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Ichizo made his way to the Servant quarters of his Palace, most of the Hollows that worked within were low class Hollows not even Menos Grande.So Ichizo picked 3 of them to come along with him to the world of the living.

In the World of the Living Ichizo had 3 goals:

Collect souls to make his Soul Reaper Zanpakuto

Meet Ichigo

Meet the Exiled Soul Reapers

To do the First task, he planned on sending his subordinates to the retirement homes and hospitals. As they were mostly old or terminally ill individuals a few random deaths should not be a surprise.

The second task is relatively simple as he wanted to implant his face into his subconscious will also training that muscle headed kid on how to properly wield a sword. When he became a Soul Reaper it was kind of amazing how he even defeated his enemies with that random swinging of his blade.

Finally the Visords, Kisuke, and Yoruichi these three are quite interesting getting to know them could only be a bonus. They will be a massive help when Aizen invades making my transition to Soul Reaper even smoother.

Making the final preparations Ichizo used Kumon to summon a Garganta to Karakura Town. Walking through the gate Ichizo gathered Spirit particles under his feet to look at the area around him. For the first time in nearly a Thousand years he had the opportunity to see the sun.

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'Siri give me a Gegi and make it human.'


Then Ichizo found himself holding an exact replica of himself without a hollow hole and mask remnants. He lowered himself to the ground to put on his Gegi while also sending his Subornates off to gather souls. He has given them each a Soul trap to collect the souls in while also hiding their presence from the Soul Society. According to Siri he would need 100 human souls to make an Asauchi.

After he Finished those preparations he then dressed himself then looked at himself in the mirror, he looked like a young man at least 16-17 when he was in fact a 987 year old Ancestor.

He could meet Ichigo another time after he meets the Man he is headed to see right now. Walking through the town he Arrives at a small shop sandwiched between two buildings.

He walked into the shop and was greeted by Kisuke himself.

"Hey! Welcome to my shop how May I help you?"

"Former Squad 12 Captain Kisuke Urahara, opening a shop like this I can't believe it."

Kisuke didn't get flustered but instead walked to the entrance of the shop flipped the sign to closed then closed the door. Walking past Ichizo he moves to the back of the shop before stopping at a door, turning around he says.

"Follow me."

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Walking behind Kisuke they arrived in a small living room like area, Kisuke closed the door and put up a kido barrier.

"Who are you? I don't remember anyone like you in the Soul Society."

"That's because I'm not from the Soul Society, My name is Ichizo Sentori I came from Hueco Mundo."

Kisuke, you gotta love him because he didn't get combative he instead started to brew some tea and placed some snacks on the coffee table. Sitting down at the table we began to go back and forth for a while in a normal conversation.

"The fact that you came here in that for despite being a Hollow means that you are an extremely high level one at that, if you had bad intentions you would have already done whatever it is you were going to do. As you have clearly came looking for me we might as well talk right?"

"Indeed, I came here because you are the closest being to the Soul Society that has no connection to it anymore. I just wanted to ask you a few questions, as the former Captain of Squad 12 you have a plethora of Knowledge."

"So what is it that you wish to know?"

"Do you know about the Hollow class above Vasto Lorde?"

"In the Archives there is a large redacted portion of the knowledge on Hollows, so have no idea what is under that redacted information."

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"They went so far as to redact the information in the Archives source of all information in the Soul Society? I guess it is indeed as Hokori and Ulquiorra said that Old Man has many secrets. Moving on, you know who was behind the incident that took place 90 years ago right?"

"Sosuke Aizen."

"Well in about 10 years something major will happen, and it will all be focused around Isshin Kurosaki's son."

"How do you know this?"

"It's all apart of Aizen's plan, The Hollow that attacked Isshin and His Wife was his creation to implant Hollow powers into his unborn child creating a being that is Hollow,Soul Reaper, and Quincy in his attempt to make a being that Transcends them all."

For the first time during their discussion Kisuke's face changed, it became dark like Hueco Mundo's sky.

"What are you? The Hollow class above Vasto Lorde I'm guessing but what is that?"

"I am the King of Hueco Mundo, I have been for the past 494 years and I am an Arrancar."

"Where you created by Aizen? No, that doesn't make sense or else those guys would become Arrancar as well."

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Now I finally got a look at the Mad Scientist trying to solve a puzzle it was honestly extremely interesting.

"So you naturally Evolved into a Arrancar! I see what class did you originate as?"

"A Gillian."

O_O His eyes went extremely wide as he never heard anything like that before.

"Long ago there were many Arrancar like myself living in Hueco Mundo, but back to the main topic. In about 4 years Aizen will send an Arrancar to kill Isshin but instead of killing him someone else may die instead."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well I can restore Isshin's Soul Reaper powers giving him the ability to protect his family and in return all I need is a promise from You,Him and Yoruichi."

Kisuke looked at Ichizo with eyes of great interest.

"And what is that?"

"When I become the Head Captain of the Gotei 13 I want you Three to return to the Soul Society to become captains as well."

When that was said Kisuke dropped his cup.

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