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Orochimaru looked around the Throne room with renewed clarity, The world looked as if it could be placed under a magnifying glass at will. From the dust in the Air to the individual fibers of hair on His Majesty's head Orochimaru could see it all. However, he could also now 'see' the chakra within the bodies of shinobi and when he focused on the Majestic chakra the King emitted he vomited. The sheer density, raw volume of the chakra was beyond his estimation as well as his comprehension.

'It's like staring into another dimension or on a higher plane, His biggest fear is betrayal? Only a fool would become an enemy of this might, they say if you wish to grow you must find a big tree to block out the prying eyes of your opposition. If that is true then his Majesty is the largest tree in the forest.'

With his new found bloodline and responsibilities Orochimaru rid himself of the last shadows of doubt within his heart and fully accepted his position in the Hidden Darkness. Prior to today even though his position was higher than most he felt as if he was an outsider or visitor in this nation. Constant supervision, daily reports, restricted access to certain information, the list goes on and on. Every step required permission every tests was supervised he was almost at his end but today his suffering was brought to an end.

His Majesty molded his chakra into a golden token, on the token there was a depiction of a snake eating it's own tail. Ouroboros, a representation of wholeness or the never ending passage of time, within it's eyes the Sharingan was present in all its glory.

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"Today I, Ichizo Zenkichi, King of the Night Kingdom, The First Yorukage bestow upon you, Orochimaru Saimin, The Great Seal of the Saimin Clan: The Iryujondoragon. With this seal you are now Officially the head of one of the 13 great Clans below the Crown!"

The Hidden Darkness does not have social classes nor is there discrimination of any kind regarding race,sex,religion or even sexual orientation however there are 13 Clans that stand Above the rest. Out of 3 million residents within the Kingdom of Night there are 12 Ruling Clans excluding his Majesty's Zenkichi Clan as well as Itachi and Shisui as the Uchiha Clan will not be in the Kingdom. After the "Big 12" there are 50 Major Clans, these clans have members numbering in the tens of thousands they also contain a large number of the active military forces. Lastly we have the Minor Clans which number in the hundreds. Although these clans are "Minor" they provide the Majority of services including active Shinobi to the country. The Richest people in the Kingdom excluding the King and Jokyunin would actually belong to the Minor Clans.

The Big 12 are known as such due to the clan heads being Jokyunin directly under the King, Their words could influence the Kings decisions which in turn could influence the country. Due to this the citizens of the Kingdom have elevated the status of the Big 12 by their own discretion, this is why just like the King the Jokyunin have to be extremely careful with their words or else a joke could be taken as a death sentence in the eyes of the Citizens.

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As of today the "Big 12" had a new addition, seal in hand Orochimaru bowed deeply to the King from threats of death to becoming one of the trusted members of the inner circle. Times have changed.

*In the Land of Cones*

At the Northernmost tip of the country there was a large area occupied by Chakra beasts, the terrain was filled with treacherous Canyons and Ravines. Located in a canyon so deep it was known as "Hell's Gateway" by the shinobi brave enough to venture there, in its murky depths there was a large cave.

Inside of the Cave there were two individuals engaged in a heated debate.

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"Step by Step our plans have been ruined, our pawn Obito was slain attempting to capture the Nine Tails. Nagato has vanished from the Land of Rain, and all the Tailed beasts have also vanished from their respective countries. In the last few years everything that I had planned has been obstructed or just utterly hindered while with each passing day death gets closer."

"Things have not been going the way we hoped but instead of focusing on that we should think of a way to overcome this slump."

"So what do you propose?"

"We originally tried to create discord between the countries however it would appear that a stronger power has appeared and quelled all disagreements with shear power."

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"Oh…..Interesting..Be more detailed."

"In The west a superpower that eclipses the might of the other nations by many folds appeared the only information I have gathered is that the head of the nation is a member of the Uchiha."

"An Uchiha at the Forefront of the new power? An Uchiha has been disrupting my Plans?!"

"Not only that but that Uchiha has power that is said to rival you in your prime! During the Third Great Ninja war he was dubbed "The Harbinger of Two Suns" his team of three defeated the entire invasion force of the Hidden Stone. The Day the sky flashed and it appeared the sun had fallen out of the sky was his doing."


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