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The day to acquire new Spirit Rings for the children had arrived so Tatsuo went to check on his Disciple on the 150th floor. Walking into the room he found Little Bo sitting in the cultivation room with a lot of black excrement coming out of the pores of his body.

'It would appear that he has succeeded in the task I have given him, his Talent must not have been lacking at all but he was born with blocked spirit channels. Heavenly Body causes the cells within the body to go through a metamorphosis causing humans to genetically evolve into a more long-lived race called High Humans. These new cells then clean the body from the inside out making cultivation at least 300% faster overall, so right now he too should have Rank 10 spirit power.'

Tatsuo stood silently as he let the child finish the process, after about 30 mins Little Bo opened his eyes.


"No need to say anything as I already know what you have done. Go get cleaned up and meet me in the Lobby downstairs fully clothed for combat. Take this knife as you will need it for what is to come."

Handing Bo Chang the Combat knife Tatsuo turned around and left as Little Bo went to do what his Master ordered. Another hour later 7 Children were all present along with his Wife Nel, A Titled Douluo and a Titled God escorting 7 children to acquire their Spirit rings was a little overkill.

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"These three will be joining you guys on this hunt, they will also be the newest members of your team along with Little Bo. Everyone introduce yourself."

"My name is Xie Bo Chang, age 6 years old, Rank 10 Spirit Trainee, Tool Spirit: Pure Rose."

"Name: Shisui Uchiha, Age:6, Rank:10, Spirit: The Six-winged Void Hawk"

"Hello everyone! My name is Chiyoko Uzumaki, I am Six years old and a Rank 10 Spirit Trainee! My Spirit is called the Armored Turtle."

"I'm known as Ulquiorra Cifer, Same age and Spirit rank as the three before and my Spirit is the Blood Bat."

Nel looked at the small ones in front of her with the exception of Little Bo the others were people she has heard of before and of course Ulquiorra so her face became strange as she looked at Tatsuo.

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Tatsuo just nodded his head then walked out the building and headed towards the shore as their first target was Naoki's Deep Sea Salamander. Tatsuo wrapped the group in his spirit energy as the headed into the waters below.

"Naoki, based off of your spirit and temperament I have decided that you will be the Support system master of the group."

Tatsuo looked at his son and the little boy just nodded his head at his Father's words having complete trust in the decision.

"As a Support System master, you will be healing the injuries of your team while also restoring their strength. Due to this, you will also have to be aware of the overall battle situation while also keeping yourself out of harm's way. I will forge a sword for you to defend yourself and teach you the ways of the Sword later, your first spirit Ring will come from the Deepsea Salamander."

"What are the Deep sea Salamanders abilities?"

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"They mostly are known for their regenerative properties, if they lose a limb or most body parts they are able to restore these body parts with relative ease. At 100,000 years old they become far more dangerous and are known as the terror of the deep because they are rarely alone and develop a neurotoxin to paralyze their prey."

Naoki nodded as the group made their way into the sea, after traveling at least 2 miles out and 10,000 meters below the water they finally came across their target. As this was not the appropriate place to teach the triplets and his disciple battle tactics Tatsuo signaled Nel who incapacitated Both the Male and female Salamanders before Naoki dealt the killing blow.

Tatsuo increased the Age of his Sons ring to 100,000 years then allowed the boy to assimilate it and head to there next target the Magma Shark which resides within a volcano.

"Tatsuki you will be the Power System master of the group dealing massive amounts of burst damage through your Spirit Ring abilities. Your Spirit ring will come from the Magma Shark, this spirit beast is not well known due to the harsh conditions it lives in. Its main ability is creating or using the magma or lava around it to create a wall around enemies then burning them within.

After acquiring her spirit ring they moved to the forest to get the spirit rings for the rest of the children.

"Little Bo your Plant Spirit is interesting and has many different paths you can take with it but I have decided that you will become a Control system master. The Scorpion Wasp will be perfect for both increasing the durability of the Rose stem while it's venom can be excreted through both the thorns or through the pollen of the Rose. As a control system master you will lock down opponents with massive amounts of crowd control effects while dealing damage over time. As we are now in the forest Nel and I will take a step back to see how you seven work together."

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Tatsuo looked at the group and stopped moving to tell them the game plan.

"Nelial will be the Physical Attack system master dealing damage with continues melee blows or supplementing your attacks with your Spirit abilities. Your Spirit Ring will come from the Ice Wolf."

Tatsuo directed his attention to Chiyoko.

"You will be the Assault System master which is very unique as you will be the defensive line of the group. Shisui will be the Agility system master as your spirit can make quick attacks to the enemy weakening them before dealing the final blow. Ulquiorra you can go a combination of Support and Battle Systems as your blood bat has both high attack capabilities and high regenerative properties. Your Targets will be the Demon Devourer Tree for Chiyoko, The Sonic Rabbit for Shisui, and the Cane Toad for Ulquiorra as its Toxin can be used for both attack and restoration."

Tatsuo and Nel then disappeared into the Trees.

"You all will have 3 Days to capture your targets and come out alive. You will only receive help from either of us if you are in mortal danger. Good Luck."

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