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Mom and Dad Stood there and looked at the three masked kids in front of them.'Look how much they have grown, Look how much they have accomplished since they have been gone!' its been almost a year since they had the opportunity to see there kids.

"You may remove your masks the room has been sealed not even Minato can get in." Lord Third quickly read the mood and chimed in.

Since It requires so little chakra now to keep active Itachi, Ichizo and Shisui now all keep their respective Sharingans active. So when they removed their masks and their Parents got a good look at their face and eyes they were amazed.

"How did you get your sharingan to become that color? And Your Chakra has increased ten fold, You are similar to jinchuriki right now. How?" His mother was the first one to open her mouth and ask.

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"Mother this is not the place for those questions we will speak when we get home." Itachi said then Deactivated his sharingan, Ichizo and Shisui followed suit. They deactivated the seals then Disappeared headed in the directions of their respective homes.

"Lord Third did those three really do all that was just said? Alone?"

"Mikoto, Those three are capable extremely capable and valued members of the Leaf. Honestly I could not believe it myself However the Sharingan they have should be enough proof as well as their presence. It feels Unfathomable, Beastly, and Wild, Yet it is mellow and comforting at the same time. With that being said I believe they have something to say to you if they left that quickly and if they are doing their best to avoid prying eyes."

" I understand thank you Lord Third for Listening to my husband's and my Sons' selfish request a year ago." After that was said Mikoto and Fugaku walked out the office and headed home themselves.

'Those three probably won't stay in the Hidden Leaf for Long, I probably Have until After the war maybe more.' The Hokage lamented as he resumed finishing the mountains of paperwork on his desk.

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When Fugaku and Mikoto arrived back at their estate the walked in to find their sons sitting on the Couch waiting for their arrival.

"Mom, Dad, Itachi and I have some things to say, I know you have questions but allow me to speak my piece first." Ichizo cut off his mom who was about to bombard him with questions. So his parents both stopped and sat down on the Love-seat adjacent to the Couch.

"Mom, Dad, I want to Create my own Village. Not now but after the war and I need your help to do it. The Uchiha Clan as a whole has had its differences with the leaf but that is not why I want to do it, have you ever thought of The Purpose of a Shinobi? Not in Battle or In a war but the true Purpose of a Shinobi?"

Both of his parents stopped and they thought about it and thought about it for a long time but they couldn't find the answer to Ichizo's questions. The Both shook their heads " No I have not really thought about it before Ichizo."

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"I asked Itachi that same question, The Answer we came up with was to eventually gain enough power to become a God. We pondered on this Answer for a longtime until we eventually came to a conclusion on how to accomplish this feat. So we took a look at our Chakra, Charkra points,and The Gates within our Bodies." At This Point Ichizo looked over at his parents and They were listening intently as if what he was saying was no different than words of the Lord Sage of the Six Paths himself.

"We found that after we enhanced our bodies those things changed. The Eight Gates Have actually become Gate like structures within our bodies and there are no longer eight gates but 10. You said in the Hokages office we feel like Jinchuriki Right? That was the Final hint I needed, If there are 10 gates, and the Tailed Beasts go by tail to signify their strength what would happen if i open the First gate? Will I be as strong as the one tails? and so on and so forth."

{Congratulations Ichizo on understanding the Path to Godhood!

Rewards: Water Chakra Nature Affinity, Siri Points: 9000}

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'It seems I'm Right! Siri Give me 2 bottle of S Class Beast blood' Ichizo was ecstatic! Now he had away to not only get stronger but ascend to godhood and actually stand a chance against the Otsutsuki Clan that want the world trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Not only that but he will be able to find out the reason why they want the world in that Jutsu in the first place. And In all honesty he was taking a shot in the dark with that explanation.


"When Itachi, Shisui and myself were up north in the wild lands we killed a Chakra beast and cooked it." His parents looked really concerned at their children's decision but seeing that they were alright they pushed it to the back of their minds and continued listening.

"Even though we didn't get the opportunity to eat it just sitting there roasting the meat we could feel the Chakra in our bodies reacting to the meat like it was urging us to eat it. I pondered on this day and night until i finally got the opportunity to test out the theory I had on myself. I took a cup filled with chakra beast blood and I drank it, After that My body changed to what it is today."

My Parents looked at me like they just heard the most incredible thing in their lives. If I had a camera I would honestly like to frame their reactions.

"So now you know the truth of how my Sharingan looks like this and how my chakra feels like that of a jinchuriki's." I take out the Two cups of S-Class blood and look them both in the eye as I activate my Sharingan. "Now Mother, Father, Would you like to join us in our aim for the top?"

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