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After coming home, Fang Chixia was in the mood so she run outside to the supermarket and bought some ingredients then prepared a sumptuous dinner.

When Luo Yibei returned home, he saw her busy figure in the kitchen and the dining room.

She appeared in a good mood today and when she caught a glimpse of him, she even greeted him, “You’re back!”

She said this with a slight tilt on her lips. Her smile was very shallow but it was very bright. The shocking impact of the moment made Luo Yibei’s eyes glazed over.

Staring at her strangely. He couldn’t figure out the problem even until the two of them had finished their dinner.

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Fang Chixia decided to report to Rongxi tomorrow but didn’t tell him of this matter from beginning to end, not even mentioning that she has entered Rongxi.

Afraid of meeting him at work later, after dinner, she glanced at Luo Yibei who was sitting on the sofa. She gallantly poured him a cup of tea and tried to talk to him, “Are you usually in the office?”

“Why? Want to go with me?” Luo Yibei was startled, looked at her sideways and bantered with her which was rare.

“You are so busy. How would I dare bother you? I was just asking.” The corner of Fang Chixia’s mouth twitched but her answer were properly worded.

“Yes, ah, I was just asking. After all, we will be living together in the future so isn’t it normal to care?” Fang Chixia calmly explained herself.

Luo Yibei didn’t ask again.

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In fact, he was not often in the company. Although Rongxi has a lot of things to deal with, a number of people were left to manage them. Now that he has pulled Shi Jinyang to help, many of the tasks don’t need him to come forward personally.

He was actually quite idle but he kept this to himself.

Fang Chixia didn’t find out what she wanted to inquire so she sat down next to him and asked, “What floor is your office? Where is it in Rongxi?”

“Asking so specifically? Want to dig a treasure?” Luo Yibei gave her another glance.

“I was thinking….” Fang Chixia looked around and wove an excuse for herself. “I can sometimes help you with your lunch!”

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Luo Yibei’s eyebrows knitted and looked at her with an even weirder look in his eyes.

By the way he was looking at her, it was all a bit of a lie but Fang Chixia’s face remained unruffled.

Luo Yibei didn’t believe a word of what she said at all. But after a moment’s silence, he told her, “The innermost building, 803.”


Fang Chixia silently repeated the number and remembered it with great care.

He was in the innermost floor. After she reports to Rongxi, as long as they’re not close, Rongxi has so many people, it shouldn’t be so easy for them to meet.

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She couldn’t remember where she has heard it before. Some people have been working in Rongxi for nearly a decade but have never seen Luo Yibei nor Luo Xichen in person.

What does she have to be afraid of?

With this in mind, Fang Chixia’s resolve was more determined.

The next day, she deliberately got up early, rushed to the bus in front of Luo Yibei and went to Rongxi.

The current pattern of Rongxi was that different departments are located in different buildings with many floors in the whole are. It was comparable to a community.

The floor where Shi Jinyang works in was located in the center, a little distant from Luo Yibei.

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