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Of course an offer that the Overgod of Plane 20 offered would not- actually is more appropriate to say could not be refused. The young man's name is Riku as family names are often not had in District 80 that was all he was known as.

Along with Riku the other children were brought back to the Shiba estate given baths, dressed properly then, fed. After the preparations were complete the were brought into the empty eastern court within the Shiba estate.

"Starting today this is where you all shall live."

When Tatsuo said that the group began to inspect their surroundings with widened eyes. There were 4 buildings within the Eastern court as it was formally a branch of the Shiba which resided in this area. When the Clan fell from grace they all deserted living behind the empty husk of the Clan to Rot.

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"Starting tomorrow you will be instructed on everything you need to know to be a Soul Reaper and a Noble. As the Head of a Great noble family it is within my right to appoint a lesser Noble or intermediate noble family. From this day forward you will all carry the Family name of Shirudo(Shield), as a lesser Noble family you will be in charge of defending the interests of the Shiba clan. In return the Shiba will insure your continued survival."

Tatsuo left those words with the group before departing as they celebrated their new found life. Walking to his study there were a few matters left on his desk for his review and approval. A taking his seat he started to review the documents which pertained to the Hollow mutation Tree which has been dubbed the Saisei(Rebirth) Tree by the Department of Research.

'Their hard work on all the tasks I have handed to them has brought forth a whole new level of growth visible in the Captains and their Divisions. Time to give them something to personalize the Captain's Attire a little bit when you look good and feel good, your work reflects that.'

Tatsuo started to draft up a new order on the Captain's Haori, for individuals like Byakuya Kuchiki, Shunsui Kyoraku, and Kenpachi Zaraki the Captain's Haori was not a notibile thing for them. Byakuya thinks it's Cheap, Shunsui prefers his Flowered Haori over the Captain's, and Kenpachi just finds it useless.

Therefore the new order will allow modifications to the Material, the design, and the style of the Haori to allow the captain's to display their individuality. As the Highest ranking members of a force that oversees the protection of 3 dimensions they of course deserve that right. The only restrictions are the Diamonds along the bottom and the symbol of the Gotei 13 with the Division inscribed within.The main Color of the outer side of the garment must also remain White.

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He sent out the order to each of the Captain's while modifying his own Haori with the help of a master designer within the Shiba Estate. The material was changed to Hollow Spider silk weaved by an Arrancar within Los Noches, this Material was said to be the strongest, softest, most elegant, and most expensive material. He switched from a long sleeve to a short sleeve Haori, the purpose was to expose the Uniform of the Mitotoshi which he wears under the Haori. The underside of the Haori remained gold as were the diamonds on the bottom and the Division indicator on his back.Gold Stitching was also added to the edges of the Haori along the sides and bottom to give it an ostentatious look while also not being too gaudy.

After that he returned to the Division 1 Barracks to handle a few more things before his marriage two days away. He used a Hell Butterfly to call Captain Hitsugaya to his office, then went over to the balcony overlooking the Seireitei. Placing his hands on the railing as he overlooked the capital Tatsuo fell deep into thought.

'My actions have altered the Timeline greatly, The Quincy invasion is a little more than 4 years away at this point. The Captains, and seated officers of the Gotei 13 now are far more powerful than they have ever been before. I finally have someone to share life with, My future wife. Yet after the ceremony we will be plunged into a fight that will cause chaos in the Soul Society. The entity that will appear is nothing more than a Ghost of the Kuchiki, how will Byakuya react this time?'

Captain Hitsugaya arrived moments later to see the Head Captain on the Balcony deep in thought, His Silk Haori fluttered in the breeze as he stood there looking like a deity.

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"Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya have you finished the preparations?"

"Yes Sir! Lieutenant Kuchiki of Division 13 will be joining as 2nd in command of the Security forces."

"Excellent, by the way Captain Hitsugaya. Have you noticed anything strange happening to your Zanpakuto?"

Saying that Tatsuo placed his Hand on his Anchisukiru, his eyes reflected sorrow. He knew what was happening yet he feigned ignorance, after his ceremony the enemy will seal him away. This will be a test for the Gotei 13, how will they respond when the Head Captain is indisposed.

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Captain Hitsugaya looked at the Head Captain, then placed his hand on his Hyorinmaru. It felt slightly different but the feeling of Hyorinmaru was still present.

"No sir, everything with my Zanpakuto is normal."

Tatsuo flashed his Grey Eyes over toward Toshiro's direction, he noticed the brief change in his expression yet said nothing.

"Is that So? Well excuse me then."

Tatsuo returned to looking out at the Soul Society while Hitsugaya made his exit.

'Muramasa huh? This will be an excellent test of my Gotei 13.'

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