Chapter 65: Hatred Reaped

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Ling Xiao was somewhat amazed. In his past life, Mu Xiuning always held some kind of indescribable enmity against him. Although the man’s gentle temper insured he would not move against him, Ling Xiao would still never look him in the eyes.

To think Ling Xiao would be able to see such a peaceful side of the other in this lifetime…

Ling Xiao lightly smiled and called from afar to the man.

“Imperial Uncle.”

“Imperial Uncle?” Mu Xiuning was obviously astonished. He walked in front of him and sized him up.

Being so blatantly stared at, Ling Xiao felt a bit uncomfortable as his body went a bit stiff.

Mu Xiuning moved away his gaze when he had seen Ling Xiao’s discomfort and quietly said, “How could I be your Imperial Uncle? You can’t randomly call people that way.”

Ling Xiao paused, raising his eyes to look at Mu Xiuning. He noticed that the latter looked a bit dissatisfied as he openly checked him out.

Ling Xiao understood at that very moment.

He had heard that when the Emperor was young, he had been taken care of by Mu Xiuning for a while. So he naturally became more affectionate toward the Emperor.

Since Mu Xiuning had not met with Mo Qi yet and with how he was here to check him out right now, the only reason Ling Xiao could think of was the Emperor.

Mu Xiuning came to find him, the male consort the Emperor chose.

He himself knows that he does not meet the qualifications for becoming a male consort.

Ling Xiao coldly smiled in his heart. Whether he was qualified or not has nothing to do with Mu Xiuning.

After thinking for a while, Ling Xiao deliberately expressed his position by replying, “As you are the Emperor’s Imperial Uncle, then it is only natural that you are now also Ling Xiao’s Imperial Uncle.”

“The Emperor?” Mu Xiuning was out of it for a while, before he replied with a bit of reproach, “The Emperor had not called me Imperial Uncle in a long time. He had long stop regarding me as his family.”

Ling Xiao was a bit startled. Although he knew that the Emperor had an Imperial Uncle, but whether it was his past lifetime or this one, he really never heard the Emperor call Mu Xiuning this way.

In fact, he had rarely ever seen the two meet.

Rumor has it the Emperor had already drifted apart from his Imperial Uncle.

From seeing Mu Xiuning’s current expression, it seems like the rumors were true.

It’s just that… listening to Mu Xiuning’s complaining tone as he spoke of the Emperor, the anger within Ling Xiao still bursted out.

He couldn’t hold back his anger as he clashed head-on with Mu Xiuning, “If the Emperor had not recognized his relationship with you, why would he leave you alive?! Right now, the only living members of the royal family are you and him! All the other people have been beheaded by the Emperor…”

Ling Xiao’s eyes meet with Mu Xiuning’s warning gaze as it suddenly made him realized just how disgraceful it was of him to speak of that matter.

The imperial family of Mu Country used to have many members. Originally, the title of ‘Emperor’ should have not yet passed down to the current monarch, however reality showed otherwise. So, for the Emperor to hold his position now, only he would know just what experiences he had gone through.

It was obvious to anyone with a discerning eye to see that things were not as they appeared. The children of the imperial family had died one after the other, until the Emperor and his Imperial Uncle were the only ones left. As his Imperial Uncle had renounced the throne of his own accord, the Emperor was the only remaining hair, who could succeed it.

It was possible to deceive the common people of what had happened, but it was impossible to pass it over the people in the court.

However, talking about the subject was strictly prohibited in the palace.

No one dared to comment on such a topic of conversation under the Son of Heaven. They all cherished their lives.

But as Ling Xiao was a straightforward person, he easily violated this taboo.

If he wants to continue questioning the matter, it will be completely possible to place a criminal charge on him that will tarnished his position as a minister.

He can also be beheaded for it!

Frightened, Ling Xiao’s body was covered with cold sweat immediately. However, he then remembered the Death Excuse Command tablet he was given and it made him feel slightly relieved.

He forced himself to act calm and then looked towards Mu Xiuning. Once he did, Ling Xiao noticed that the latter was smiling as he watched him.

Ling Xiao’s lip twitched as he heard Mu Xiuning say, “With how scared you are, how did you still dare say anything on the affair?”

Ling Xiao toss a glance at him, “Imperial Uncle is allowed to complain about the Emperor and yet would not let Ling Xiao add a few words?”

“If it were only a few words… your few words are a bit too out of turn.”

Though Mu Xiuning’s tone was languid, it held no enmity, making Ling Xiao feel more at ease.

Color returned to Ling Xiao’s face, causing Mu Xiuning to giggle again, “Your ability to discern someone through body language is very excellent.”

These words that were said in a humorous tone obviously did not hold any malice, yet when Ling Xiao heard it, he felt a bit uneasy. Losing his desire to socialize with the man, Ling Xiao’s manners turned impolite.

“If Imperial Uncle has no further matters to discuss with me, then I shall take my leave now. The Emperor await my return.”

Ling Xiao deliberately mentioned the Emperor to ensure that Mu Xiuning would not be able to hold him back from leaving.

It was no different than using the Emperor to pressure Mu Xiuning. Ling Xiao had believed that this will make the man angry, or at the least, get him to react in any way. However, Mu Xiuning was very peaceful, so much that it was too surprising. In his surprise, Ling Xiao forgot to leave.

Mu Xiuning then took the initiative and gave Ling Xiao a way out, when he saw the other troubled. He even bent his waist to assume a ‘please’ posture.

This made Ling Xiao feel a bit embarrassed; Mu Xiuning had obviously sounded him out, yet now it looked like he didn’t want to leave.

Raising his head arrogantly, Ling Xiao threw his sleeve harshly and with a depressed expression, walked forward.

Unlike his usual self, a laugh escaped from Mu Xiuning’s lips. He wasn’t too careful and it managed to reach Ling Xiao’s ears, making his entire face burn.

Ling Xiao didn’t want to stay here any longer. He quickened his pace a bit and disappeared at the corner.

Mu Xiuning looked in the direction Ling Xiao left in and once again, lazily leaned against the wall, before finally sighing.

“Looks like, Xuan’er found a good one.”

The atmosphere around him changed with these words as he raised his head to look at the sky.

“And now, I won’t have to worry anymore…”

The words only he could hear, carried sorrow with them. If others had heard him and witnessed his change, they would have felt sad as well.

Bidding his farewell to Mu Xiuning, Ling Xiao went back to the palace.

The moment he walked into the room, he noticed that the Emperor had somehow arrived even earlier than him.

And in front of him was a pale-faced, kneeling Xiao Lizi.

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Looking at the Emperor’s complexion and Xiao Lizi’s turmoil, Ling Xiao could roughly guess that Xiao Lizi has already told him everything.

Ling Xiao curled his lips and walked in front of the Emperor, ordering Xiao Lizi to, “Withdraw.”

Xiao Lizi hesitated for a moment and raised his head to look at the Emperor. The Emperor signaled to him with his eyes, and as if given amnesty, Xiao Lizi immediately went out.

Ling Xiao waited for Xiao Lizi to leave before sitting his bottom, right beside the Emperor. The Emperor was a bit astonished.

Ling Xiao said a bit unhappily, “Your Majesty, didn’t you promise me, that when you have something you want to know, you would just ask me directly? Why did you listen to Xiao Lizi again?”

The Emperor raised an eyelid at Ling Xiao and glanced over, “Just when had We promised you that?”

“……” Ling Xiao choked a bit then resentfully said, “Last time, you…”

“Last time We merely asked you.” The Emperor interrupted him.

“Eh…” Ling Xiao was left speechless and he wore his dissatisfaction on his face.

Seeing that dissatisfaction, the Emperor grasped his chin, and as if trying to comfort the other, he left a kiss on his nose.

The warmth on his nose felt a bit moist and itchy, so Ling Xiao wrinkled his nose a bit.

From the Emperor’s point of view, this movement was very endearing. So as if bewitched, he slowly approached Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao paused and looked at the Emperor that was almost within reach, his heart beated like thunder and his mind suddenly went completely blank. He no longer even knew how to refuse as the Emperor pressed him down onto the bed.

“Your… Your Majesty…” Ling Xiao stuttered out.

The Emperor took off Ling Xiao’s headdress and pulled off Ling Xiao’s belt.

The Emperor slowly peeled off Ling Xiao’s clothing, trying to gradually reveal the other fully in front of him.

The Emperor’s gaze carried a bit of possession, sweeping past Ling Xiao’s skin, making any part that he laid eyes on feel hot by the gaze. That was enough to make Ling Xiao completely shy.

He couldn’t help but start to struggle a little.

The Emperor narrowed his eyes and pressed down on Ling Xiao’s moving limbs, his voice sexy as he huskily said, “We have already been connected for so long, but you are still not used to it?”

Ling Xiao stopped, his face a bit stiff. Something like this, no matter how many times he experienced it, it was impossible to get used to.

Moreover, this was the first time he was being affectionate with the Emperor clear-headed. He had to actually think about what he was doing.

While Ling Xiao’s attention was divided, the Emperor already took advantage of the chance.

His breath puffed on his face, leaving some heat, making Ling Xiao suddenly came back to his senses. But the Emperor had already captured his mouth by then.

Between the gaps of their lips, their tongues tangled and touched, letting the two taste each other, carrying some satisfaction.

He wasn’t fully aware when, but the Emperor released his lips and moved down to his neck, and then even further down.

Ling Xiao heavily gasped for breath, his mind a bit hazy and his whole body filled with pleasure.

His lips were a bit numb from the kiss and hot air came from his mouth, causing his lips to feel a bit painful.

Ling Xiao faintly thought in his heart, ‘my lips are definitely swollen’.

His body was lit everywhere by the Emperor, and despite not being touched, as if being on stimulants, that place was already standing on attention.

Leaking out something milky white.

The Emperor’s technique wasn’t really especially good. His actions did not beat around the bush just like his character, rather, it was very direct.

Those actions gave Ling Xiao, a male, the misconception of being assaulted, which made it hard for him to accept for a long time.

However, like a clay, once the Emperor touched him, he would become soft. Even if he was unwilling in his heart, his body would still honestly react.

So pleasurable he could only tremble.

His rationality was also floating in his desire, before finally dissipating.

“Ah…” moaning resoundingly again, Ling Xiao already lost count just how many times the Emperor had caused him to issue this type of sound.

He only knew that his body experienced unprecedented pleasure again and again under the Emperor’s body.


The next day when Ling Xiao woke up it was already one in the afternoon.

As the Emperor had left early to go to court, his side was long cold.

Ling Xiao stretched lazily and got out of bed.

Since the Emperor was really gentle with his body this time and his healing ability was constantly growing, there was hardly a chance for him to suffer an injury.

Furthermore, his entire body felt refreshed. It looks like the Emperor had washed him already.

Ling Xiao stood up from the bed in a good mood. He had the maid on standby give him a change of clothes and then attend to him as he washed his face and rinsed his mouth.

There were nothing but new faces left by his side to take care of him, however, Ling Xiao did not mind.

The more he knew about the Emperor’s power and capability, the more Ling Xiao became clear of their disparity.

Now that the Emperor did not want his life, he had no reason to confront the Emperor.

After he cleaned himself up, the maid kneeling by the side forwarded the orders she received from the Emperor, “King Consort, the Emperor had ordered this servant to lead you somewhere and show you something before he left this morning.”

“?” Ling Xiao was puzzled. The things the Emperor bestowed on him were innumerable, but almost all of them were brought into his palace. What could it be that needs him to go look at it?

Ling Xiao was a bit interested as he walked over, “Then, lead the way.”

The maid saluted and brought Ling Xiao out.

The entrance was guarded by two maids dressed in black. Ling Xiao only noticed that one of them was An Xiang when he came closer.

Ling Xiao happily greeted them, and An Xiang with her fellow maid saluted. “Young Master.”

These two still called him ‘Young Master’. It appears like they value his commands a lot.

Ling Xiao helped the two up, “You two don’t need to be so polite.”

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An Xiang gave a shallow smile, “Young Master, the Emperor had sent the two of us to protect you. This is An Yong.”

The one that pretended to be Ji Xiang.

Ling Xiao understood and sized An Yong up. Her appearance was delicate and pretty, quite similar to Ji Xiang who he had previously met.

An Xiang looked at the other normal maid as she said, “Young Master, the Emperor wants us two subordinates to accompany you.”

Ling Xiao was slightly flabbergasted, “Just where does the Emperor want me to go? Even having you two follow me…”

An Xiang replied, “You will know once you get there, Young Master.”

Ling Xiao’s interest was provoked even further.

The maid turned many corners as she led Ling Xiao to a place that he was very familiar with.

Weeds covered the courtyard, somber without compare.

It was the cold palace to which Mo Qi was sent to before.

At first, Ling Xiao followed the maid as they approached closer to the palace, until the maid moved to walk beside him, allowing him to go ahead.

Ling Xiao swallowed and turned around to look at the firm sight of the two maids, before finally raising a foot to walk inside.

“AH…AHHHHHHH…. Don’t come over!”

He merely took the first step in when he heard the shriek.

It was miserable beyond compare, sending chills through Ling Xiao when he heard it.

Ling Xiao jumped a bit, his eyes quickly looked for the source of the sound when he finally found a person crouching by a dim corner in the cold palace.

A disheveled beggar face with worn out and torn clothes, yet still, though faintly, it was possible to see that the figure was a woman.

When that person saw that someone was approaching her, she timidly raised her head.

Ling Xiao knew immediately who the person was just by these eyes, which had hope flowing within and were filled with grace.

It was Mo Qi.

Ling Xiao’s face went cold.

An Xiang quietly walked forward and passed Ling Xiao a sword, “Young Master, that thing was bestowed from Master to you.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes widened in shock as they drooped to stare at the sword.

So that was what the Emperor was thinking of…

“The Master said that allowing you to kill your foe with your own hands, would bring you more delight.”

An Xiang’s words answered Ling Xiao’s misgivings.

Ling Xiao pursed his lip, then took hold of the sword and walked toward Mo Qi.

Mo Qi lost her head out of fear.

“Don’t come near me, don’t come…”

She kept repeating that phrase while her hands helplessly reached out to grab something, something that would give her a peace of mind.

But there was nothing by her side, so what did she hope to get?

Ling Xiao walked closer step by step while she retreated step by step, until there was nowhere else for her to retreat to.

She suddenly went quiet, waiting until Ling Xiao got closer before suddenly raising her head and waving her claws to attack him.

Ling Xiao dodged and in the next second, Mo Qi was pressed down onto the ground by An Xiang and An Yong.

“Ling Xiao, you bastard!” Mo Qi crazily tried to attack the man, “Do you think I will just die? Dream on! If I can revive once, I can revive a second time! I will have your head eventually!”

“I will make sure you will never be able to reincarnate!” Mo Qi maliciously cursed him.

“AHHHHHHHH…” Mo Qi went crazy. Ling Xiao who had been sprayed a face full of saliva still coldly sneered, “Are you even aware of your situation right now? It is now me!”

“Who holds a weapon that can kill you!” Ling Xiao quickly advanced, pointing the sword at Mo Qi.

Mo Qi cowered for only a moment then turned back to being completely fearless and retorted back, “So what if you have a sword pointed at me? Back then when I poisoned you to death, didn’t you still die?”

“Heh…” Mo Qi sneered. Her long hair hid her face, but her lips curved into a strange smile, “After the poisoning, the Emperor told me that the one he liked was never me, but rather, you, a eunuch that was always busy running around like a dog. The Empress position he gave me was also preserved for you. Ling Xiao, I have never regretted killing you! So long as you live, I will never be at peace!”

Mo Qi spoke and seemed to feel quite happy as she continued, “In the end, weren’t you still done in by the poison I gave you? The way you died was great, great!”

Suddenly, Mo Qi became sad again and ranted like she was insane, “But why did he suddenly take revenge on me after you died? He chopped off my head there, and then made me drink poisoned wine here…”

She lightly smiled, “Heh… but I never really died. So what if my head got chopped off? So what if I was poisoned to death? Didn’t I never stay dead? Since it was no good the first two times, why should the third work? Ling Xiao, do you think that I would really die if you stabbed me right now to death?”

Mo Qi crazily laughed, “Hahaha! Ling Xiao, just you wait! I will return and take my revenge!”

While Mo Qi spoke, her eyes were vicious. Ling Xiao frowned while surprised filled his whole face.

Mo Qi spoke of being poisoned to death, and he knew that it was in this timeline when the Emperor told her to commit suicide. But being decapitated… Did that happen in the past lifetime?

After he had been poisoned to death, the Emperor had said he didn’t like Mo Qi and hacked her to death?

So that’s why Mo Qi revived?

Ling Xiao’s eyes glazed over, his face absent-minded.


While Ling Xiao was off in another world, a fourth person came from the entrance.

The man was dressed in blue and was full of vigor. His appearance handsome and clean, it was the Great General Lan Wei that the Emperor had conferred.

Ling Xiao’s mouth twitched. This person was still trying to cause trouble?

”General Lan, this is not a place you should be at.” An Xiang spoke first.

Ling Xiao silently gave her thirty-two praises, those words were straight from the bottom of Ling Xiao’s heart.

When Mo Qi saw Lan Wei, it was like she saw a savior and tried to struggle toward him, crawling as she called out, “Big brother Lan… Big brother Lan… save me, save Qi Qi…”

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“……” Lan Wei indifferently gave her a glance then walked in front of Ling Xiao. Under Ling Xiao’s gaze, he took the sword from his hand, “I will later go and personally beg for forgiveness from the Emperor.”

“This woman…” Lan Wei spoke and then walked forward, pointing the sword at Mo Qi’s neck.

“!” Ling Xiao was stunned.

An Xiang and An Yong were also unable to foresee this situation as they all looked at Lan Wei in surprise.

Lan Wei moved aside the hair that was on Mo Qi’s cheek, and then Ling Xiao could finally see that her face had already festered beyond repair.

The remarkably beautiful Mo Qi had turned into an ugly and disfigured woman.

“This…” Ling Xiao was beyond speechless.

Lan Wei coldly answered, “This was something she brought upon herself. She wanted to harm the King Consort, yet was forced to drink the poison she prepared, herself.”

“……” Ling Xiao faintly remembered this matter when he was at the Shao Country Prince’s palace.

Lan Wei said, “It is this kind of appearance that can only match your scorpion heart!”

Those words, which were said to Mo Qi, stunned her completely. The tone he spoke in was full of hatred and resentment.

They carried the grudge he held from having his emotions cheated and exploited.

It’s been so long, but his grudge only increased day by day. If he didn’t do something, he would be unable to forgive the him whose feelings were deceived back then.

“Back then, on that day when you cruelly cut me off, have you ever thought this kind of a day might come?”

Lan Wei asked and tightly held the sword’s hilt.

In the moment Mo Qi was about to reply, Lan Wei moved so quickly, sword in his hand, that Ling Xiao could only see the afterimage. Mo Qi fell to the ground.

She was now lying in a pool of blood.

Lan Wei turned back around and quickly knelt in front of Ling Xiao. The sudden movement alarmed the latter, causing him to take a step back.

Lan Wei said with his head down, “King Consort, I, Lan Wei, had personal animosity against Mo Qi, so I took your sword and killed her with it, against the heed of the Emperor. Please punish this one.”

“……” Ling Xiao was once again speechless, this was the first time he saw a different side of Lan Wei. For the guy who has always disagreed with him, to be so serious and respectful in front of him was not something he was used to…

Ling Xiao frowned, thinking for a while. He did not pay attention to Lan Wei, instead, he went around him to stand beside Mo Qi.

Crouching down to confirm that she was truly dead, Ling Xiao stood back up and ordered An Xiang and An Yong, “Fetch some firewood to burn her.”

“Burn?” An Xiang was flabbergasted, “Young Master, this person’s already dead. We just need to pass her to the palace servants and have her randomly buried somewhere.”

Ling Xiao couldn’t say it. That he feared she will revive again, that he is worried that she will be reborn again.

To avoid that, it would be best to burn her body.

Though these were his real concerns, Ling Xiao choked out a different reason, “…For better or for worse, the two of us still came from the same place. Burning her then burying her would clear our grudges with each other.”

An Yong who kept quiet all this time finally spoke, “Young Master, she tried to harm you so much, yet why do you still…”

Just when she was prepared to continue, An Yong was tugged by An Xiang, clearly telling her to stop asking. An Yong shut her mouth while An Xiang cleared her throat, “Very well, Young Master, this subordinate will obey your order.”

Ling Xiao added, “Have An Yong go with you. I have something I need to discuss with Lan Wei privately.”

“That…” An Yong wavered a bit but An Xiang pulled her, “Please excuse us two subordinates’ departure, Young Master. “

Ling Xiao nodded with a “Hm”, following the two leaving maids with his eyes.

He then turned to face Lan Wei, “Stand up, Lan Wei. There is no longer a need to pretend with only the two of us here.”

“Pretend?” Lan Wei’s mouth twitched, “You think I’m pretending?”

Lan Wei looked very indignant as he jumped up from the ground, “Do you have any idea of what kind of resolution I made, to now kneel before you! And you’re saying I’m pretending?!”

Lan Wei suddenly looked like all his hair was puffed as he fiercely bellowed at Ling Xiao.

That appearance was like a young lion, brandishing his claws that were not sharp enough, to threaten Ling Xiao. Not only did Ling Xiao not feel threatened, but he also felt that the Lan Wei in front of him was rather funny and so he started to laugh.

Hearing Ling Xiao laugh and seeing his happy smile, Lan Wei went silent for a moment, coming to notice just how childish his action was just now.

He looked down and quietly clenched his teeth. Why did he always become so childish when he was in front of this man?

“Alright, alright.” Ling Xiao’s smile revealed eight shiny white teeth, causing Lan Wei’s eyes to twitch some more at the sight.

He looked away while Ling Xiao smiled and got nearer to him, “Enough already! How petty it would be if you stayed with that angry face on.”

“Hmph!” Lan Wei turned his head away, refusing to acknowledge him.

Ling Xiao rubbed his nose when he saw that and leaned closer while switching the subject, “To be honest, Lan Wei, I really didn’t expect you to be the one to kill her!”

”She was, after all, someone you loved desperately before.” While Ling Xiao spoke, he poked Mo Qi’s corpse a few times with his leg.

Lan Wei slightly paused, his expression complicated.

Ling Xiao suddenly reached out his hand to slug over Lan Wei’s shoulder, shifting his attention away by praising him, “Brother, you did great!”

Lan Wei suddenly stopped, his body stiffen. The feeling of a soft body leaning against his side caused him to turn his head to look, only to see Ling Xiao smiling in glee.

That smile was especially dazzling, so dazzling Lan Wei’s eyes felt a stab of pain.

He shrugged his shoulders, hinting at Ling Xiao to release him. “Do you want to get me killed? You’re already the King Consort!”

Ling Xiao’s smile went rigid as he scoffed, “What are you so afraid of? There are no one around that can tell on us to the Emperor. Also, we aren’t even doing anything. Isn’t this much very normal between brothers?”

“Brothers?” Lan Wei asked instead.

Ling Xiao smiled, “With Mo Qi’s death, my revenge has now ended. Since you were the one to avenge me, you are my brother. Since you dared to kill her today, I, Ling Xiao, will treat everything that has happened in the past as water under the bridge. Our score has been settled.”

“Aren’t you a bit too arrogant?” Lan Wei said with spite, “Who says our scores were settled!”

He did not want to be Ling Xiao’s brother. His thoughts were the same as the person he met last night.

The word ‘brothers’ would pressure someone until they could not breathe.

Wanting to love, but cannot love.

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Thinking back to last night, Lan Wei’s train of thought flew.

“How long are you planning to keep standing there? And just how long are you going to watch?” After Ling Xiao left, Lan Wei met Fu Yujun in the Imperial Garden.

Firm determination could be seen from Ling Xiao’s retreating figure, severing their relations. Lan Wei predominantly sympathized with this dim and depressed man.

However, his standpoint was the same as Ling Xiao.

This person should not be here.

“Do you need me to call an imperial guard to escort you back to the banquet?” Lan Wei coldly mocked.

Only then did Fu Yujun move his line of sight to Lan Wei.

Lan Wei was shaken by his gaze filled with despair and unconsciously recalled when Mo Qi abandon him.

He didn’t believe he would do this, but he once again spoke to persuade him, “Ling Xiao did not want you to end up with this kind of expression.”

Fu Yujun did not want to deal with Lan Wei so he just walked past him. Lan Wei calmly said, “If he had known that he had pled leniency for and saved a man who didn’t want to pull himself together, he would have certainly regretted it.”

Fu Yujun’s body went rigid and he was floored.

Lan Wei said behind him, “You are the sovereign of Shao Country. The people of Shao Country are all waiting for you to pull yourself together. But with the way you are right now, can you face your citizens? Can you even face Ling Xiao who pleaded for leniency on your behalf?”

Lan Wei spoke and walked past him, “You should think about it carefully.”

“Wait.” Fu Yujun stopped Lan Wei with his shout.

“Why are you trying to help me? You are a General from Mu Country. If I pull myself together, won’t it be a huge loss to your country?”

Lan Wei frivolously said, “And you think you are capable enough to make Mu Country suffer a loss, just because you pull yourself together? You’re way too arrogant.”

“Mu Country does not only have the Emperor. It also has a General, me, and I have pledged my life to defend it.”

“!” Fu Yujun pursed his lips, “You’re looking down on me too much.”

“Whether I look down on you or not, would depend on if you can counterattack in the future. I look forward to your declaration of war, come at us when you will. Furthermore, you can take my persuasions as my thanks for helping me see Mo Qi’s true colors.”

“Lan Wei, Lan Wei?” lost in his thoughts, Lan Wei heard Ling Xiao’s call and promptly returned to his senses.

He then noticed that Ling Xiao got very close to him, so close that he could see the tiny hairs on his face, really fine, soft and light in color, on his fair cheeks. His mouth suddenly went dry and his mind went into turmoil.

Lan Wei hated the fact that he couldn’t just go up and lick him a few times and then kiss him at least once.

His eyes darken and he harshly swallowed his saliva, preventing the evil desire in the bottom of his heart.

He threw off Ling Xiao’s hug and made some distance between them, “You’re the King Consort now. Even if no one is around to witness it, you still have to pay attention to your conduct. Otherwise you wouldn’t know what hit you when you die.”

Ling Xiao sneered, “Just what is wrong with you? Even though you are showing concern about someone, you’re being so awkward about it.”

Ling Xiao complained while Lan Wei remained silent.

After a while, Lan Wei asked wearily, “A while back, as I left, I spoke about a matter I wished to inquire about.”

“Now that Mo Qi’s already dead, please answer me. Why did you save me back then?”

“?” Ling Xiao did not react immediately and his face was full of confusion.

Lan Wei pursed his lips, then reminded him, “Where we first met. Hillside, I fell off a horse.”

Ling Xiao suddenly realized, “Oh, I remember now. So you already know about that. However, you are wrong; I was not thinking of saving you back then and had just instinctively reached out when I saw someone in danger. I almost harmed myself when I went to help!”

While speaking, Ling Xiao rather indignantly added, “And what about you? Don’t mention how you got your benefactor wrong when you woke up, do you even remember how you have treated me before?”

Lan Wei was stunned when he heard those words. When he remembered of how he acted before, his face couldn’t help but go green before going red again.

After a long time, he finally choked out a line, “Then why didn’t you explain yourself! Causing me to misunderstand! Weren’t you also, because of Mo Qi…”

As he spoke of Mo Qi, the words sharply stopped, as if he was afraid of hurting Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao giggled foolishly, “Don’t be so embarrassed. I was blind at that time, have you not been blinded by her as well?”

“Though, compared to me, how long did you keep your eyes shut? No matter how I yelled, you would not wake up from it. What was it you said before? ‘Qi Qi would not do this to me, she would not lie to me’.”

Ling Xiao studied Lan Wei’s corny appearance thoroughly, and even specially added modern era’s acting cute tone. Ashamed, the mouth-dumb Lan Wei’s face was flushed with anger.

“Enough!” Lan Wei shouted as he was ashamed into anger.

Alarmed, Ling Xiao took it seriously and shut up.

Lan Wei saw how frightened the other was, but he didn’t know what to say as no voice left his mouth. And so, both remained motionless where they stood.

“Young Master, the firewood is ready by the entrance.”

At this very moment, An Xiang and An Yong returned, putting an end to this period of awkwardness.

Ling Xiao immediately ordered the two to lift Mo Qi’s body away and have it incinerated.

Now that Ling Xiao has witnessed how Mo Qi’s body is being annihilated in the fire with his own eyes, he can finally let go of the matter and put his heart completely at ease.

When they returned to the palace, Lan Wei once against knelt in front of Ling Xiao.

However, unlike before, it was his way of expressing his determination.

He pledged his life and loyalty to the Emperor and Ling Xiao in this lifetime.

It was a bit outlandish, but it greatly satisfied Ling Xiao’s heroic dreams.

As such, he did not stop Lan Wei.

Ling Xiao was still elated when they came back to the palace. The Emperor had already returned as well and was reading a book while waiting for Ling Xiao

As he saw the look on Ling Xiao’s face, the Emperor was a bit flabbergasted. He placed down the book he was reading and asked, “Are you satisfied with Our gift?”

“Satisfied, satisfied! Super satisfied!” Ling Xiao replied.

“Then it is time to be honest with Us.” The Emperor said, suddenly returning Ling Xiao to his senses, as the latter then looked at the Emperor.

The Emperor’s gaze stayed on Ling Xiao, “Just what kind of enmity was there between you and Mo Qi? Do not try to trick Us by saying you were almost forced to become a eunuch. Such an excuse can only deceive Lan Wei, but is useless against Us.”

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