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"So according to you plan the new Shinobi Ranks will be Genin, Kihonin, Chunin, Jonin, and Jokyunin all below me the Kage. With the Military aspect of it you would like to appoint a Rank based upon their shinobi rank which in turn will create a Chain of command?"

"Yes Lord Yorukage. I apologize for not bringing you a complete proposal however I felt that I should bring this to you before making any further decisions."

"No that is Fine,I am pleased with what you have. The only Change I will make is add one more Shinobi rank this will make translating them to military ranks more fluid and understanding. Furthermore, it will cause us to re-evaluate the mission ranking system as well." As I say that I retrieve a few sheets of paper to add a visual aid to my explanation.

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"Lets think of it in terms of a Pyramid. At the Top sits myself the Kage level Shinobi in charge of the Village, A mission that would require my direct attention would have to be at the level which threatens the very safety of the Village and Nation as a Whole, I will name this rank EX. Below me would sit the Jokyunin, These shinobi are highly experienced and have the power to become a Kage in their own right. Missions that would require their direct attention would have to be at the level that protects or involves matters of the Nation or Combating enemies which are beyond the level of normal Jonin, This is your S-Class missions correct?"

"Yes Lord Yorukage."

"The Missions below that will follow the standard order of A-Class which Jonin will be assigned, B-Class for Chunin, C-Class for Kihonin, D-Class for Genin, and the New Class of E for Hikuinin. Shinobi will be tested in a manner that not only tests their knowledge of jutsu, Chakra levels, etc like the normal nations but a new standard that I will create which will determine their eligibility for the next rank. In my opinion the current way of doing things is not adaptive enough, shinobi aren't taught standardized formations, Battle tactics, strategic planning and many other things at the level where they could become interchangeable and be able to operate within each team no matter what. But I have digressed, adjust the mission description to fit what I have said."

Daisuke takes a note of this, when he is done I continue my break down of the Shinobi power pyramid.

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"To create a proper chain of Command we must create a Rank system that will classify all Active Shinobi as well as On-call Shinobi. All active Shinobi will be broken down into two rank categories which will allow a smooth flow of information from Top to Bottom as well as Bottom to the top. The On-call shinobi will be assigned a Rank appropriate to their Shinobi rank when they are activated."

I then draw a Line between the bottom three sections of the pyramid from the Top 4 sections.

"I am excluded from these ranks and will assume the position of Supreme Commander, the Counsel will have no authority over the Military and it will be a separate entity from the Law enforcement Department. The Bottom three sections which contain Hikuinin, Genin, and Kihonin will make up the Enlisted Ranks. As they climb through the ranks they will develop leadership skills, co-operation, and Most importantly a feeling of belonging. At my Level I hate to say it but I will never have the opportunity to interact with each and every one of the lower level shinobi, to me they are just numbers that display the overall strength of the Nation and Village. Its terrible to think about isn't it? It may seem hypocritical to my earlier views, however this is the reality of it all and I can't change that with my current level of power."

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*Daisuke POV*

As I listen to Lord Yorukage speak I can hear the surging emotions in his voice. He seems conflicted on his decision yet determined to see it thorough, Is this what It means to be in power? Is this the Burden that many covet yet may never have the opportunity to hold?

It Seems as if his position is forcing him to make decisions that he would have never made before. From the stories that spread of Lord Yorukage, Lord Itachi, and Lord Shisui's exploits they all share the same detail. They did it all Alone. The Wave after wave of enemies while being tired and Hungry, they pushed through it all Alone to create a Legend. The Day of Two Suns, a Day that I will remember for the rest of my life. It was as if A deity descended and wiped all impurities away with the wave of his hand, The world acted as a spectator as the person in front of me wiped away thousands of lives.

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Now he is making a decision that in the future will send thousands to their deaths when he could solve the problem with a single jutsu. Never-less in his position that would not be appropriate so he has no choice but to do what he is doing today.

"The Next three sections Which contain Chunin, Jonin, and Jokyunin will make up the Officers. These individuals will be in charge of the Planing and organizational aspect of the Military, due to this I will have the most interaction with these personnel."

Every word that came out of his mouth was a blade that craved into all his ideals. As I stood there I watched as my Kage begin to change his mindset from one that would rather carry the weight of the world to one that will allow him to share the burden.

What Daisuke was witnessing was the Birth of a True ruler. A Kage, A King, Then a Emperor of Shinobi. "God of Shinobi" is just a clever moniker for a person that could never truly stand at the level of gods, Men should not label people as Gods because a true God can create and destroy with a Thought. So if Hashirama was the God of Shinobi, then Ichizo was the Emperor he could only bow his head to.

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