Chapter 58: The Emperor had Turned Bent

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“Very good.” Narrowing his eyes at Fu Yujun, the Emperor only said these two words.

Those two words were like ice smashing into Ling Xiao’s heart, causing him to tremble all over. He knew that Fu Yujun… was done for.

As expected, in the next moment, the Emperor sent a signal to Lan Wei and the latter started to advance forward. Because of his injuries caused by An Ya, in a flash, Fu Yujun was subdued and brought in front of the Emperor.

The Emperor waved his hand, showing no interested in Fu Yujun who was forced in front of him, having Lan Wei and his men take him away.

He took Ling Xiao in the sedan chair and left.

Ling Xiao was very nervous, since he didn’t know just how the Emperor was going to deal with him.

The Emperor didn’t look like he was angry at him.

But Ling Xiao wouldn’t believe it even if he had died that the Emperor would let him off this easy.

The sedan chair stopped in front of Hopeful Spring Tavern and Ling Xiao was brought down from the chair, going toward the second floor.

When they went to the second floor, Ling Xiao was led to a hidden private room. It was a small bedroom that had the necessary furniture such as a table, a chair and more. A lit incense as well as a still steaming hot tea were on the desk.

It looks like, the Emperor had been living here in Shao Country the whole time.

Ling Xiao unobtrusively looked around while the Emperor let him go and proudly sat down in front of the desk.

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Ling Xiao promptly knelt in front of him.

The Emperor frown at the scene, his head slightly lowered as he leaned back into the chair.

“It appears, you are really afraid of Us.”

The way the Emperor said it made it clear that he wasn’t too happy. Ling Xiao did not dare to reply as he wished and only lowered his head even more.

The Emperor stared at Ling Xiao’s head for a long time, then crossed his hands, asking with a sigh, “What makes you so afraid of Us?”

“……” Having been asked this way by the Emperor, Ling Xiao felt really flabbergasted. However, as Ling Xiao already knew long ago, the Emperor didn’t like when someone lied to him and since he is already accused of a serious crime, he saw no need to hide it from the Emperor anymore. He just honestly answered.

“Your Majesty, you are a Monarch, an Emperor above everyone else. In your hands is Ling Xiao’s life, and Ling Xiao is a person that cherishes his life.”

The Emperor raised an eyebrow and played with his palm, pretending to be indifferent, “Unless you make a mistake, would there be a reason to be so worried for your life?”

Raising his head that had some black lines on it, Ling Xiao went blank hearing those words. Wasn’t it because he already had made that mistake? He always had to lie to the Emperor and use him, so it was not strange for him to be scared!

The Emperor was fully aware of what rule he had violated, so why bother asking?!

Wasn’t this an indirect way of saying he has a guilty conscience!

Ling Xiao rolled his eyes and resentfully mumbled to himself, “Your Majesty, you are fully aware of what Ling Xiao is wrong for…”

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The little eunuch’s tone was full of grievance and resent. His expression carried annoyance and blame, he seemed to be criticizing him for bringing it up. The Emperor pursed his lips, this little eunuch, it was obviously his own mistake, yet he looked so grieved at him.

The Emperor shook his head and fished out a Command Plate from his bosom, throwing it in front of Ling Xiao.

At loss, Ling Xiao blinked his eyes, staring at the golden Command Plate.

The word ‘Excused‘ was written on this Command Plate. If Ling Xiao’s memory wasn’t deceiving him and his mind was not misinterpreting it wrong, the golden plate before his eyes is one that was used to exempt death.

With this plate, even if it is the Emperor, no one could easily take his life.

Did the Emperor mean, this was for him?

While astounded, a black glided boot appeared in front of him.

He didn’t know when, but the Emperor had already walked in front of him.

He had his hands behind his back, overlooking Ling Xiao, “You fear death. That is why We will give you a shield. As long as you do not betray Us or commit treason, then We will guarantee your life.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes widen, stunned. So what the Emperor meant was…

He wasn’t going to pursue everything that had happened up to now!?

Including the fact that he wasn’t a eunuch!?

“Stand up.” The Emperor spoke.

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Ling Xiao stared blankly at the golden death exemption plate. Since this happiness that overwhelmed him now was so sudden, he was feeling helpless.

Ling Xiao’s gaze was slack and his movements stiff, watching the Emperor absentmindedly. His expression appeared very stupid causing the Emperor to purse his lips and ask, “What? Not satisfied?”

“Nonono.” Ling Xiao quickly shook his head and tightly grabbed the golden death exemption plate. He was afraid the Emperor would regret giving it to him.

The Emperor raised an eyebrow.

Noticing how his actions right now were a bit too rude, Ling Xiao relaxed his grip on the plate and promptly replied, “I just felt overwhelmed at this sudden happiness.”

“Happiness?” The Emperor raised his eyebrow again, “So a death exemption is happiness for you?”

“……” Ling Xiao went silent. He naturally couldn’t tell the Emperor that it was so. But in fact, the death exemption was bringing him much happiness. After all, Ling Xiao had always believed he would be killed by the Emperor.

Even after being giving the title of King Consort or even after the two of them got married, Ling Xiao will still be unable to get rid of that line of thought.

In his past lifetime, the Emperor’s implacable hatred for lies already made a profound impression in Ling Xiao’s memories. He really did not believe the Emperor would let him off so easily.

Even now, as he was holding the golden death exemption plate, Ling Xiao still couldn’t believe it. He was not sure if this was all real or if he was just dreaming. Was he really let off this easily?

Ling Xiao’s momentarily helpless look was seen by the Emperor.

Ling Xiao’s dumbstruck appearance was something the Emperor had never seen before. He felt it was a novelty view and decided to stare some more.

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The more he stared the more he found Ling Xiao’s handsome and delicate appearance, even while looking foolish, bewitching as always. Especially those lips he liked the most, slightly long and agape, allowing to see his pearly white teeth.

He unconsciously remembered just how sweet and soft those lips were, and how pleasurable it was when they tangled and he got a taste of that mouth.

The Emperor’s eyes darken and he slightly approached Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao had not come back to his senses and was still staring at the Emperor in a frank and blunt manner. Those pure eyes knocked against the bottom of his tranquil heart, causing a ripple to appear there.

He crudely pulled Ling Xiao back into his hold and overbearingly took those lips that made him daydream.

Ling Xiao tried to defend against the attack, but the Emperor burst into Ling Xiao’s personal space, following after Ling Xiao’s soft and slippery tongue. The two touched like they were dancing.

Both were somewhat gasping for breath after the kiss.

Ling Xiao was weak in the Emperor’s embrace, his face bright red. But the Emperor was not satisfied and he left light kisses on Ling Xiao’s mouth again and again.

“Happiness is not about being excused from death. It is about the chance We will give you now to stay by Our side and keep watch just like you once told Us when you said you liked Us. We will watch over the world with you, growing old together.”

The Emperor serenely stated.

The words entering Ling Xiao’s ears were like a heavy hammer, forcing him to wake up. He knew that the Emperor never makes promises he cannot keep. If he could promise it, then he would do it.

Since that was the case, Ling Xiao knew the weight of those words. He was now very clear on the Emperor’s resolution.

Only now did he truly became aware…

The Emperor… had turned bent!

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