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When we get back to our Dorm rooms after being informed we have a mission briefing in the morning I run straight to my room. During the past Few months of training I never really had the opportunity to review Siri's analysis of the Sharingan. This upcoming mission will be difficult and I will need every strength increase I can muster.

'Siri, What were your findings on the Sharingan?'

[The Chakra that activates the Sharingan originates from the brain and has a unique nature to it that stimulates the octave nerves and awakens the Sharingan. This chakra remains in the optical nerves and over stimulates the nerves when activating the Mangekyo Sharingan, this will eventually lead to loss of vision. Implanting the eyes of another Uchiha clan member causes a Mutation in the chakra that resizes in the eyes. This is why when a Uchiha that has implanted a different pair of eyes in them has distinct differences in the pattern of their Mangekyo Sharingan.]

'This seems like a pretty reasonable explanation, But what causes the Mutation and how can I recreated that without transplanting another pair of eyes?'

[Drink The Blood of a Chakra Beast class B or Higher. The Charka that resides dormant in the Blood of Charkra beasts is Wild and Furious and will cause your chakra to rampage. Circulate your chakra and force the Beast Chakra into the the 4 Chakra points in your head. This will cause a more profound mutation of the Sharingan, while also strengthening your optic nerves to the extreme.]

'I wish I had Chakra beast blood to try it out.' Ichizo laminated at his own foolishness. If only he asked earlier.

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[Oh How I though you have grown. Was I mistaken? Or does he forget he has a magical artifact that has access to a Magical Store. I guess I am just a voice in his head. Maybe he thinks he is crazy?]

'THATS RIGHT THE STORE' Ichizo facepalms his mask which actually hurts more than just palming his face.

'Siri How many Siri Points do I have?'

[Siri points: 4892]


[Its been 2 Years since the last time you used Siri points Ichizo, I have issued Quests that you have successfully completed. However, you were busy at the time and didn't want to disturb you. ^_^]

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'.....Thank you I guess, How much does S Class Blood cost?'

[4000 Siri Points]

'Really?' Ichizo's Face sank. He finally thought he could get stronger without going through all that extra training. He would probably be strong enough to 1 shot the world.

[Yes, I probably can think what you were going to do with those points. Increase your stats. However increasing your stats by that much in a short period of time would cause instantaneous death, Your body is still growing and still too fragile for such a large increase in stats. But I digress, S Class blood will give you the greatest reaction and have the strongest mutation to the eyes. The poison in the blood will cause immense amounts of pain however it will temper your body and increase your overall Chakra.]

His heart was crushed by the First half but was on cloud nine during the latter half of Siri's statement a Vast Chakra pool would allow him to be more versatile during the war.

'Purchase the S class Blood'

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The Blood Was a deep Crimson and was radiating heat from inside a Heat Resistant container or at least what appears to be a heat resistant container. It was at least 6 ounces of Blood in a clear tightly sealed Polymer Double lined cup. I Removed the seal and opened the lid and was assaulted by the heat radiating off the Blood. Sweat immediately formed on my brow and I started feeling slightly Dehydrated.

[After Drinking that remember no matter how painful do not pass out.]

'Got it.' I steel my heart put the cup to my lips and swallow all of its contents. When it hit my tongue I already began regretting my decision, I must have mistaken blood for lava. I thought my tongue was melting, that feeling followed every part of my body until the Blood hit my stomach.

At that point The chakra in the blood flowed into the Chakra pathway system and the Pain from the poison began to assault me. It Felt like every bone in my body was being broken and put back together. I fell on the Floor and laid on my back, Because that is exactly what was happening I was being reconstructed by the poison. This is how people who eat Chakra beast die. They die from Shock and pain. My body deflated on the floor. I was like a sack of water the without my skeletal systems' support, if i could look down at my body I bet i would be able to see my heart beating furiously to keep me alive.

I begin moving the chakra through the system into the four points in my head, but the chakra is resisting with all its might and destroying the walls of my chakra system. This only adds to the pain I am experiencing.

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However, as the Chakra system is being destroyed it is being rebuilt making the pathways wider and Stronger so chakra can move faster through out my body. From the pathways in my feet up to my brain it is all destroyed and rebuilt anew.

Once that was done then the chakra obediently followed my commands and flowed into the chakra points in my head. Once that happened my Chakra underwent a quantitative change, It became denser and more pure. This was no longer the chakra of a shinobi but that similar to that of the Tailed beasts. Once the change was complete my skeletal system began reconstructing itself as well, The bones became denser yet lighter and more solid, It was like they were no longer made out of calcium like normal human beings.

When the pain resided I was drenched in sweat, but i felt energetic and well rested. I felt as if the world was in the palm of my hands.

[Congratulations Ichizo on successfully modifying the Uchiha Bloodline! You Still Have all the Strengths of Indra's bloodline yet are not hindered by the weaknesses of your ocular jutsu. Loss of sight will no longer be and issue, Eternal is no longer an accurate nomenclature for your Sharingan. Things that are Eternal can still be hindered during their span of life. However things that are Timeless will always and forever exist without the slightest deviation from their course. With Your Permission I would like to name your Sharingan 'Timeless' Because no matter the trials, no matter the punishment your Sharingan will always show you the way.]

Ichizo Ran to the Lavatory activated his Sharingan and looked at its reflection in the Mirror.

It Was a Deep Blue hue and The Three tomoe were slowly rotating around the pupil in the middle. Truly Magnificent.

'Siri, Timeless it is.'

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