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While musing, Luo Yibei’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

Glancing caller’s ID displayed on the screen, he answered it.

The call was from Sha Zhixing. Her opening words were, “Come back tonight. Your grandpa is now at the hospital now!”

“Okay, I know.” With a dinner not yet finished, Luo Yibei stood up and went to the entrance.

Fang Chixia didn’t expect such a coincidence and sighed.

Looking at him changing his shoes, she asked knowingly, “Going out?”

She was glad to hear that he was going out and the expression on her face was noticeably jovial.

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This kind of woman, Luo Yibei has never seen. Was she happy to know that he was leaving?

Peering at her shoes next to his eyes, he motioned, “Put it on, together!”

Startled, Fang Chixia whose nerves has just relaxed tensed up again.

He just couldn’t see her any better, could he?

“I’m waiting for you.” Luo Yibei urged.

Fang Chixia felt helpless. Although reluctant, she still walked towards him.

The two changed their shoes, went out, then hurried to the hospital.

Luo Enqi’s body didn’t have much problem, just a little case of high blood pressure. This time, he was hospitalized because of angina.

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When the two arrived at the hospital, Luo Yibei has some concerns so he left Fang Chixia and went straight in.

Fang Chixia stopped outside the door when he went in and didn’t follow him.

She didn’t want to go in and with her identity, it was inconvenient to go in.

She stood close to the room so she could clearly hear the conversation inside. Luo Yibei and Sha Zhixing asked Luo Enqi’s condition and a coughing sound would come from the room from time to time.

The old man seemed to have some colds. His voice sounded particularly uncomfortable as if he could cough up his heart and lungs.

Fang Chixia didn’t know when Luo Yibei would come out and stood silly outside the door. Just out of a little bit of kindness, while waiting for Luo Yibei, she left the hospital for a while.

When she got back, she bought some things. She asked the nurses at the nursing station where families could cook and went in to make a big pot of beautifully colored tea.

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When she came back to the ward with it, Luo Yibei just happened to have stepped out and seemed to be looking for her.

“Here, This is for you!” She handed him what she had in her hand.

“What’s this?” Luo Yibei looked at it and frowned.

“It might help with your grandpa’s condition,” Fang Chixia explained.

Luo Yibei froze. He stared at her thinking back of her words before their marriage. He said sarcastically, “What? Learning how to bribe people now?”

Fang Chixia did it just out of kindness at the outset and didn’t expect to receive such words from him.

The expression on her face froze stiff, but she didn’t blame him.

“You’re right. I cared too much. There won’t be a next time. Dump it!” Grabbing the big pot of tea, she went to directly dump it.

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However, she was stopped by Luo Yibei.

“It’s already been boiled. I’ll take the difficult task to accept it for grandpa.” He lightly said the words, took the things in her hands, turned and went into the ward.

Fang Chixia boiled Luoshen tea. Luoshen flower with grapefruit was good for blood pressure and cough.

Luo Yibei went in and when he came out again, it was hours later.

Fang Chixia was almost asleep waiting in the hallway outside the ward.

Luo Yibei glanced at her and uttered something surprisingly, “Grandpa likes it very much and says he wants to drink it everyday.”

Fang Chixia, “…”

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