Chapter 11: Allergy

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Yan Ci's smile faded a bit, only the corners of his lips hooked slightly. “You don’t do the new paper, but you fill up the old one.”


Xia Zhinian only then noticed that he had taken one more. Not forgetting his duty to the romance plot, he glanced at him, and deliberately said, “I like Brother Chu and I’m happy to write about him. If you like him too, you can write as well.”


Yan Ci pressed his tongue against his teeth, and the scar at the corner of his eye pressed down a bit.




As long as it had something to do with Chu Qingjian, a certain classmate's mouth was full of Chu Qingjian.


Yan Ci felt a strange displeasure in his heart, "Let's do the new test paper first."


Xia Zhinian ignored him, stepped on the front bar of the stool with both feet, propped his hands on both cheeks and looked down at random, and inadvertently saw two pink crystal paper fruit candies on the outermost side of Yan Ci's desk hole.


Yan Ci followed his gaze and picked it up, "Want to eat?"


Xia Zhinian's eyes followed his hand for a moment.


Yan Ci's mood improved a bit, "Write the questions first, write five and I'll give them to you, guessing is fine too."


Xia Zhinian: "...??"


Black sesame glutinous rice balls didn't help the protagonist gong study, but help him?


Xia Zhinian wanted to say something, but suddenly thought of something, touched his pocket, and took out two identical pink fruit candies.


--It was given by the head teacher Lao Qin in the morning.


He smiled and gave Yan Ci a humph look, unwrapped it, stuffed it into his mouth with a covering mouth movement, propped his hands on both cheeks, blocking the bulging cheeks.


The taste was sour at first, and then it was full of sweetness. Xia Zhinian's eyes lit up.


Yan Ci watched him make small movements. It was a very common candy on the market, but he acted like he had discovered a new world. He chuckled lightly and opened his palm to hand him both of them that Lao Qin had given him.


Xia Zhinian looked at him, looked at the candy, hesitated for a moment, "Don't do the questions anymore?"


Yan Ci's voice was soft: "Do it, but I'll give it to you even if you don't."


The sour and sweet taste in his mouth stimulated his taste buds. Xia Zhinian pursed his lips and carefully reached out with his fingertips, slowly moving closer to Yan Ci's palm.


When there was still a little distance left, he suddenly felt a strong gaze staring straight at him.


Xia Zhinian stopped and looked up. He saw Yan Ci's deskmate Meng Chen who had been on leave for a long time. He was staring firmly at their hands handing out candies.


Xia Zhinian's fingertips shrank back slightly. He looked at Meng Chen and frowned slightly.


...How come this person looks familiar?


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Meng Chen met his gaze and thought that his gaze was too obvious. He restrained himself a bit. "You take yours. I won't rob it from you."


Xia Zhinian's gaze fell on Meng Chen. He looked at his eyes and then slowly turned to Yan Ci. His gaze moved down and fell on Yan Ci's neatly sleeved arm.


For a moment, he withdrew his gaze and took away the candies without saying a word.


He didn't touch Yan Ci at all.


Xia Zhinian returned to his seat. His eyes still turned around Yan Ci and Meng Chen from time to time.


Meng Chen's figure looked familiar. He looked a bit like the one who injected someone with a syringe in the corner of the hospital. As for the other one who covered his eyes and wanted to throw him into the lake, he only showed a little arm. The light was dim and he couldn't see anything clearly.


Xia Zhinian took another look at them.


Speaking of which... Yan Ci was also in the hospital that day when he came out of the cellar.


Suddenly there was a burst of coquettish laughter outside the back door. Xia Zhinian sat in the last row and turned his head to look.


The door was half open. A few unfamiliar girls stood outside the door with smiling faces looking this way. When they met Xia Zhinian's gaze, they looked even more excited.


"The forum photo is real. No retouching!"


"He looked over here. He looks cuter than in the photo."


"I used to only know that Xia Zhinian was a little nerve-wracking. Now I know he looks so good. Suddenly I don't mind it anymore."


The noise was not small. Yan Ci looked back and saw the white and tender teenager sitting in the last row.


Xia Zhinian was stunned. He thought about the photo: "What's wrong with the campus forum?"


Zou Ziqian chuckled, "You come and see."


He opened the campus forum and turned the screen to show Xia Zhinian.


The one that was sent out last time, [Rumor Has Been Broken - Neurotic Xia Confessed to Tyrant Chu Again and Was Rejected, Overestimating Himself and Dragging Down the School Grass, Being Ridiculed by Everyone, There Are Pictures and Truth, Don’t Miss It if You Pass By!]


The post was still on the homepage.


Zou Ziqian clicked in. There were pictures of Xia Zhinian from last time, and some other photos that someone had secretly taken and shared later. They were all kinds of photos, standing and sitting. The replies below were noisy.


[A Body of Righteousness]: Fuck, it's not disgusting to post this lunatic's photos all day long.


[Won't Change Name Unless Top 50]: For the sake of face value, I'll also put up with the neurotic.


[School Grass Marry Me]: Sister +1, his face I blow up!


T/N: 他的颜我吹爆 a Chinese idiom that means to praise someone’s appearance very highly.


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[Only Chu Yan Can't Yan Chu]: Sisters, I made eye contact with him at their class door. The real person has a strong visual impact. I'm using beautiful to describe a boy for the first time.


[xjwn]: Wuuu! He's so cute, I love him so much!


Xia Zhinian: "...???"


Xia Zhinian looked at Zou Ziqian in shock and horror. His voice rose a few notches. "Didn't you say people would scold me?"


Zou Ziqian puffed out his chest, scratched his neck, and pretended to sigh. "Hey, it's my fault for taking such a good picture, and the world of face fans only looks at faces. Plus you haven't done anything lately, so that's how it is. There are still people who scold you, but a lot less."


Xia Zhinian: "...?!"


A lot less?!


Xia Zhinian's eyes widened.


This won't do. This is not okay.


He is a villain. How can a villain not be scolded?


He'll deepen their impression of his gloominess tonight!


They looked at one phone screen, and their distance was quite close. Yan Ci glanced over, pinched the pen with his slender fingers, and casually turned it around.


Xia Zhinian took out his own phone and logged on to the forum. He found the post that had already been built into a high-rise building and pressed it long.


Click report.


Report reason: Whitewashing a black and evil character, seriously affecting the school's tranquility, tarnishing the school's reputation!


Report submitted. The report content will be processed within 24 hours.




Xia Zhinian breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly heard a muffled bang. The table was pushed out by the impact.


Zou Ziqian next to him somehow fell heavily to the ground, clutching his chest with a cold sweat on his face.


Xia Zhinian stood up and frowned, "Zou Ziqian?"


Yan Ci put down his pen with a "patter" and came over. He grabbed Xia Zhinian's back collar and pulled him back. Xia Zhinian staggered back and was steadied by a hand on his waist.


Yan Ci pulled Xia Zhinian behind him, lowered his head and asked, "Zou Ziqian? Are you conscious?"


Zou Ziqian's face was pale, and there were many red spots on the skin of his neck that showed. They quickly swelled into a large patch, and he gasped for breath with his mouth wide open.


Yan Ci called a few boys around him, his voice calm and cold, "It looks like an allergy. Let him lie flat. Meng Chen, go to the infirmary and call the school doctor. Wang Jin, call 120. Zhao Chunsheng, inform the head teacher. Everyone else, disperse and leave some space."


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He looked at the classmates next to him again, "Does anyone know if Zou Ziqian has any history of allergies?"


Chu Qingjian's deskmate, who was in Xia Zhinian's front desk, Yuen Long, quickly responded, "He has pollen allergy but it's not serious. Lao Zou just went to the small garden and came back with allergic symptoms. He went to the infirmary and took some allergy medicine."


Yan Ci paused slightly: "Did he take the one he had used before?"


Xia Zhinian: "Does he have a history of drug allergy?"


Xia Zhinian and Yan Ci spoke at the same time. Xia Zhinian tilted his head slightly and swept over Yan Ci's ink-colored eyes. His apricot eyes were round and moist, and he quickly moved away.


Yuen Long said: "The infirmary teacher also asked about drug allergy history. Lao Zou said no."


Xia Zhinian looked at Zou Ziqian's appearance again. "Is it no or he doesn't know?"


He took a step forward and searched on Zou Ziqian's desk. He soon found a board of pure white small pills. The top three were empty. He pursed his lips.


"Casillin, although it is an allergy medicine, a small number of people are allergic to the allergy medicine itself, which can cause suffocation and shock." [Note]


It was quiet around. Xia Zhinian put the medicine back and turned his head to bump into Yan Ci's black eyes. They were deep at the bottom of his eyes, like unknown whirlpools.


Xia Zhinian's heart tightened, but his face was normal. His apricot eyes were round and quiet.


Lao Qin and the school doctor came soon. The ambulance also came very quickly with a stretcher. Lao Qin reassured the students with a few words, told Yan Ci to maintain discipline, and followed the ambulance.


High school students had not seen many scenes where they had to call 120 after all. After a while, the oppressive silence in the class slowly dissipated.


The last class was self-study. Yan Ci sat on the podium and wrote papers. He held a pen in his hand and turned it around without a hitch. He looked at it for a while and then wrote down the answer directly.


Xia Zhinian sat in the last row where only he was left. He saw Chu Qingjian putting things in his backpack. After packing up, he greeted Yuen Long and squatted down. He slipped quietly to the empty seat behind the last row.


Xia Zhinian opened his eyes wide and bent down to whisper to him, "Brother Chu, where are you going?"


Chu Qingjian squatted on the ground and hesitated for a moment before frowning. "Internet café to play games. What are you asking for?"


Xia Zhinian's eyes curved and he didn't hesitate at all. He whispered, "I'll go with you!"


Chu Qingjian wrinkled his eyebrows. "What are you following me for?"


Xia Zhinian smiled with curved eyebrows and eyes. "I want to be closer to you."


He wanted to be a cannon fodder. He wanted to be a villain!


He wanted to set up the original owner's character!


Squatting behind the classroom was easy to be discovered. Chu Qingjian wanted to say something but didn't say anything in the end. He squatted and slipped to the back door and opened the door and went out.


Xia Zhinian didn't even take his backpack. He held his phone and squatted down. He followed Chu Qingjian behind him like a little duckling. He got up outside the door and whispered, "Brother Chu, which internet café are you going to--"


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"Classmate Xia."


The clear voice sounded unexpectedly above his head, with a cool smile.


"What a coincidence. Where are you going? How about taking me with you?"


Yan Ci blocked the door outside a bit, blocking Xia Zhinian's way.


Xia Zhinian shuddered, got up halfway, and squatted back down. He almost fell on his butt, but was grabbed by the back collar by a hand.


He looked up and saw Yan Ci's handsome face smiling at him. The scar at the corner of his eye was gentle and charming.


Yan Ci curved his lips, "Classmate Xia, you don't have to be so excited when you see me. Watch your feet."


Xia Zhinian: "...". Excited my ass.


He was lifted up like a chick, stretched out his arm and tried to pat Yan Ci's arm. "Let go of me."


Yan Ci let go, his eyebrows and eyes soft and smiling. "Where are you two going?"


Xia Zhinian stood up and looked to the left. His Brother Chu was standing on one side, with an expression that was hard to describe in words.


The wind in the corridor was blowing, and the air was silent and stagnant. Yan Ci saw that Xia Zhinian was still staring at Chu Qingjian, and smiled softly.


"Oh, secret, don't say anything."


"How touching."


Yan Ci gazed at Xia Zhinian, his fingertips tingling and spreading all over his body. He licked his sharp teeth with his tongue, and his smile became more beautiful. "Then let's go to the moral education office--"


Chu Qingjian's voice interrupted, "I'm skipping class to go to the internet café. He's going to the bathroom."


Yan Ci's eyes flickered, like some kind of cold animal. He glanced at him and turned back to Xia Zhinian.


"What about you? Do you agree with this statement?"


Xia Zhinian was tense all over by his gaze. The feeling of being stared at by a fierce beast in the cellar surged up again, and his neck was tingling.


He knew that Chu Qingjian was doing this for the good of him, but as a cannon fodder villain who was crazily obsessed with Chu Qingjian, would he change his words at this time?


No, he wouldn't.


Xia Zhinian's eyes were firmly captured by Yan Ci, unable to escape. He swallowed hard and tried to move to the side.


"No, I'm with... Brother Chu. I want to follow him, follow him out."


Yan Ci's scar at the corner of his eye slid back, and his eyebrows and eyes pressed down slightly. A few cold chills appeared under his thick eyelashes. He reached out to catch his chin, his voice low.


"Look into my eyes and talk to me."

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