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Time stopped as The Almighty inspected every aspect of Tatsuo's Soul, It was a very invasive feeling as if you were standing naked in your shower only to turn around and notice a theater filled with people spectating your actions.

For the first time in a long time, Tatsuo felt truly helpless. His current task to move through the planes was authorized by this entity yet it would appear this entity never expected such an incident to happen. Yet the gaze on Tatsuo was not filled with malicious but curiosity as if it was interested in how far this currently insignificant being would go.

To put things into perspective the Current Almighty is the 3rd, the First Olodumare was essentially the Father to all as he created it all. He set in place the system that is still in use today, as Almighty he preferred to rule and oversee from afar as he was curious about what his creation would become. Yet many many years later the war of gods broke out, Olodumare continued to sit idly as he did not believe that things would escalate as far as it did.

Unable to standby as his creation destroyed itself the All-Father made a move using his very life to separate the power he allowed to roam free creating being capable of such disaster separating his creation into what it is today.

From that day onwards the 2nd Almighty known simply as God stepped into power, he moved forward with what was left behind by his predecessor creating shackles which locked away the secrets of the First Almighty's power confining the inhabitants of the planes within them to give the illusion that where they were is all that there is so for many years the Great war of the gods was long forgotten.

The 3rd Almighty had no recollection of this great war as he was born during the 2nd's rule as he finally reached the seat of Almighty he was informed of the Shackles but not the reason behind them so when he noticed someone moving through the shackles set into place he was intrigued but not wary because what could an atom floating in the nothingness of the 5 do to the one that sits above them all?

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Yet in that short time span, this Atom has started to make waves that even the Almighty noticed and approved of as he was helping ease the burden of keeping everything in check. Yet today he witnessed that Atom create something that gives him a sense of familiarity, the warm feeling of a relative when your whole life you were just an orphan.

So as the almighty inspected this Soul he was looking for anything that could give him a hint of what it was and there it was the Art of the First.

"Interesting you have found a fraction of the creator's power, to think a mere Dragon can bring back the lost records that not even I have access to! Show me something entertaining!"

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After that was said the Almighty withdrew his gaze as time continued to flow Tatsuo felt that his body was released from a sort of restriction.

[Generating Stats….]

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[Name: Tatsuo Shiba Age:101,632 Years Old Race: Dragon of Origin

Spirt Rank:186 (Quasi God-King)

Spirit Rings: 18(8 Divine Rings)

-Due to the addition of the Lost Art of the First God Spirit Power, Chakra, and Reiatsu have become one, therefore, Spirit Skills are no longer derived from the Spirit Rings. All abilities from Planes 20, and 19 are now permitted in Plane 18.

-Due to the Lost Art of the First God Bottlenecks no longer exist]

Tatsuo raised his head to look at the incoming Divines of the Continent, the oppression he once felt from their powerful auras was no longer present. Not only that he has now found a new Goal to piece together the Lost art of the First God maybe he could become the new Almighty.

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At this point, he was an anomaly of the plane maybe the entire Omegaverse as his Spirts, His Zanpakuto, and all other abilities forced the evolution of his species to Dragon of Origin. The became truly a part of him and no longer separate entities.

The Zettigan became his eyes by default, his Kekkei Ijo Somatic Style and all other Jutsu became an innate ability no longer requiring hand signs he now just had to think about what the technique and it would materialize. The Abilities of his Spirit Rings and Zanpakuto became Racial Traits of the Dragon of Origin while his dragon assimilation was now just a transformation.

"God said Let there be Snow."

As Tatsuo said that snow began to fall.

"God said Allies will not be injured."

The golden light on the members of the expedition force intensified protecting them from all danger.

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"God said let the snow restrict his enemies while flames will purify them."

As the snowflakes landing on the incoming enemies they blossomed into flowers that covered the body, freezing and restricting movement. Following that, an ethereal flame started to burn the very soul of these divines reducing those truly opposed to Tatsuo's conquest to ash while others were just cleansed of their "sins".

With that, the Divine Continent Conquest came to an end.

Back at the Imperial Night Realm, there were many suspicious movements from the former nobles of the two Empires of the Douluo Continent. There is a saying that the "Mice will play while the Cat is away." which perfectly describes how the Emperors of the two empires are currently acting.

They are trying to expand their influence and re-seize power for themselves, yet they didn't think about the consequences of their actions. If the Spirit Hall which was a power around since the very formation of their empires was uprooted and destroyed by the High-Emperor what makes them think that have the capabilities to do what that superpower could not in their current state?

In our History, it is proven that Empires that grow to big eventually collapse and usually that is from within. Whether it is disgruntled citizens, famine, sickness, or war however what if there were no disgruntled citizens, no famine, no sickness? Only war would be a threat yes?

These old fogies of the two empires have forgotten his Eminaces Grace and want to incite a civil war However they thought the Cat keeping the mice at bay was the High-Emperor when in fact there were many within the imperial palace to keep all troubles at bay.

Itachi's eyes see all digressions.

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