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Arriving at the Palace Ichizo takes a seat on the Throne to reflect on his previous actions in the Demon Prefecture.

'I completely lost my cool back there. How is that possible?'

[During your ascension Kagu-Tsuchi completed molded with your very soul. Therefore, not only are you a Human, you are also truly a Dragon. Not only that but during your ascension your Draconic Bloodline was strengthened by the Plane, you have become a being that defies logic an Archetypal Draco. A Dragon of origin, as such a Dragon's Pride is no laughing matter so much so when Madara declared war you felt he treated you as a equal. As a Dragon that was humiliating, a being you consider Bacteria deemed you an equal.]

Ichizo took a lot time digesting the information he received, at the time of his ascension everything was destroyed then reconstructed by the plane from his body to his soul. Kagu-Tsuchi was one with his body yet they were still two separate souls but, due to Ichizo being the primary target of the Ascension everything else was most like deemed to be a part of him by the plane.

'So what does that mean moving forward?'

[As you advance through the planes your strength with still be significantly reduced, however as a dragon your lifespan is lengthy. Furthermore, as the Dragon of origin your lifespan is ever increasing to the point infinite is an appropriate label. Your soul will also influence the abilities you will gain in the new planes but as of now that is undetermined. In addition, The innate abilities regeneration, and transformation will always be available but, as you know usage of the Dragon transformation in some planes may be unwise.]

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'I see.'

Ichizo leaned back on the throne attempting to accept his new identity, somewhere deep within while he was very ecstatic about the opportunity to be reincarnated he still considered the core him as Lucas from Brooklyn. Sure in his previous life he was a antisocial person that prefered to game and watch anime than be around people but at least he could say he was still human.

While he is still Human yes, but now he is a Dragon. Think about that, usually no matter how many things change somethings will remain the same, this was his first true identity crisis.

'Why am I obsessing over this? In some planes I will be far from human. Yet this is also the reason why I have been reluctant to use the Dragon Transformation in the first place.'

Ichizo remained in deep contemplation for an undetermined amount of time it wasn't until Daisuke entered for a report.

Daisuke looked at the Emperor sitting on the throne, His Majesty had his left arm resting on the armrest of the Throne while his hand grasped his chin. Those golden eyes stared off into the abyss unaware of the shinobi that entered.

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"Excuse me Your Majesty."

"Huh, Ahh Daisuke, what is it?"

"The Nine Jokyunin you have dispatched have mobilized 10,000 shinobi collectively along with the necessary logistic personnel. The Army will arrive in the Land of Snow in approximately 3 Hours, after a short rest the attacks will begin a 0000 hours and continue until the enemy is completely suppressed."

"Good, Supply them with whatever is necessary. In the meantime gather Chiyoko and Nagato, also inform those undead bastards while I will not need them during the fights with Madara and the Otsutsuki Clan. Because tomorrow morning both will cease to exist so while they are not need immediately their research may be needed in the long run."

Daisuke paused because the words he just received were very shocking, a single member of the Otsutsuki created the very Planet we live on!

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"Don't think foolish thoughts, while those aliens may have created the planet they are not Truly Gods so I have nothing to fear."

Daisuke couldn't say anything to that so he nodded his head bowed and exited the Throne room.

Once he left Ichizo waved his hand and Itachi appeared in the Throne room.

"Don't be startled brother, I have something extremely serious to tell you."

Itachi looked at his brother that has changed so much other the years he was barely recognizable but the look in those eyes have never changed over the years.

"What is it Ichizo?"

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"Soon I will leave this world."

Itachi looked at the serious expression on his brothers face and stopped himself from speaking unnecessary things but at that moment it was like a piece of himself crumbled away. Since birth they have always been together, but now that is about to come to an end.

"I have gained all I can in this world so it is time for me to move forward, however I will not leave you forever. I want you to protect what we have built, our family, and our happiness here in the Empire. When I leave you will take my place as Emperor Zenkichi the 2nd."

"I will do my best."

"Then in My Name as the Overgod of Plane 20, I Declare you Itachi Zenkichi Plane Guardian of Plane 20!"

A Bright light enveloped Itachi as the Divine gates in his body opened one by one until stopping at 9, The Zettigan displayed itself in his eyes and his body grew. Once the light dimmed it Ichizo looked at Itachi as Itachi looked at him with the exception of the Hair and eyes they looked like a mirror image of each other.

"Itachi this Throne is now yours. Farewell Brother, I will see you soon."

When those word fell Itachi was left staring at an empty throne from day one they were never apart but now he is at a loss because he doesn't know when they will meet again. He was now the most powerful man in the world but he wasn't happy, he was now Alone.

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