Peach Blossoms C1

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Thread Title: To you – the man that has already become someone else’s husband – goodbye.

Posted by: Wu Xin Nu Zi (Heartless Woman)

Time: 1-07/20XX 3:45am

I know, that at this time when the hot topic that everyone’s been talking about is the PVP competition finals, it might seem like the wrong time to post this kind of emotionally-heavy thing.

But, to my husband, do you know? Yesterday, when the system announced that both of you had married, I realised that when you experience the greatest kind of pain, at the beginning, you can only feel numb.

From the time when the announcement first appeared, to when she changed her username, my mind was blank. Apart from a slight suffocating feeling, my brain only felt sluggish and slow. I merely felt like it was a nightmare, and that sooner or later I would wake up…

I’ll just insert a photo of our wedding here to get past the Tieba filter [1].

I remember, the first conversation we ever had was last year, on fourth March, when the server [2] had only been open for half a month. That had been my first time playing this kind of game, and I really envied people who had their own disciples, so I swindled and coaxed an even more naive player to become my disciple. Because of this, I celebrated and boasted in the guild chat, and you were quick to @ me [3].

‘Even you can become a teacher?’

I was pleasantly surprised. Although your words were quite harsh, but they not only meant that you recognised me, but was also aware that I was trash at the game (…).

You might not believe me when I say it, but actually, I noticed you since the first day I joined the guild. Because at that time, most of the males on the game used completing tasks as an excuse to marry and flirt with girls, though you had the best qualifications to do the same, instead you researched on how to best improve your power [4]. I felt like, that kind of diligent and responsible you was incredibly handsome.

As such, I took advantage of the opportunity and held onto you, begging you to be my teacher.

You didn’t speak much, but you still brought me onto teams [5] every day, and no matter who bullied me, you would immediately help me take revenge. Often, I yelled, ‘Teacher is so responsible! I’m touched!’ While you would always reply, ‘You’re so dumb ==’

After a while, my level got pretty high, and there were constantly requests from people wanting to become my disciple. But I couldn’t bear to leave you, so I asked, ‘Teacher, can you still remain as my teacher?’

Your reply made me smile secretly for a long time. ‘To put it bluntly, I never expected you to have the ability to become a teacher.’

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Back then, I didn’t think of anything else, and only wanted to be together with you, just us two…

But there would always be many adoring fans around a male expert. As your power went higher and higher, the number of women who wanted to become your disciple also increased, and there were some who had pretty high power as well, which made me feel uneasy.

The memory that left the deepest impression on me was that time when I asked you, ‘Teacher, my power is so low, do you still want me…’

You said, ‘I don’t care about power.’


‘I just don’t.’

‘But what does that mean?’

‘Figure it out yourself.’

At that moment, my heart was pounding so fast, it felt like it was going to pound right out of my chest. You’d said this, and I originally wanted to be respectful, but I also couldn’t help but hold some expectations. Because of this, I became ever more vigilant of the girls around you, leading to me spouting nonsense and offending one of your more powerful female followers, and so was killed by her in the wild.

I complained about this to you while crying, yet you scolded me for not being able to keep my mouth closed. Out of unhappiness, I quit the guild and formed a team to get closer to a player that had always liked me, and said that I would marry him. You ordered me to immediately quit the team and return to the guild, otherwise you would break off our teacher-disciple relationship [6]. I was scared to death, and didn’t bother informing before I quit the team. Afterwards, I received an invitation from you to join your team, and you clicked on the option to force me to follow the team leader – you.

The scene changed to us, below the San Sheng Tree [7]. Seeing the dialogue box that suddenly appeared, my whole person became slightly muddled.

‘Young Hero, your beloved teacher wishes to release himself of the morals chaining him to marry you. In the thousand worlds of peach blossoms, both of you will love each other forever, and never forsake or give up on each other. Do you agree?’

I could only stare and not move for thirty seconds, till the dialogue box disappeared. You impatiently sent a voice message over, ‘What are you doing, click yes.’ You had an easily recognisable smoker’s voice, hoarse and gravelly, but even though you were giving me an order, it was still low and gentle.


‘Click ah. Do you want me to go onto your account to help you click?’

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The dialogue box showed up again, and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, they were full of tears. The moment I blinked, my tears spilt down my face.

You sent a voice message to me, asking me why I was crying. I couldn’t bring myself to answer you.

Hubbie, have you, at any point, liked someone so much that you felt afraid? I have – at that very moment.

My emotions were a mess. Emptiness, helplessness, wistfulness, greed, despair… From the very beginning, these feelings had overflowed from my heart. Even a hug from you seemed like wishful thinking. Despite not knowing you in the real world, I somehow managed to fall so deep in love with the virtual you.

Later on you confessed, that you’d already seen my photograph on the game a long time ago, and had decided to talk to me because of it. So… I guess we count as having fallen in love at first sight?

It’s a pity that our relationship couldn’t last long, because I fell in too deep.

Because we both cared too much about what each other did, we quarrelled many times. We divorced thrice, yet remarried each time, because it hurt too much to be apart. Every time we divorced, you would always try to win me back in the most gentle and caring way, but at the same time, you got further and further away from me…

One day, I went onto my disciple’s account, and saw your chat log with her.

‘Teacher-in-law [8], are you and teacher in a real-life relationship?’

‘We’re a virtual couple ah.’

‘Huh? I thought both of you have always been really close. Haven’t you thought about having an offline relationship?’

‘We’re like you and your own husband – we only got married to complete quests [9].’

‘Teacher’s already so pretty yet you two only got married for quests…So exactly what kind of girl do you like, Teacher-in-law?’

‘Girls like you maybe. Haha, just joking. Go on and play, don’t worry about your teacher and I.’

Seeing this, I got so furious that I immediately went to question you. You called me to explain, saying that it wasn’t necessary for a third party to know about our private relationship. But by then, I couldn’t trust you anymore. That night, we had our biggest fight ever, and divorced a fourth time. You begged me a hundred times, and apologised a thousand times, so my heart softened and I remarried you again. That incident had been far too damaging, and I swore that from then on, no matter what, I would never leave you again.

But when I finally stood firm, you changed.

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After that incident, not only did you distance yourself from me, but you also started flirting and riding on couple mounts with other girls. You even sent your high-ranking female disciples Admirer’s Flowers [10]! Soon enough, your actions became the knife that split us apart. You said that I was blowing things out of proportion, but you had already gone past my bottom line. Those flowers are specially used to propose!

I admit, it was my fault for purposely trying to make you angry by opening new accounts to have shotgun marriages with other men, but who exactly was it that cheated on whom! [11]

I had already sworn to myself never to leave you again, so that day I told you that we were even, so why not we just continue living peacefully. You said that you were willing to try for one last time. I promised you never to make any mistakes from then on, and you went offline without replying. At three in the morning, I woke up and entered the game, only to check my inbox and see this: ‘Your husband sent you a divorce letter.’ Opening it, there was only one sentence inside. “I’m sorry, but I can’t move on from this.”

Then, I saw a system message when my disciple sent you an Admirer’s Flower. “Hugging my husband…Everything will pass t_t, I’ll always stay by your side.”

Actually, when both of us had still been together, my disciple had already been unrestrained, saying things like, ‘I’m going off now, teacher-in-law’, or ‘XOXO, teacher-in-law’, but because she’d always said that your eyes didn’t have room for anyone but me, I’d always ignored the slight unhappiness I felt.

The moment we’d divorced, she stuck onto you like a plaster, following you around, and even spent cash to get her power to surpass mine. Every time I see her on the streets, it’s as though she’s seeing some kind of evil stranger, and walks away immediately.

Haha, it’s too funny. Without me, my disciple wouldn’t have even gotten the chance to talk to you. She pretended to be cute and innocent, yet she actually had this kind of ulterior motive. And as for your female disciples, all of them have always bullied me for having low power. One of them even refused to acknowledge me as ‘teacher-in-law’, and once told me: ‘Senior sister, even if other men want to fish, you also shouldn’t get baited ah! If I were you, I wouldn’t even give other men a chance! You’ve already struck big, managing to get an accomplished man like my teacher, so you should be satisfied with what you have!’

If my power were high, would she have dared to say that to me? Would all of those women have dared to say things like ‘I feel so bad for you’, ‘I care for you’, ‘I love you’, every day in front of my face?

The most regretful thing is, all of those experts who got off their high horses to fawn over you, actually managed to lose to my disciple.

On the topic of female experts, I can’t help but mention the game-wide PVP Competition [12] that just ended. I’ve always been a non-competitive player, and never paid much attention to these kind of PVP competitions, so I only ever knew that those experts at the very top fight it out extremely fiercely. Seeing the top player Feng Wu Pian Ran lose so terribly for the first time that she sold her account makes me pity her, really. Goddess Pian has always been my idol, because for this whole time, apart from being double-crossed by her friend once, she’s never had any scandals. She’s never loved or hated, and has always been so strong that she’s never gone through any of those childish feelings, and even selling her account hadn’t been because of her feelings, but because of her pride.

Really, I wish I could be half as strong as her.

But look at me now. I’ve cried for more than three hours straight, my eyes are so bloodshot that they’re in pain, my eyesight is blurry, and I’m even going round and round as I type. I only feel that from today onwards, there is nothing to look forward to in the future.

I really do hate those women who stole you away from me, but I honestly hate you more.

You clearly said you would love me forever. Why did you lie…

Hubbie, this is the last time I’ll refer to you as this. From now on, I will no longer be part of your life.

Goodbye, forever.

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Edit: Please don’t ask who this man is. I don’t want to blacken his name, I only wish to vent and speak about my true feelings. And everyone, please don’t scold him and call him a bastard, but instead wish him and my disciple a happy life together.

To those people who say that I’m an evil person for slandering their reputation and want to kill me, help yourself. I didn’t name any names. Even if my version of the story is different from yours, why do you feel the need to take it as a personal insult? To be fair, my ex-husband and disciple have always been very harsh when dealing with enemies, so without them protecting me and instead going against me, I truly am very scared ah. Sure, you’re welcome to kill me, I’m just scared that there won’t be enough of me for all of you to kill.

To those people who say I’m not even fit to hold one of Feng Wu Pian Ran’s shoes, and accuse me of purposely bringing her up to start a fight, I’m honestly speechless. I honestly don’t know about any gossip involving her and Boss Han, after all I’m not even on the same Server 7 as them. If you want to argue about them, kindly move to another thread please. Anyway, in my eyes, she’s the perfect goddess. If other people have the qualifications to fangirl over her, then why don’t I? Hehe, all of you are crazies.


Wow! Is Stitchie Translators back with a new novel? After 2 incomplete novels prior to this? Yes!

Honestly speaking…I feel kind of bad? For not completing my other TL. But I’ve personally lost interest in that novel at the moment, so it’s kind of hard to pick it back up again. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. Just take the first 6 chapters as a kind of introduction? I guess? To the book. If any TL-er is interested in picking it up, you have my blessings! For what they’re worth.

Alright so honestly this particular character is sooooo cringey like… I don’t really agree with her actions or her reasoning? Both her and the ex-husband were at fault imo and it was an unhealthy and fragile relationship doomed for failure. The real MC is…someone else I think y’all can already guess.

I am currently exam-free and stress-free which is why…I decided to pick this up. Actually, I first read this novel 3 months ago and loved it, and today I decided to finally click on my ever-present translation website and realised that I’d already TL-ed like half the chap so I was like why not?

Will most likely TL at least 8-10 chapters more for the month because I love this book. Literally. I still remember that as I read the book, I imagined myself TL-ing it. Which is why I got really confused today when I realised I’d TL-ed some stuff because I was like? Haven’t I TL-ed more of this? Will most likely post one more chapter tomorrow!

Definitions and Explanations:

Tieba is a Chinese social media site that operates by bars (it’s basically like…a topic? Kind of thing with multiple threads. Each bar has its own moderators). You can filter by picture. Threads with pictures also stay near the top so… It’s better to have a picture. Servers. Large games with large maps have multiple servers in one world because of super high player traffic. Normally the first few servers get filled up first, and when they’re full new players move on to the next servers. @. Games have chats with like specific functions and audiences. So there’s like guild chat, whisper, private chat, etc. I’m guessing that the dude slid into her DMs (but like, game version?) Either that or he just used @PlayerUsername in the guild chat to show that he’s specifically referring to her. Honestly not sure because when I play games in Chinese…I don’t use the chat function HAHAHA I am just a non-competitive solo farm player. Power. Wasn’t sure which specific term to use but I’m going to go with power. Basically it’s a bunch of numbers representing a holistic gauge of your general strength, including your character stats, equipment, skills, etc. Because it’s very general, sometimes players with high powers actually aren’t very effective in-game because those numbers are just… quantity but no quality. Nevertheless, a large difference in power is still super significant because high power generally means better damage output and defense. Teams. I don’t know exactly what kind of game the author is describing, but I’m guessing it’s the kind where you can have parties to like team up against bosses and dungeons and stuff. Kind of like MapleStory? If you’ve ever played that. Teacher-Disciple relationship. An in-game function where you officially become someone’s teacher/disciple. San Sheng Tree. An in-game location where you get married. Romantic. In China, ‘sansheng’ means three lives, and generally it kind of means something like eternal? So y’know that hit drama with Yang Mi and Mark Chao that everyone loves? In English it’s called Eternal Love, but in chinese it’s ‘San Sheng San Shi etcetctetc’ which means Three Lives, Three Worlds. Basically, it’s romantic. Decided to use San Sheng Tree because Three Lives Tree sounded dumb. Teacher-in-law. How you refer to your teacher’s husband. Sounded better in Chinese, and there was no english equivalent so I made one up. Honestly, a business marriage. In the game, there are couple quests that only married couples can do, and they normally come with pretty good rewards, so some people marry each other purely to do these quests. Admirer’s Flowers. An in-game item that I’m guessing you have to pay actual money for, because it comes with a message that you can type out and the system will like show it on the world chat. Most likely will have a flowery pink text box in my experience. You use this to express love. Because you actually have to pay for it. Placing a Green Hat on someone. So like, the actual words used were along the lines of “so who actually placed the green hat on whom?” But some of y’all wouldn’t know what it meant so I decided not to. Basically an euphemism for cheating. Game-wide PVP Competition. Basically held across all the servers where players fight each other one-on-one.


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