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Tatsuo's Floor in the Great Tomb of Nazarick was the 92nd, the floor was designed to be Half Hell and half Heaven the only way to enter this floor was through a portal that on the 91st floor or teleporting with a guild ring.

The room appeared to be about the size of a football field and running through the center of the room was a River which was Half Miasma, Half Holy energy. The left side of the Floor had torture devices of all kinds from every era, while the Heaven Side was a field of clouds and lakes.

Currently, on the Heaven side, Tatsuo sat on a cloud overseeing the Interrogation done by the Guardian of his floor Maxwell. Maxwell was designed to be an Incubus of Yin/Yang while also being a butler for Tatsuo as his duties of Floor Guardian were severely unnecessary on this floor.

Maxwell stood at 5'11 with an athletic build that was not slim yet at the same time not bulky. He wore a Suit that was white on the left and black on the right with a bowtie that contrasted that color scheme by switching the black and white halves. His socks and shoes fit the contrast color scheme as well. He wore a pair of Firm Silver Metal Aviators which fit firmly on his Caramel colored nose, his hair was done in a Temple Fade as his curly Half-white, half-Black hair swayed as he struck the man of the Slaine Theocracy.

The poor captive was fed the waters of the lake on the Heaven side which cause you to speak the truth. However, once he noticed that he could not mislead the two standing before him he became mute which led to his current state.

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Maxwell dragged him along the ground causing a trail of blood to stain the white floors, once he reached where Tatsuo was seated he dropped the captive, fell to one knee in salute.

"Tatsuo-sama please forgive my incompetence but I am unable to get any more information out of this Human."

"That's because you went about it all wrong, humans like him care about self-preservation yet tey will never fully abandon their allegiances not even in the face of death. Beating him won't get a proper answer out of him but mind control will. Even if you have to turn him into a Mindless Slave I want all the information he has written down by sunset."

"Yes, Tatsuo-sama."

Maxwell remained kneeling until Tatsuo was completely out of view, once the coast was clear he pierced the man's skull with the nail on his Index finger.

"Tatsuo-sama was patient with me and corrected my mishap so I will allow you to keep your sanity."

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Sitting down in the Guild Masters Office Tatsuo was talking with Momonga now Know as Ains Ool Gown about the next steps that they will take.

"The Kingdom, The Empire, and The Slaine Theocracy are the three nations that are in constant conflict with each other while the Republic, Holy Kingdom, City-State Alliance, and Draconic Kingdoms are on the sidelines not getting involved. Also, we aren't the First Players to be transported to this world, the entire Religion of the Slaine Theocracy is based on them believing that we Players are Gods. While to them, we may be all-powerful but it a far cry from real divinity, also the Religion is currently lead by the descendents of these Players called Demi-gods. Taking that into consideration if there were once players the should have brought their inventories like us and depending on the Power of these players there may have been world Items held within."

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Tatsuo read off Maxwell's report while being served a cup of tea, after reading through it a lot of the blanks that he had in his Knowledge of the world were filled yet there still remained many puzzles. Like what was the purpose behind the Gods Bringing these Players to the Main Plane? Currently, he did not know but he would Help Ains while figuring out this puzzle.

"Hmmm, what do you think about the plan of me becoming an adventurer and slowly absorbing the Kingdom until we control it?"

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"The more fine details of the plan have already been hashed out and given to the section Guardians that will be participating. Overall the plan is great, using Nazarick to support you will fill in the gaps so just speak. If the Section Guardians are unable to handle a task it will be completed by myself or the Members of the 42 slowly but surely I will show you the ropes."

Tatsuo looked at the Map spread out on the Conference table with intrest, standing up he walked over to the desk and pulled out a Black marker. Tatsuo then approached the map and started Drawing the political boundaries of the nation with their specific areas of influence.

"Humans are the most Numerous yet they are not the most powerful, despite claiming the majority of the continent for themselves there are certain areas they dare not enter."

Tatsuo then pointed at a Sebas and had him document what he was about to say.

"The Elves, The Dwarves, The Orcs, and the Beastmen. These four races do not have the vast territories the humans do but instead, they have far more powerful warriors. For Centuries no country has been brave enough to challenge their claims over the areas they Rule. Yet we have nothing to fear. In order to Rule the world information, connections, and politics are necessary, war is an effective way to take over territory but not an effective way to conquer the people. Nazarick has NPCs of all these races and I have already begun sending them out to these areas. While you are moving about learning more about the Kingdom I will spread my Palms across the rest of the Know world. Swords and Magic are amazing weapons in this world, but what would happen if we added technology to the mix?"

Ains' eyes shined brightly as he thought about the statement, he understood.

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"These Races have the resources need to fuse Magic and Technology?"

Tatsuo turned to look at Ains' with a bright, evil, and very destructive smile that lowered the temperature of Nazarick in it's entirety by a few degrees. The Maids and Guards within the room stood as far away as possible yet their eyes never left the Supreme Being who was about to enlighten them.

"All we have to do is take it. Once we do that we slowly infiltrate the depths of the Governments and spread dissatisfaction with the system. We will insinuate and fund rebellions, political upheaval, assassinations, until all that remains is us. Then with our weapons, we will figure out the secrets hidden on this Leaf of the world tree."

Tatsuo smile then intensified as his eyes squinted looking like that of a fox.

"So tell me Ains, if you want the world, I can give it to you!"

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