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“I see.” She answered devoid of emotion. She hugged Tuantuan and continued to brush her back.

Her voice was barely audible that it felt as if she didn’t mind it at all.

Luo Yibei’s brows wrinkled. This woman for no reason makes him a little upset, but he didn’t voice it out. Instead, he marched upstairs.

Fang Chixia stayed downstairs for a long time. When she finally graced his presence, he had finished his bath and was sitting on the sofa, as if waiting for her.

“You’re still awake?” Fang Chixia gawked. She was a bit startled.

Luo Yibei returned a ‘hmm’ while staring fixedly at her.

“I’ll take a shower.” Fang Chixia wrenched her gaze and headed into the bathroom with a stuffy head.

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Her speed was considerably fast today. Whenever she hits the bathroom, it would take a few dozens of minutes or so but tonight, she has come out after less than 10 minutes.

Her eyes never wandered to him as she focused on drying her hair with a towel.

“Nice, I’ll be there for a long time.” Luo Yibei said.

The volumen of his remarks were raised a bit high as if afraid that she wouldn’t hear it.

“I see.” Fang Chixia was standing sideways facing him but her hands drying her hand moved without stopping.

This woman, Luo Yibei’s gaze sank.

“Nothing to say?” Sorting out his neckline, he probed.

A hint of expectation could be discerned from his tone, really subtle. A pity that Fang Chixia was unable to decipher it.

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Fang Chixia was rendered silent, unable to process what he meant.

He was going for a business trip. What was there for her to say?

Luo Yibei leveled a glowering look as his complexion was visibly heavier, but he couldn’t actually reprimand her.

A tug landed her in his arms. He grabbed the towel in her hand and took the task of drying her hair.

His movement’s weren’t gentle at all but not as rude as before. The plain white towel was laid on her head and was used to wipe every wisp of her hair.

Fang Chixia obviously didn’t expect him to make such a sudden move so she stiffly leaned in his arms.

With Luo Yibei’s character, not enslaving her in exchange for this gesture was already considered benevolent.

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He actually helped her willingly….

Fang Chixia looked dazedly up at him.

“Sleep.” Luo Yibei explained no more and after drying her long her on his own, he carried her to the bed.

As soon as she was thrown into the bed, he laid down beside her and gathered her tightly against his chest.

He said sleep, but after lying on the bed, his eyes didn’t close.

It was Fang Chixia, who had not slept well for the past two nights, now that she was finally lying on a bed locked up in his warmth, quickly drifted off to sleep.

Who knew that before she could enter dreamland, Luo Yibei awakened her.

Luo Yibei has been staring at her back for quite a while now. He suddenly said, “Do you want to come with me?”

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Fang Chixia was stunned for a moment and was caught unprepared by his question but as she was utterly worn out, she made no reply.

Pretending not to have heard it, she continued nodding off.

Luo Yibei was finally pissed off at this response and contemplated whether to pinch her or flip her around with the hands circling her waist and crush her beneath him.

However, at the sight of her face which seemed to have fallen asleep, he held himself back.

Fang Chixia was up and about early the next day, earlier than Luo Yibei.

While preparing breakfast in the kitchen, she mulled over what Luo Yibei said before she dozed off.

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