of their not so close relationship, but in the face of such show of love, Fang Chixia detests being in the limelight.

Back to where she had just sat earlier, she picked up the two cocktails and swept a glance around, searching for a quiet spot to rest.

When she located a sofa in the corner, she moved to head there. For some reason Su Rui also headed in her direction.

Fang Chixia continued her way forward not paying attention to her.

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Su Rui came straight to her and didn’t a word of hello. She just stood next to her seat.

Fang Chixia was puzzled at the beginning as to her purpose approaching her and just continued staring at her.

But Su Rui’s next move immediately made her fully understand.

When Fang Chixia moved a leg to move forward, Su Rui suddenly tripped her while giving her a smug look.

A sudden move that caught her totally unprepared.

Fang Chixia lost her balance and fell straight to the floor —

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Her flexibility couldn’t be questioned but with two glasses of wine on each hand, she wasn’t in the form to stabilize herself much less support her fall. So, she fell uncontrollably downwards, “Ah!”

Accompnaying her exclamation, her face was about to come close in contact with the ground when pair of hands caught her waist from the back.

Even the cocktail that flew out of her hand was caught.

Steadily, the wine glass fell into the man’s palm.

The man’s rescue came too fast that Fang Chixia couldn’t wrap her mind around how things progressed. When she came back to her senses, she realized that she has been pulled into a warm embrace.

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