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Sitting on the ship Tatsuo reviewed the mission statement for this endeavor, The continents will be visited in order from weakest inhabitants to strongest. Their first stop was a continent just to the Northeast of the Douluo Continent when they arrived the citizens were in a state of awe.

"The Spirit Energy in the air is much thicker here! Cultivation should be much easier in such an environment."

"I can see why His Eminence wants us to explore these lands, there are so many things that are unknown who knows what treasures can be awaiting us?"

Tatsuo stepped off the ship and made his way onto the ground below as he looked around this Continent, according to satellite imaging its scale is incomparable to the Douluo Continent as it is the 3rd Largest Continent. The entire Continent if explored in depth would take a lifetime to discover all the intricacies of the place.

"Our Targets are the 5, Million plus year old Spirit Beasts which reside on this Continent. In order for us to establish a foothold we must eliminate them, they have the power to rally the Spirit Beast on this continent. Individually spirit Beasts are not an issue however together their power is a threat we must not allow to continue to exist if we wish to continue existing. Plus it is time for me to get my 11th Spirit Ring so this is a wonderful opportunity."

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Tatsuo said this as he looked at the expansive Mountain Range in front of him, some with peaks so high in the sky, they seem to be a Stairway to heaven. He felt the power for the 5 Sources he mentioned and he was sure they felt his presence as well so he smiled and did something he has not done in many years. Display his Dominance.

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His Spirit Rings appeared Behind him as he took his draconic form and flew into the air His Ten Deep Gold spirit rings caused the surrounding Spirit Energy to flow around him as he activated his 10th Ring.

The Sky received his call as lightning struck his Claymore as he commanded the incoming storm down below everyone looked on in sheer awe.

"Pay close attention, I will Injure them all then you all will go finish them off."

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"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In the Sky 5 Giant Holes appeared which looked like portals to another world as Blue Black energy collected. Anything and everything below was staring into the barrel of a gun.

"<Overflowing Divinity>"

Tatsuo's unhurried words echoed through the lands as powerful Spirit Energy fluctuations caused even the oceans to react as the Tide retreated as if prostrating itself before the High-Emperor. The Energy begins to collect causing even Titled Douluo to faint under the sheer pressure it was as if they were thrown into a black hole and their bodies were begin ripped apart.

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There was no loud detonation like they expected but only silence as they watched the 5 Beams of pure energy fall from the heavens. It was as if these energy beams existed since the beginning as if they were supporting the weight of the world standing unbothered by the chaos around them.

After 15 seconds the beams ceased their channeling and 15 seconds later all the sounds of destruction as well as a shockwave which sent even the mightiest Titled God Flying into the sea. Tatsuo stood in the skies as his wings kept him suspended in the air, his long white hair fluttered slightly due to the shockwave yet overall it looked as if he was watching something completely unrelated to him as if he was bored.

In the Sea, the 13 Pillars looked at the expression on their Monarch's face and felt their mouths twitch uncontrollably.

Sire, why must you look so relaxed? We could barely handle the shockwaves let alone the blast itself! What do you mean Injure? You clearly just performed mass extermination okay!

"We have gone overboard in our testing of the enemy's strength, it would appear they are no more."

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In the sea, the 13 Pillars wanted to cry while the Titled Douluo under them felt the same way.

Sire, what is with that manner of speech! We have never heard you use that manner when talking about yourself! Have you gone back to the Ancients, Ah!

"Clean up the mess and find a suitable location for our base of operations. Inform the mainland that we have succeeded in conquering the first Continent yet that does not mean the rest will be done in such a timely manner."

Tatsuo then waved his hand and a spirit ring which was Gold and Blue appeared in front of him.

"This is the spirit Ring from one of the 5 overlords of this Continent I will spend time assimilating it on the ship, once that is done the tasks I assigned should be completed."

After he said that he then disappeared from their view.

Progress of exploration 1/10.

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