Chapter 42: A Cup of Wine

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Ling Xiao frowned and bit his trembling tongue with a canine, using the pain to call back a portion of his rationality. Immediately after, he spoke devotedly, “This servant knows that the Emperor done a lot for this servant, this servant will definitely not fail to live up to His Majesty’s expectations.”

Pursing his lips at what he heard, the Emperor gazed at Ling Xiao fixedly. The eyes of the little eunuch before him were pure and misty, and on his harmless-looking face was a trace of pleading. His heart softening, the Emperor’s brows eased slightly.

When he saw that, Ling Xiao hurriedly continued, “Since Your Majesty wants this servant to serve you, naturally this servant is very happy too and would like to do so. However, as Your Majesty can already see, this servant’s injuries haven’t gotten better. It’s not that this servant didn’t reply because this servant is unwilling, but rather because this servant feared this one will not serve Your Majesty well due to the injury.”

When Ling Xiao finished, he stole a look at the Emperor, but his expression was still blank and his gaze serene. Unsure what he was thinking, Ling Xiao’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that his words didn’t have any effect on the Emperor at all?

Thinking this and that, Ling Xiao ran out of ideas and his mind became a complete mess that was hard to sort out.

The cautious and restless appearance of the little eunuch in front of him was just like that of a startled rabbit shivering in front of him. His lips pursed and his heart softening, the Emperor released the suppressed Ling Xiao.

Being freed, Ling Xiao raised his head to look at the Emperor in astonishment. However, what he saw was still the same profound and mysterious appearance.

Ling Xiao gritted his teeth, Just what went on in this Emperor’s brain? Even so, that the Emperor was willing to let him go showed that he was very soft-hearted towards him.

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed as he thought, immediately coming to a decision.

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He turned around and picked up a dessert off the table, lifting it to the Emperor’s mouth, “Your Majesty, this is an osmanthus cake that this servant personally made. Please try it.”

The Emperor glanced at the osmanthus cake, but didn’t open his mouth.

Seeing that, Ling Xiao clenched his teeth and held the osmanthus cake by a corner in his mouth as he brought it to the Emperor’s.

The Emperor slightly raised his eyebrows, his eyes narrowing.

This little eunuch rarely took the initiative to approach him. Those lively eyes that were slightly damp and full of hope were just like those of a small kitten acting spoiled in front of its master, while the golden yellow cake against his pale lips was erotic.

The Emperor’s eyes darkened, and he grabbed the little eunuch’s waist, while placing his other hand on the back of his head. In one bite, he ate the osmanthus cake and covered the eunuch’s lips with his. Before the eunuch had a chance to react, his tongue dug into his mouth.

“Your…” Although he had made some preparations in case the Emperor did something like this, when the Emperor really did it, Ling Xiao’s heart still jumped in fright, nearly leaping into his throat.

This time, the Emperor’s kiss was different from the overbearing ones from before. This one was gentle and loving, it was extremely touching.


Ling Xiao faintly moaned, his body weakening due to the Emperor’s teasing.

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He laid in the Emperor’s embrace and, like a fish in drought wishing for rain,  actively tried to draw out the sweetness in the Emperor’s mouth.

“Hnnn…” with a smothered groan of endurance, the Emperor broke away from Ling Xiao’s lips.

Ling Xiao opened his blurry eyes and blankly stared at the Emperor above him, his moist eyes bewitching and flirtatious.

The Emperor’s eyes darkened, his smile gentle and his head tilted at a handsome angle, “Based on your appearance, are you telling Us that We can continue?”

The Emperor moved slightly, pressing his erect lower half against Ling Xiao’s bottom.

Startled, Ling Xiao’s consciousness returned. Remembering the gaze full of desire that he had exchanged with the Emperor, his heart to jumped and his whole face turned red. Suddenly, he didn’t know where to look.

At this sight, the Emperor’s gaze became heavier and he lightly grasped Ling Xiao’s chin, making him look at him, “Ling Xiao, last time we said that when We arrive, We don’t want you to be unprepared. Do you still remember?”

“This servant… remembers.” Ling Xiao replied with difficulty, he knew in his heart that the Emperor already couldn’t wait any longer.

As expected.

Hearing Ling Xiao’s reply, the Emperor narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, and he moved on to the next line, “Then, you can become Our King Consort tonight.”

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The Emperor’s words were no longer a question but informational. Ling Xiao’s eye twitched, and he rejoiced that he had already made the preparations to leave. However, for some reason, a deep sense of unease rose from within his heart.

No, he couldn’t wait any longer! He needed to leave this place!

With those thoughts, Ling Xiao relaxed and fell into the Emperor’s chest, quietly saying, “This servant… is willing to listen to Your Majesty, but with the injury this servant has, if this one doesn’t serve you well…wu…”

Before he had even finished speaking, the Emperor’s lips stopped him and the kiss going from the touching one back to the previous overbearing ones.

Pressing hard against his lips, he overbearingly demanded the sweetness of Ling Xiao’s mouth, not even giving him a chance to breathe. In pain, Ling Xiao struggled and slapped the Emperor’s shoulder.

Feeling Ling Xiao struggle, the Emperor got up in irritation, his pitch-black sight staring at Ling Xiao like a ravenous wolf that had been starved too long.

Ling Xiao pulled back his neck a little, swallowing his saliva as he fawningly smiled and asked, “Your Majesty, before that, can you exchange wine cups with this servant?”[1]

“……” The Emperor’s gaze pensively watched Ling Xiao. He neither agreed or disagreed, but the atmosphere around him was biting cold, seemingly displeased at Ling Xiao’s interruption.

Ling Xiao hurriedly picked up the wine pot on the table and poured him a cup, then got another cup filled with tea.

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“Your Majesty, this servant is injured so this one cannot drink wine. Can this one use tea to substitute for wine for the exchange?”

With those words, Ling Xiao raised the wine to the Emperor, whose gaze was on the bottom of the drink, thoughtfully.

Ling Xiao was anxious that the Emperor would find something was strange, so he hurried said, “Your Majesty, tonight… is this servant’s first time, so this one wishes that you can exchange wine cups with this one, would you be willing to satisfy this servant’s request? I beg you…”

Ling Xiao was speaking the truth, his intelligent eyes held some tears, his passionate expectation provoking the Emperor’s tenderness. Sighing, he took the wine cup from Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao immediately perked up, his smile bright and beautiful as he impatiently bypassed the Emperor’s arm and drained his tea in one gulp.

The Emperor glanced at the wine and leaned closer to smell it, seeming to have scented something as he paused and looked directly at Ling Xiao.

Frightened that the Emperor had already noticed something, Ling Xiao’s heart almost stopped beating and his mind quickly went to work, thinking about how he should get away if he was seen through. Who would have thought that in the next second, the Emperor would lift the wine cup and drain it in one go.

Following that, Ling Xiao’s heart heavily sank to where it was before.


[1]Formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding ceremony, no specific name in english.

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