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Walking to the conference room it is time to put and end to this drama, sitting on at his seat the Ichizo looked on as the rest of the Espada. As they were already briefed on their respective tasks they sat looked as disinterested as usual, you have to marvel at their remarkable acting ability. As Aizen and Gin arrived Ichizo looked on as the show was about to begin.

When Aizen took his seat a 50 Layered Kido barrier was erected in the area ultimately locking off Aizen and the rest of the Espada from Los Noches.

Looking Unperturbed Aizen spoke.

"What is all of this? A Betrayal?" -Aizen

"To betray someone you must first be on the same side, ask yourself Aizen in the past 40 years have I ever followed any of your orders?"-Ichizo

Aizen looked at him then reflected on the past actions of Espada Cero.

"Even if that was the case, you know the abilities of my Kyoka Suigetsu. How do you know that the me you have trapped is indeed the true me?"-Aizen

"HAHAHA, So if I negated your Kyoka Suigetsu's ability do you believe I wouldn't be able to ascertain a fake you and a real one?"

Aizen's Face turned dark and ugly as he never dreamed of his ability being negated.

"In fact without your overpowered ability of complete hypnosis, you a rather easy for me to dispose of. Then again that would be boring, don't you think Gin?" -Ichizo

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Instead of responding Gin just smiled brightly at Ichizo.

"Therefore we Espada will take our leave while Gin disposes of a narcissistic bastard."-Ichizo

Walking out of the Kido barrier the Espada headed into a Garganta leaving behind AIzen and Gin. They were headed to the Kurosaki house in the world of the living so Isshin can fulfil a part of Ichizo's plan

In order to not notify the Soul Society they opened up the Garganta in Kisuke's underground Training facility were they found Renji, Chad and Kisuke training.

Ichizo walked out and spoke to Kisuke ignoring the bewildered expression on the faces of Renji and Chad.

"Kisuke it's time to start moving on to that promise we made long ago."

Under his hat Kisuke became serious.

"So what of Aizen?" -Kisuke

"Gin will dispose of him shortly when he comes to the Soul Society you will get to hear all about it. Now just keep these guys company while I go speak to Isshin."

Ichizo said that then walked alone toward the Isshin's residence. While Ichizo exited the underground facility Kisuke took note that his Mask remnant and Hollow hole were gone, Looking back at the Espada, Kisuke spoke.

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"So the whole time Aizen thought the Espada were loyal to him when Ichizo already got his hand on you guys. I guess even Aizen misunderstood the danger he invited into his own home."

Back to Ichizo he arrived at Isshin's house in his Gegi knocking on the door Ichigo opened it.

"Where's your father?"

"In the Living room what do you need him for?"

"You will find out in a moment lead the way."

Ichigo wanted to say more but the look on his masters face didn't allow him to speak so he just quietly lead the way.

In the living room Isshin, his wife, and his daughters were watching TV. Upon noticing Ichizo's arrival Isshin greeted him.

"So Ichizo what bring's you here?"

"I came to cash in on a promise we made 10 years ago, it's time for you to become Isshin Shiba again."

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When Ichizo said that Isshin's face became serious as he went upstairs and gathered somethings as it was time to tell his family everything. Making his way back downstairs he stood in his holding a box in his hands, Inside the box were the Soul Society's Noble attire, and a ceremonial sword used to open a senkaimon.

"Twenty year ago I was the Captain of the 10th Division in the Gotei 13 as well as the Head of a Branch family of the Shiba Noble clan. Actually the words Branch Family is actually inaccurate as I was in charge of rebuilding that branch family therefore I am the only Member. 10 Years ago Ichizo restored my Soul reaper powers in exchange for Returning to the Shiba Clan. So today is that day, from here on out we are no longer Kurosaki, we are Shiba."

Isshin took the ceremonial sword and opened up the Senkaimon.

"I will honor my promise because without Ichizo, my wife, your mother would have died. Karin, Yuzu, Ichigo, this means that your life in this world is over. We will begin a new one in the Soul Society, well Ichigo your friends have already stepped into this Life to a point where it is no longer possible to let them go. I will leave that in Ichizo's hands when he becomes the Head Captain."

Karin and Yuzu cried and begged while his wife, Masaki and Ichigo were silent as they stepped through the Senkaimon to arrive at the Main Shiba household in the Soul Society. The Small yet luxurious house came into view, The two gate guards Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko noticed there arrived as one of them went inside to inform Kukaku, The current Head of the Clan.

Walking out she noticed Ichigo and.

"Isshin! Why have you returned?"

"I've come to report to the Clan head that I have ensured the clan's continuous survival with the Birth of my children and to ask to be reinstated as the Head of the Branch Family."

"Why should I do that?"

"I can answer that question."

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This time Ichizo stepped forward to look at Kukaku as he spoke.

"Im planning on becoming the Head Captain utilizing your Shiba clans connections to present myself with that opportunity."

"Why would I allow such a thing? What is in it for me?"

"I can make your clan a Great Noble family once more."

Kukaku was tempted extremely tempted, Being a great noble family you are able to influence the government of the Soul Society. Unless you do something drastic you are practically unchallenged within the Soul Society.

"What would I have to do?"

Ichizo smiled as he realized he has everything he needs in the palm of his hand.

"Add me to the Family registry of the Shiba, Get me to the Graduation of the Academy. Everything else I will handle myself, elevating both myself and the Clan as well."

"Very Well what will you name be?

"Tatsuo, Tatsuo Ichizo Shiba."

"Welcome to the Shiba Clan Tatsuo."

Tatsuo smiled as he really liked his new name, Ichizo was nice but now it's time to start a new Chapter. The chapter of the Rising Dragon, Tatsuo.

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