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During times of war have you ever seen the victorious side retreat? If you have then doesn't it make you feel terrible? Just picture getting destroyed in a game, sports, hobbies etc. then instead of your opponent winning they surrender or give up. How does that make you feel? Sure there is a moment of happiness however if you truly think about it you weren't even worth the time to defeat. That's exactly the place the Zanpakuto are currently, 12 Captain's Zanpakuto and numerous Officer Zanpakuto, yet they were all tossed around like Toddlers in front of an adult by a 3rd Seat.

After this 3rd Seat expertly beat their collective ass he then walked away like nothing happened, leaving behind battered Zanpakuto as he and the other members of the Gotei 13 returned to the Division 4 Barracks which was acting as a temporary HQ now that the Head Captain is indisposed.

The Captains all sat down at a table within one of the many rooms inside the medical facility of Division 4. All the other officers 5th seat to lieutenant were standing by along the walls, take the opportunity to break the Silence Captain Kuchiki spoke first.

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"In the Past when my Grandfather was the Captain of Division 6 there was a seated officer who also happened to hail from the Kuchiki clan along with him. This individual held the 3rd seat position for a while as his Zanpakuto had peculiar abilities, He was able to control the Zanpakuto of his enemies preventing them from mustering the full extent of their capabilities. That Zanpakuto was called Muramasa."

When everyone heard those words they stiffened while Gin had a peculiar smile on his face.

"Normally I would not disclose this information due to it being a sensitive matter of the Clan, however it has dragged the other Great Noble Families into the fray including the Head of the Shiba Clan as well as the Head Captain of the Gotei 13. If I remained silent I would not be upholding my duty as a Captain nor would I be upholding the Honor of the Kuchiki family. This Former Clan member was the 3rd Seat, at first he was an exceptional talent who Grandfather had High aspirations for however somewhere along the way he fell of the path and used his Zanpakuto against fellow allies. The Former Head Captain got wind of it and banished him from the Gotei 13 while Grandfather exiled him from the clan and imprisoned him in a secluded location sealed away to reflect on his wrongdoings."

Kisuke was the first to voice his opinion "So how did his Zanpakuto break free of a seal placed by one of the Great Noble families? What is his true objective? Lastly what will he do when he achieves that objective? These are the questions I have been asking yet they don't add up, If his goal was his master why didn't he break the seal much earlier? However, what if his objective is still rescuing his Master? All I know is 3rd Seat Cifer has given us insight on how to regain our Zanpakuto."

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Mayuri snorted then spoke "While he did give us Insight on what to do to regain our Zanpakuto he has also added to the workload!"

"This is not the time for pointing fingers Kurotsuchi, 3rd seat Cifer effectively lessened the burden on the Gotei 13 giving us more time to figure out how to free the Head Captain." Said Captain Soi Fon as she instructed a member of the Stealth Force to relay her orders.

"I agree with Captain Soi Fon, we must recognize and recall all personnel to strengthen ourselves and the defenses of the Seireitei. After we do that we can begin reclaiming our Zanpakuto, which in turn will allow us all to Secure the Head Captain." Isshin said while looking at Ulquiorra who was standing next to the Original Espada.

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In the Gotei 13 there is currently only one 2 Units that are able to operate at nearly 100%, The Kido corps and the Mitoshi. Therefore, as the Acting Head of the Mitoshi Ulquiorra was swarmed with paperwork and orders he must approve and issue so, personally he saw this Meeting as a waste of time. The longer it took for the Captains to issue their orders the More Chaos would spread as Soul Reapers, Students and Members of the Noble Families lost control of their Zanpakuto.

No only that but they had two very powerful issues that were slowly losing their Patience. The First was the Head Captain's wife she was also present in this meeting, While outwardly she looked like a delicate noble women everyone could feel the Bloodlust and residue Spirit Energy that was subconsciously being released off her body due to her current state.

The Second was Itachi, The Head Captain's Brother. He Stood there as His eyes shined a dangerous light, a pattern appeared that none of the Captains Present have ever seen before as his Reiatsu as well was permeated the area he then spoke.

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"Usually I am the calm one as Ichi - Tatsuo is the one that has the Short fuse and quick to destroy the enemy. I'm the one that acts as the good cop as he is the bad, Today I will play that role for you members of the Gotei 13. For 100 Years I tried my hardest to be reunited with my brother while he spent 1000 years alone, when we finally get together the joy I had was indescribable as before we once again shared the bond that could never be broken."

Itachi took a deep breath while closing his eyes, The aura around him changed to one that could no longer be refuted. The Aura of Emperor Zenkichi the Second was shone for the First time in Section 19, when he opened his Eyes the Zettigan was vividly depicted as his reiatsu skyrocketed to a level that made everyone in the room feel apprehensive.

"I understand the burden of being a leader so I will not be unreasonable as my Brother tends to be even though he may know that burden much better than any of us. You will be given 5 Days. After that deadline I will begin to make moves myself, Once I take the field I honestly will not feel any remorse as a destroy your precious Zanpakuto. So it would behoove you to suppress the rebellion as well as find my brother in these 5 days, If not I will be more than happy to do it myself."

The Captains looked at the man who resembled their Head Captain to such a degree it was as he never left and they felt a similar pressure. The Familiar feeling of helplessness Captain-Commander Shiba presents when he displays his might. At that moment it was like a Flame was lit under their ass that only intensified as time went on, they all knew if that deadline runs out these flames would burn them alive.

While the Source of this pressure didn't care in the slightest, In their long lives he has yet to have the opportunity to play the part of the overprotective Big Brother.

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