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Tatsuo saw the proud vestige of a true warrior in the Overgod so he responded to that pride with a fight at his level. The Frosty north turned into a scene from the 'Day after Tomorrow' the ice melted and massive waves engulfed the continent as two figures moved through the air, ground, and seas.

The sounds of their battle traveled the globe sounding like the end of days, the planet quaked, the sky darkened, their battle resonated with the Sun in their galaxy and the other stars in the sky.

"<Solar Meltdown>"

Tatsuo's eyes flashed and the sun fuelled his attack. The light bathed the planet as the Spirit Rings behind Tatsuo were illuminated making him appear as the holiest existence.

The Stars flickered and dimmed before his radiance as the Plant Spirit Beasts bloomed throughout the planet rapidly absorbing the energy.

"This Battle was to grant you the final respect a warrior should receive. Unlike all the others who receive power and become arrogant, overbearing, narcissistic, etc you have remained humble despite your position as the True God of the Plane. For that, I will show you one of my most powerful techniques."

There was no explosion, no fierce impact, the Overgod just ceased to exist, just like that he was gone, reduced to atoms that drifted into the nothingness of space. All he left behind were two Spirit Rings One Gold and one Obsidian when the fused with Tatsuo he saw the creation of this Plane.

He Saw the Beginning, he saw civilizations rise and fall yet he saw one constant that made his blood boil with excitement. The Empire he created only flourished it never fell, it power only grew sure there were downs but the ups outweighed them all.

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With that, he returned the North Back to its state before the battle then returned to the exhibition force, he informed them of the things that must be done the when to see his family.

Seated up his Throne Tatsuo called the remain members of his inner circle to the Throne room.

"Today, I will move forward to the next plane. As we move forward through the Planes the power dynamics of the planes will be vastly different, as this time I am truly unsure of what may happen I will go alone."

This caused an uproar in the room as many did not feel the Emperor should subject himself to such danger yet the empress was the one that calmed their hearts.

"You have never let us down so far so I can only believe in you and follow behind with unwavering support. When the Time is right we shall join you once again."

Nel just smiled but deep in her eyes, you could see the endless sadness. Tatsuo rose from his Throne and walked toward him Parents, Brother, Wife, and Children. He gave them all hugs and told them something for their ears only before his body began to glow.

"I love you all! I will see you shortly."

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With that Plane 18's Journey came to an end.


Tatsuo woke up in an orphanage in the body of a child that seemed to be 8-9 years old.

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[Host the theme of 'Overlord' takes place in a DMMO-RPG called Yggdrasil. The Game was released in 2126 by a Japanese developer, it lasted for 12 years and on the day the servers ended, there was a wormhole that opened and dragged the MC into the primary Plane. The Sub-Plane that you are currently on is the result of Humans destroying the primary plane so the gods cast them out, The DMMO-RPG Yggdrasil was in fact a replica of the main plane created completely due to to humans active imagination. This Replica accessed the main plane due to this wormhole and dragged all who was currently logged into the game into the realm.]

'What is the current year?'

[It is August 22, 2111]

'So I have 14 years until the release of the game. Instead of joining the development team, I will advance the technology of the console used in order to bring about a deeper gaming experience to give players more of a feeling that instead of a game this is a "Second World" ultimately boasting the player base making Ains Ool Gown more powerful in return. In Fact, I will join that Guild as well.'

Sitting in the dilapidated room in the 22nd century Tatsuo laid out his master plan.

'Show me my stats.'


[Name: Toma Kazuhiro Age:10 Race:Human Height:4'5

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Weight:91 lbs

-Due to this being a Sub-Plane magic or any other special energy is unavailable.

-Fragment of the First God has not been found.]

'Download all knowledge needed to advance the gaming console. Purchase Cryptocurrency using Siri points, open a bank account in my name an cash out placing the money into that account. Bury the account deeply so it will only surface when I can apply for legal independency. Lastly, download all knowledge that a Ph.D. Student should know in all subjects lets get this school life over with as soon as possible I cant build connections in Primary school that will be useful in 6 years.'


Followed by pain Tatsuo now Toma Kazuhiro blacked out once again.

A few hours later Tatsuo woke up to hear the sounds of Children scurrying to and fro getting ready for school as today was the first day. Tatsuo joined into the madness and arrived on time to the welcoming ceremony.

Looking at the smiling faces of the children around him he felt a slight amount of joy in his heart, his first experience in primary school he was just like the rest of them but now he will live as the genius they can only look up too.

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