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*Ichizo POV*

When I ask Daisuke that question his body stiffens, he cliches his fists, and his face becomes devoid of all emotion, He straightens his back and looks at me directly in the eyes. I could tell that many different questions formulated within his head that he prepared to bombard me with at any moment.

So before he has the opportunity to do so I speak " You view things differently than I do, you also take precautions before you make a decision to view any and every angle to approach the problem. There was a reason I asked you that earlier question, If you answered right away it would show that you did not truly understand what I was trying to do with this nation. If you Flattered me by saying 'Lord Yorukage you are making excellent decisions' it would show you are just after a Selfish advancement of your status with no real understanding of how to do the job. You did neither one, You pondered deeply over my question. During that process you would constantly shake your head as if you were coming up with different ways to approach the issue however you felt they were not good enough to present to me." I pause to take a look at him and his face shows that my deduction is spot on, it seems reading people is easier than I thought.

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"I need someone to question my decisions. I need someone that could look at me and tell me that I am wrong, someone that views things differently and has the tact and understanding to do these things without belittling me or undermine my authority in front of subordinates. In the future things will get busier, the scale of operation much larger and the lives at stake will be too numerous to count. So I need someone by my side that can fulfill that role while also remaining humble and being a shinobi that is not afraid to take risks." I look at him with anticipation but I did not allow it to show on my face, I don't know how a leader of a Nation is supposed to behave but, what I do know is I can't wear my emotions on my face.

"Lord Yorukage I would be happy to do that."

"Great you will begin immediately, Next thing on my list is education followed by Military strength and training. It has come to my attention that The Academy did not go in depth on Reading, Math, Science, The History of the Shinobi world, The Cause of the great wars, and the History of clans. The book I handed you earlier is a Basic Science book, I can bet that you don't understand even half of its contents. This is not your fault however, it is a problem that I wish to remedy. Without Proper education like I said the future leaders will have not idea how to effectively lead or make use of their resources. I have come up with a re-education program that I will personally teach each and every current Shinobi and soon after will be the basic level of education that each and every citizen will be given."

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"After Which we will offer advanced levels of education that will go further in depth on each and every topic. This will hopefully make people question the current way things are being done in the entire Shinobi world and provide new ideas and spearhead development of new technologies. Now Moving on to the Military aspect, Usually between the ages of 5-8 shinobi training begins. Now we will separate the Shinobi aspect from the basic knowledge aspect, in order to even begin training to become a shinobi you must pass your basic education courses."

I stop to look a Daisuke an notice him standing there diligently taking notes, it would appear I made a great decision.

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"Now you may see this as a waste of effort but I see this as a necessity, The education prior was entirely to Shinobi training orientated which in turn stagnated the growth of the nations. This will not only help those that are slow on the uptake but also those with the ability to absorb knowledge easier. I say that because they will have only one primary responsibility at a time, either learn or train so it will not overburden anyone due to the increased difficulty of the schooling. This will also give them the choice of becoming a shinobi early on or attending the Advanced courses to pursue another career path after Shinobi training."

"This is still a Hidden Village so Shinobi training is a requirement, however I will also implement to a change in the way that works. We will have two status for Shinobi, either Active or On-call. Active Shinobi will carry out missions and other assignments issued by myself as well as be responsible for the overall safety of the Village and Nation. On-call Shinobi will be able to pursue other endeavors that are not shinobi based, Like starting a business, teaching, creating new technologies, or any other occupation, the only requirement is that you are a functioning member of society. This status will be revoked during times of war, and you must still maintain the physical fitness requirements of a shinobi."

Daisuke looked at me like he has never before even dreamed of this idea.

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"Now moving on to structural organization of Shinobi forces, The Chain of command is inefficient and practically non-existent. Shinobi classifications of Genin, Chunin, and Jonin are entirely too ambiguous and do not fully allow one to grasp the level of power they posses. In turn that leads to a blur on the clear responsibility of those at each rank and their deployment capability. The only rank that is clear cut is my own, so lets begin the changes from bottom to top, their primary responsibility at each rank, level of skill, chakra reserves and techniques. Rank will now on be a clear reflection of his or her Abilities as a Shinobi, there will be no grey areas or any special circumstances."

"A Genin is usually responsible for D-Rank missions that do not threaten their lives while also doing their part to bring in income to the village. They are usually apart of a team that consists of 3 genin and one Jonin. A Chunin is usually sent on more difficult C to B- rank missions that may involve combat after they have developed leadership and tactical skills. And Finally the Jonin, A rank that encompasses literally everything else A to S rank missions and state matters. I find this whole system troubling."

Daisuke looks at me with utter confusion and asks "Why Lord Yorukage this is the way things have always been done?"

"That is exactly the problem, These ranks were made under the interpretation that the Kage deploying the ninja would have accurate and detailed knowledge on every shinobi in the Village. Personally for me that aspect is not necessary, I should be able to deploy Shinobi to do a task with out having to know every detail about them and be confident they will be able to accomplish that task. Like I said Inefficient, so over the next 3 days while the Counsel is being formed you must come up with a way to remedy this issue. After that We will begin structural organization of the Military and the Education training."


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