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The window was lowered and Luo Yibei’s face came to view.

Seeing him as soon as she came out surprised Fang Chixia a bit.

Given the late hour, his appearance at such a place could have moved her a bit.

But seeing his cold face, the little bubbles that just rose up from her chest instantly disappeared.

His frosty countenance coupled by his icy gaze gave her the feeling as if she was being interrogated.

Pushing the car door open, he got off the car and yelled at her. “What time is it? Didn’t you know how to get home at this time? This is just a contract signing. If they don’t sign, you can just walk away and that’s the end of it. What good was it to wait? I’ve made so many call, but you never answered. Didn’t you know…”

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He raged and said a lot in a row, angry, but before he could finished, he was coldly interrupted by Fang Chixia, “Didn’t know what?”

Compared with his temper, she asked gently.

With her head raised and eyes on him, her countenance was so gentle that it was as if it was irrelevant to anything.

Lou Yibei’s face darkened and his eyes turned sharp.

“Would you be worried?” She asked again, but now with a touch of sarcasm.

Luo Yibei’s face sank even more.

Fang Chixia witnessed the change and retreated a few steps.

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Her caustic remarks were indeed sarcastic at first.

To be precise, they were supposed to be self-depreciating.

She felt that Luo Yibei shouldn’t be concerned about her.

But the moment the words left her mouth and at the sight of his ugly face, she realized what she was doing and snapped back to her senses at once. She marched to the car nonchalantly, “It’s very late, let’s go back first!”

It wasn’t that she was afraid of him. She just doesn’t want to provoke him in the middle of the street.

She moved just two steps when the man behind her yelled once more, “Stop!”

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Fang Chixia paid him no attention, not only did she stop, she even hastened her steps almost running towards the car.

A fool would stop!

His temper has now been ignited from her provocation. Just in case as he had done the last time, tossing her up on the street, she’d have no face to go out tomorrow!

She sprinted so fast and her petite figure arrived in front of the car in no time at all.

Pulling the door of the rear seat, she made a move to sit down but before she could, another figure blocked the door before her.

Luo Yibei halted just right in front of her, eyes looking down coldly at her. The sharpness even made her a bit creep out.

“Let’s go back first! Let’s talk at home if there’s anything else to do!” Fang Chixia had had the experience being tossed by him on the street before. She was a bit afraid of him acting unreasonably so she shove him away wanting to drill into the car.

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Her action bore no fruit at all as her waist was suddenly encircled. Before she could react to anything, her body, under his manoeuvre was then slammed against the car behind her.

Such a posture made Fang Chixia feel at risk.

Luo Yibei leaned against her, arms propped up on both sides of her body. The chilly eyes trained on her were cool as ice with not the least bit of temperature, “We are you going when we haven’t finished talking yet?”

“Go home first!” Fang Chixia shove him again and braced herself for a quick escape but was actually pressed back by him.

“Why haven’t you answered your phone?” Luo Yibei asked slowly as he looked down questioningly at her, his commanding stance bore no space for escape.

“Phone? My phone was muted before. I forgot to tune it back.” Fang Chixia fished out her phone in her bag and was startled at the few missed calls.

She really hasn’t noticed….

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