This angry sister huffing and puffing on the world chat was actually the leader of the mistress’s groupies, and was pretty powerful, ranking in the top 10 of the power leadership board. I skimmed through her equipment – she was a newbie player who’d spent loads of cash. Still, the top 10 only had 3 female players, so it wasn’t surprising that she could be so unbridled and aggressive.

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Although I wasn’t really that smart, even I knew that I didn’t want to get chewed out by the whole group of fans, so I decided not to go up against her. Still, even without me saying anything, there were still some people who wanted to hug her thighs that replied.

[World] Anna_Lulu: Where’s the drama? Don’t tell me it’s that old lady again

[World] My Charm is My Eyes: Wah, I’ve already moved my stool over to eat popcorn and watch the show

[World] Just Silent Like That: Goddess Xia, can you show us the Legendary Beast you just bought? How did you add points to upgrade it? Begging you for advice

Following this, the chat box was suddenly filled with a whole bunch of large words.

[Loudspeaker] Xia Ri Liang: Since you dare to spew out lies on Tieba to make a scene, then why don’t you dare to speak with me face to face? I want to ask you, so what if there are female disciples? For a teacher to dote on his disciples is a matter of course. You probably went crazy from jealousy after seeing Teacher dote on me. I’m telling you now, the day I met my Teacher was the day that this server opened, and at that time you weren’t even in the picture. Anyway, even if we really decided to get together, it also wouldn’t be as dramatic as what you did!

It wasn’t even enough for her to upsize the font and change the word colour, so she even started yelling using the loudspeaker. Interesting.

At the time when the former user had posted the Tieba thread, she’d mostly likely hardened her heart and decided to quit the game, otherwise she wouldn’t have decided to offend everyone, even including the scum man’s other disciples. Even so, since she hadn’t outright named anyone, I personally felt that there wasn’t a need to be so overly-emotional and start yelling on the chat… This angry little sister was most likely still an elementary schooler.

[World] Refreshing Sweetheart: Aiya, that person was probably jealous of Goddess Xia’s high power. Since the only thing she can do is post selfies. But without the beauty filter it’s a completely different story.

[World] Little White Ning: Haha, I know who all of you are talking about. The last time I met her on the battlefield, and it only took 2 hits to KO her. This kind of weakling that can only depend on a man doesn’t even deserve Goddess Xia’s anger

[World] Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei: Honestly speaking, this Goddess Xia is has no brains but lots of cash and is already so overbearing. Does it mean that she’s better than everyone else who doesn’t spend money? I think that Jia Ren Pian Pian is normally pretty lowkey, and is usually quite obedient to Brother Mu. There’s nothing wrong with this kind of sister-in-law imo.

Unfortunately, the moment he said this, Goddess Xia’s groupies were immediately incensed.

[World] Little White Ning:  If Goddess Xia is stupid and rich then can you even be counted as stupid and poor

[World] Refreshing Sweetheart: Keh, even after she relied on a man to climb up it’s not like she was obedient. She went to go and use another account to marry someone else, so in the end she was caught red-handed. It’s better if you go and find some golden thigh to hug instead of losing face over here.

[World] Ruo Ruo Jiang: All of you should just stop scolding him, even if you want to scold a dog you still have to look at the owner. In any case, she was still Brother Mu’s former wife.

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No matter if it was the virtual or real world, a man’s scolding abilities would forever be worse than a woman’s. This little brother had been scolded upside down till he couldn’t even open his mouth to say anything else.

Actually, if it weren’t for Mu Shang not silently allowing for it, these little sisters also wouldn’t have bullied the former user to this state.

In the end, everything still rested on power. Looking at the gaping chasm between Mu Shang and the former owner’s power levels, apart from those beautiful selfies online, there was absolutely no way for them to have gotten together.

[Loudspeaker] Xia Ri Liang: Jia Ren Pian Pian, you’ve already seen what kind of image you have in everyone’s eyes bah! Your schemes are so deep that no one likes you! If it weren’t for my teacher, who would have even noticed you? Because of Teacher, in the past I even respectfully called you Senior Sister, otherwise, if you tried to even talk to me I would have ignored you. So you’d better keep your mouth shut and stop doing what you shouldn’t do!

[Loudspeaker] Mu Shang: Disciple, forget it. I’ve already parted ways with her.

[Loudspeaker] Xia Ri Liang: Teacher is a good man, even after her betrayal you’re still not retaliating. Someone like her had been able to marry you, yet she hadn’t properly treasured you.

Only a fool would have replied to this kind of provocative conversation and gotten himself into a whole load of trouble.

Because of my habit of not being able to keep my mouth shut, I’d already had lots of trouble. Everytime I encountered this sort of situation that could bring me into hot water, there would be two little people in my head.

One of them was a female devil. She told me that I should enforce justice and eradicate evil.

The other was an angel. She was a mute.

[World] Jia Ren Pian Pian: We’re all grown-ups here, no one cares if we’re a little ambiguous here and there on the game. But to keep on following your Teacher around like a pack of dogs, don’t you find it a little shameful?

This wasn’t me. My fingers had been possessed by the little devil.

Just as I was hitting the back of my hand, wanting to chop it up, the previously gentle wind in the forest picked up, and the accompanying whistle made me wary.

I returned my fishing rod into the inventory and sat silently on the pier. When the whistle sounded a second time, I immediately shot up and jumped into the air. Following this, the winds suddenly became furious, causing the bamboo leaves to swirl and ripples to form on the surface of the water. A flash of green light streaked through the air – and a pair of knives embedded themselves into my original sitting place. Because they hadn’t hit me, the water splashed onto the wooden bridge below.

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A figure draped in white landed on the other side of the bridge. Her username was in red, showing that she’d entered Revenge PK Mode. Seeing her look around all four corners, I guessed that she was probably trying to find me. Again, I jumped up, and flew even higher.

Unfortunately, the game’s 3D light reflection graphics were amazing, and my shadow appeared on the ground, revealing my position. As such, I hadn’t even reached the treetops before a mass of green smoke surrounded me and caught hold of my legs. Immediately, I used an escape skill to get out of the bind, and discovered that the one attacking me was a Mage, and hurried to throw out a buff that was specially for counterattacking Mages.

Ha, even though I’ve never played a healer before, I’m actually like a fish in water when it comes to healer’s skills! Amazing!

But after the set of gorgeous skill effects were over, I looked at the health bar and almost fainted.

Not even one critical attack.

The amount of HP of the other party had gone down by probably… Only one-tenth.

This…Was this the attack power of a 7£ account?

When the whistling sound came a third time, my HP dropped by a third. After the fourth and fifth time, it was completely empty, and my user interface turned grey as my character let out a last, anguished cry before collapsing onto the ground.

A string of words appeared before me: You were killed by Mu Shang’s Pampered Wan Wan Jiang. You have lost 1% of experience and 5% of your equipment. Your equipment [Shining Shoes] has been lost.

Meanwhile, the young lady dressed in a white skirt and furry boots brought over a group of girls in front of me.

System Notice: How humiliating! Mu Shang’s Pampered Wan Wan Jiang used Revenge PK Mode to kill, and sent Jia Ren Pian Pian to the pits of hell on Ghost Refining Mountain. She orders Jia Ren Pian Pian to kowtow three times!

A wave was sent across the world chat, and everyone gathered around their monitors to chew on popcorn and watch the drama. I typed in a bunch of punctuation marks: “”

As my character kowtowed to Wan Wan Jiang’s, she turned away from the moon and said, ‘Pian Pian, I’m sorry. You can scold me, but you can’t scold Liang Liang (T/N: Xia Ri Liang). The one you want to kill is me, so don’t involve other people. If there’s anything you’re unhappy about, say it to me instead!’

I really wanted to tell her ‘motherf*cker’, but I wasn’t sure if I should.

This pair of husband and wife… Had they been afflicted with some kind of delusion? With them always yelling out “say it to me instead” or “attack me instead” as though they’d been victimised…

I clicked onto her character page to see her stats. Her power was slightly below 40k. My own power only reached 27k, so I was alot weaker than her, but that also didn’t mean that I had to die so quickly ah. This character’s power was seemingly okay, but in actuality it was full of holes.

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Ah, whatever. Seeing that the former owner had worshipped me on her Tieba post, I also couldn’t be too calculative. Since she’d chosen to admire this big brother, this big brother would cover for her! This burden…Big brother would help her carry it!

Wan Wan’s close friend said, “Just now she even said that Goddess Xia and Brother Mu had been ambiguous, but I guess she forgot that she herself had been his disciple. Ugh, this Jia Ren Pian Pian… Every time I see her username I get annoyed.”

Another close friend used a [sweatdrop] expression. “Why hasn’t she revived yet? Just now she even spoke in the world chat, is she pretending to be offline?”

I laid on the ground, and helplessly spoke up. “Hey grandma, your Goddess Wan Wan’s name is still red ah, if I get up I’ll definitely be sec-killed by her, do you think I dare to get up?” Wan Wan stepped in front, her robes like wisps of cloud and her flute shining amidst the darkness. “Pian Pian, stop playing the victim, will you? Why’re you acting so weak today? Normally aren’t you always ready to go? Didn’t you say before that you’ve got lots of money, and you’d pay just to beat me to death? I’ll be waiting for you ah.”

At this moment, a hardworking popcorn-snacker threw out our coordinates on the world chat, saying, “Everyone come quickly! Brother Mu’s new flame and old love are tearing it up!”

And so, be it the part-time popcorn snackers or the full time ones, everyone and their mother came to Ghost Refining Mountain to watch the show, and the long-abandoned map became a bustling vegetable market. To add to the excitement, even the gossiped-about male lead descended from the sky, and landed safely in between Wan Wan and me.

‘Wan Wan, are you okay? What did she do’

Repeatedly, I looked around to confirm my own surroundings. I was lying dead on the ground, and it was pretty obvious that the injured one here was me. And even so, with this kind of power, exactly what could I do to her…

The two of them were already quite close to each other, but this wasn’t enough for them to demonstrate their love. Wan Wan Jiang went even closer to Mu Shang, as though that would be able to make their relationship even deeper, and looked up at him pitifully. “Don’t, Mu Shang, I don’t want you to to sacrifice yourself for me again. If she wants to talk, then let her talk. We’re also not like the Ren Min Bi (T/N RMB is China’s currency), we can’t make everyone like us. I don’t care about all of those material things. What expert, what power, I don’t care about any of those things. As long as I have you…”

Mu Shang held her in his arms, as though she were some fragile thing. “Everyone online talks bad about you… Aren’t you angry?”

“What can they say? At most they’ll call me a mistress. I’m just begging you, later on, don’t make me become like another Jia Ren Pian Pian, can you do that?”

“Of course! Precious, the feelings between us are different. There are thousands of beautiful women out there, but in my life, there is only you.”

This…Were they acting out a drama?

Big brother, although this game’s graphics are really realistic, it’s still a game ah.

Still, I held myself back. After all, I’d promised the former owner not to reveal my true identity for two weeks. Seeing them focused on acting out one of the scenes in Teacher Qiong Yao’s book [1], I guessed that they wouldn’t be in any mood to deal with me. So I clicked on [Revive], and got up to repair my equipment.

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The system notified me that I had no more cash.

Just as I was about to check how much cash I had left, there was a sudden flash of red, and my screen went grey again.

System notice: You were killed by Refreshing Sweetheart. You have lost 1% of experience and 5% of your equipment. Your equipment [Shining Ring] has been lost.

[World] Little White Ning: Haha, Refreshing you’re too evil.

Refreshing Sweetheart simply replied, “Hahahaha”.

Looking at the red username not far away from me, I laid on the ground leisurely typed out. “What about this. Sister Wan Wan, why don’t we make a bet?”

Mu Shang: Can you stop? Can’t you just let her go

Ignoring him, I continued to type. “Tomorrow at 8, let’s PK. If I lose, I’ll immediately quit the game. If I win, then all of you have to stop talking about me, and your friends also can’t touch me. Just let me quietly fish.”

My surroundings were quiet for a moment, before there was a sudden barrage of messages on the chat. Amidst the whole wave of words, I spotted one of Wan Wan Jiang’s close friends. “Who even wants to talk about her ah, isn’t she thinking too highly of herself? She’s the one who keeps on pestering us. Shameless.”

And then I saw Wan Wan Jiang send a message. “You don’t need to quit the game. I feel the same as you, and I don’t want to have any kind of association with you.”

“Win first before you say anything bah.”

Seeing my words, Wan Wan’s friends and groupies immediately typed out “HAHAHAHA”, which really made me wonder if they’d accidentally eaten a toad.


Was supposed to have posted this last friday but clearly I cannot be trusted. But here’s the new chapter!

 Qiong Yao is a famous novelist who is often regarded as the most popular romance novelist in the Chinese-speaking world.

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