Atop my mount, I rode like the wind to the tournament stage in the capital, hurriedly changing up my interface in the process. Then, I proceeded to wait below the stage.

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[Just in case you’re reading this somewhere else, this belongs to Stitchie TLs. Also, trigger warning for mention of abortion.]

[Guild] Cabbage Ba Ba: Pian Pian, I have some equipment but I don’t know if I should add any gems to it. Can you help me see?

I looked at the time – I still had 7 minutes.

[Guild] Jia Ren Pian Pian: Sure.

[Guild] Cabbage Ba Ba: [Divine Martial Helmet] This one.

[Guild] Jia Ren Pian Pian: There shouldn’t be any problems. The upgrading tier is a little bit low. Helmets and armour should be 12 tiers higher than shoes when it comes to upgrades.

[Guild] Cabbage Ba Ba: Ohh ok! +8 is a little expensive though… I guess I’ll wash more dishes for my mum. Every time I help her she’ll give me a little bit more money, and I can use it to play the game hehe.

[Guild] Jia Ren Pian Pian: Are you still in high school? [15-19 years old]

[Guild] Cabbage Ba Ba: Nope t_t, I just entered middle school [12-13 years old]…

[Guild] Jia Ren Pian Pian: What, this generation’s little kids are already playing these sort of games?

[Guild] Cabbage Ba Ba: Although I’m still young, but I’m really smart oo. Like for these two days I’ve learnt from Pian Pian that when you play games you still have to use your brain, it’s like answering questions. I have to figure out the fastest way to level up, and find the answers for as many riddles as possible while levelling up. If I really can’t think of anything, then I just put myself in the shoes of the game creators and think about what their purpose is when they come up with everything.

[Guild] Jia Ren Pian Pian: They want to make money.

[Guild] Cabbage Ba Ba: …

[Guild] Beautiful Bao Bao: Cabbage, what’re you doing! Pian Pian needs to go up and fight the mistress soon but you’re still bothering her with this?

[Guild] Cabbage Ba Ba: Ah… It’s like this? // Sorry Pian Pian, you should hurry up and fight, there’s no need to bother with me.

[Guild] Jia Ren Pian Pian: It’s alright.

[Guild] Cloud Tai Tai: Pian Pian’s suddenly so good at equipment, maybe we’ll today’s battle will actually be worth watching

[Guild] Jia Ren Pian Pian: Yup, seeing me being beat up will really be worth watching.

Before, just from looking at Wan Wan’s equipment, I could safely say that there was a 90% chance of me winning. But now, there wasn’t even a 30% chance.

In solo PK battles, the way demoness’s would fight was normally like this: first, they would throw out a buff, and then they would use their attack skills and go on the offence. Of all their skills, the only one with a range larger than 12 steps was Silence [T/N: opponent cannot use skills when silenced]. The rest of their buffs only had a maximum range of 7 steps. On the other hand, all of the Priestess’s skills could reach to a range of 9 steps.

The moment Wan Wan Jiang was 7 steps away from me, I would be trapped by her. But once she was more than 9 steps away, I would have to voluntarily get closer to her. So for this game, I would always have to maintain my distance of 9 steps, in order to achieve my goal of receiving the least damage.

Before the battle, I repeatedly took note of my own pre-battle condition. I’d eaten all four types of ingredients to up my stats, and my mouse and keyboard were all prepped for top-speed. The order in which my pets would appear was correct, and I’d chosen the best offensive style for myself — being a typical DPS [1] player, the slow and gradual play style of a healer wasn’t really my type, but today I didn’t think that I had any other choice.

The mistress’s body was surrounded by the blue light of her many upgraded pieces of equipment, and she stood opposite me, running here and there in preparation for the start of the battle.

Large words started appearing on the stage: 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , Begin!

Wan Wan Jiang really wasn’t an unexperienced player, and she didn’t rush up to me and throw out all of her buffs. Instead, she stood there, not moving, choosing to wait it out. As for me, I jumped up and down and all around, even throwing on a buff on myself to increase my offence, looking as though I was about to start attacking her head-on.

The moment she realised that I was actually getting further from her, she rushed to me and threw out a skill. I used my second legendary pet that could increase my speed stats, and widened the gap between us to 9 steps.

Afterwards, with every step she took towards me, I would take another away. If she stepped backwards, I would step forwards, and so she was unable to use any of her skills. After throwing out two buffs, a stun and a continuous damage-over-time skill, that failed to hit me, she couldn’t help herself and used a buff to lower my speed. It hit me. Then she threw out some more buffs at the speed of light — a Silence and Blinding skill [T/N: makes you unable to see anything on the screen].

I left the speed buff alone and used 2 buffs on myself to get rid of the silence and blindness. Then, once the stun wore off, I fled.

“7, 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2…”

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As I counted backwards, I threw out a pet that could help me increase my buff durations. On the last second, I threw out a buff to lower Wan Wan’s speed. As the game progressed, we were like magnets with the same poles facing each other. Every time we got too close, I would repel myself away from her, and lengthen the distance back to 9 steps.

The first time she caught me, she’d pretty much used up all of her trapping skills. As for me, one of her hits had brushed past me, and I lost one-fifth of my health.

Too frightening. Even a partial attack could deal this much damage… What would happen if if she hit me head on…

All of her skills had entered the cooldown period. Seizing this chance, I immediately sent off a bunch of Priestess attack skills in her direction. On the screen, a golden lotus sprouted up, the crescent moon emerged, and stars danced around wildly. My character’s robes swirled and shined with an iridescent light, like cellophane. Finally, when she used her two hands to push out the move, a few words appeared around her, “Ban”, “Ruo”, “Bo”, “Luo”, “Mi”. Lotus flowers exploded into action as they flew crazily towards Wan Wan Jiang, hitting straight onto her body! Her character was pushed back by two steps due to the force, convulsing with pain as she took the brunt of my rain of attacks!

Then I saw the large white numbers appearing around her.


18,172,172,6!6!6!6!6 !6!6!6……2750!!!

The whole row of damage numbers, were simply like weak, fluttery hits from a baby.

Her health was, now, most likely around 43k.

Why had I chosen to PK her and invite disaster to myself ==…

The mistress swung at me twice, and again my health dropped by one-fifth. As I ran away from her, I hurriedly healed myself. As for her, she couldn’t even be bothered to heal herself as she chased after me.

The battle continued like this, with me running around left and right. I’d cheated her of countless of her skills, and could occasionally hit her, and even when I healed myself I only healed about half of the damage dealt. Throughout the entire battle, I could hear my character’s heart beating slowly, as though it was about to die, as my HP was never above 30%. After a while, she’d chased me until she’d gotten tired, so she started killing off my pets. One by one, all of them slowly died at her hands, and by the last 30 seconds of the battle, my second-last buff pet had been killed by her, and my own health bar was nearly empty.

I kept my last pet to myself, instead choosing to contend with her for the next 20 seconds. First I stunned her, then I dealt another bout of fluttery hits that was worth 65 damage.

In the last 10 seconds, she’d gotten out of my stun, and dauntlessly chased after me to finally kill me.

As for me, I threw out both my normal healing skills as well as my ultimate healing skill, while simultaneously switching over to my user interface to equip my entire set of intelligence-boosting gems, causing my max healing amount to increase exponentially. Following that, I switched back to a set of gems to increase my max HP, closed the user interface and released my last pet. A few green leaves puffed out from his mouth, swirling around my character to heal the last little bits of health that I needed.

Coincidentally, the timer hit 0 seconds.

In the middle of my screen, two golden words appeared: YOU WIN!

Victorious ancient music played, and it was really soothing to the ears. I’d been hunching till I seemed more like a maggot than human. My first reaction was to find Leng Yue, but he wasn’t online, so I just sent him an offline message.

[Personal] Jia Ren Pian Pian: I’m really happy!! I won!! Nuan Yue I won! [T/N: Nuan Yue means warm moon, Leng Yue is cold moon]

After leaving the PK stage, there was a whole bunch of players crowding up the place. The whole screen was a mess.

Mu Shang’s Pampered Wan Wan Jiang:  “”

Little White Ning: The heck? Why did you lose?

Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei: Pian Pian won.

Mu Shang’s Pampered Wan Wan Jiang:  “”

Refreshing Sweetheart: There’s a bug in the system.

A Cheap Person Wants to Harm This Emperor: It isn’t a bug. Jia Ren Pian Pian and Wan Wan Jiang have about the same amount of maximum health, and in the end Wan Wan Jiang had lost health, while Jia Ren Pian Pian restored hers to full health. If no one dies by the end of the time given, then the system will automatically use the amount of health left to determine the winner.

Mu Shang: There’s no way. I’ve seen both of their HP bars before, my wife clearly has a lot more.

[World] Refreshing Sweetheart: This woman really knows how to use these little tricks ah, she just gave up on attacking and just raised her health like a tank, and in the end she even switched a whole set of INT (intelligence) gems to HP. I want to puke.

[World] Server 1 Tour Group: I heard that there was a battle between the original wife and the mistress in you guys server. Who won?

[World] Little White Ning: Who’re you calling a mistress! Next time when you speak, speak properly!

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[World] Refreshing Sweetheart: Can this even be called a win this b*tch didn’t even manage to lower Wan Wan’s health by that much! All the numbers were white didn’t you guys see?

[World] Male God’s Big Mom: In the last few seconds didn’t you guys see? The moment her health bar started rising the new gems were already in, what a pair of god-speed hands!

[World] Beautiful Bao Bao: Sorry to interrupt this group of real? b*tches but so what if she wasn’t able to KO the mistress? Our family’s Pian Pian still won, if you guys are so capable then why don’t you just change the rules of the game? If you aren’t capable then don’t talk trash!

[World] Tall Funny Handsome: What a match! I recorded the whole thing. This is really the model for a healer’s play style, Expert Pian Pian, sorry for looking down on you.

[World] Xuan Yuan’s Buns: Not a brilliant win.

[World] Cloud Tai Tai: Having a 42k power beat up a 30k power is considered brilliant?

The world chat moved up quickly, till I myself couldn’t read through everything. At this moment, my phone rang.

Ever since I’d started playing games, I’d lived a life isolated from the outside world, so seeing a stranger’s number, I hesitated for a long time before picking up.

A woman’s warm and gentle voice sounded from the speaker. “Good morning Miss Hao, I am the customer service operator on Yiyou. The Thousand World of Peach Blossom’s game account that you placed on our site has been sold, and the order number is 5003242872430. The buyer has already paid, so is it convenient for you to change the account details now?”

Stunned, my mind was blank for a moment as I stared at the character in the game before me. She stood in front of the wavering mountain forest, beneath the layers of clouds, happily walking around in circles. In the distance, the waterfall came down from the three rock bridges, water momentarily hanging suspended in the air, like the Milky Way in the galaxy, before it crashed down, causing a clear sound to be heard.

In that split second, I looked back on all the memories I’d made.

On this very map, I’d met my first good friend on Summit of The North, my original server. Her personality matched her name, and her character had been draped in red clothing as she rode on her red horse, her lips flaming red, and eyes shining like the stars. Contrastingly, behind her was the majestic, snow-white waterfall, coupled with the lush green mountain hills.

Even the most beautifully-described scenery in books, couldn’t compare.

At that time, I’d thought to myself. In real life, this lady was most likely one of those intensely gorgeous ones, with skin as white as snow. The kind that used No. 99 Chanel lipstick.

Seeing me, she pulled on her reins, and the horse let out a neigh. She said, “Haha, pretty lady, just from looking at your equipment I can tell that you’re just like me — staying up late and topping up cash to play this game. Come, let’s team up and beat everyone else to death, and make ourselves known in the Thousand Worlds of Peach Blossoms!”

She was like a blooming red safflower amidst the plains of the mountains, bringing together lively laughter and hot-red anger to produce the passionate roar of youth in spring.

Time had flown by quickly. Now, nearly a year had already passed. At that time, both of us were mere Level 30s, with just over 10k power, but we’d already emerged as influential figures in the newly opened Summit of the North server. We’d promised each other to play till we reached the maximum level, and rush towards our goal of 50k power together, becoming the most domineering pair of women in the Thousand Worlds, playing side-by-side till the game finally ended. Now, she’d reached 120k power, becoming the top Yu Ling player [2] in the whole game, but as for me…

I clicked on the system button, going out of the server list to the entire game world list.

Server #2 – Heavenly Peach Blossoms – Jia Ren Pian Pian, Level 120, 30382 Power, Last Online: Recently

Then I switched over to my other account.

Server #7 – Summit of The North – Feng Wu Pian Ran, Level 120, 158842 Power, Last Online: 5 days ago

Server #41 – Thousand Miles of Rainbow Clouds – Kicking the Demon God [T/N: Yi Chuan Han Xing’s nickname is Demon God], Level 25, 5144 Power, Last Online: 25 days ago

Server #26 – The Immortal’s Companion – Punching Yi Chuan Han Xing, Level 25, 5322 Power, Last Online: 37 days ago

For a long time, the mouse hovered above the very first name, before retreating.

I still remembered, at that time when she tore into me during out falling-out, I told her this. Do you know? A game will always end up being a game, and no one in this game is able to hurt me, except you.

She replied. Stop faking, you can keep on lying in front of other people, but I know you too well. Just to reach your goal, you’re capable of anything. It’s already reached this point, why’re you still pretending to be my good friend? Isn’t everything you do just to beat Yi Chuan Han Xing? Sorry, that number 1 expert is undefeatable, just go beat yourself up instead.

Afterwards, my name had been dragged in the mud by her. After a few minutes, she actually went on loudspeaker and said the same thing ten times, in gold coloured font.

“Feng Wu Pian Ran you fake, superficial woman, don’t think that everyone here is afraid of you! I won’t ever leave the game until you do, f*ck you!”

Ten times!

Using 1888 yuan just to scold people, this person’s style was really too valiant.

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For the fall out between a top-ranking good friend and me to be so bad… Of course, people’s mouths started to wag. So for the former user to say that I’d had no scandals, was obviously a result of her not keeping track of the news.

When I thought of this, my heart really felt far too tired.

Compared to that, the drama in Heavenly Peach Blossoms could be considered cute. Now that I’d won the Solo PK battle, they wouldn’t be able to continue bothering me, and once two weeks were up, I’d be able to tell everyone that the account had changed owners, and I’d be free.

Moreover, most of the time it was normal for top-ranking accounts to be sold for a lot, and for my current account, priced at 35k yuan, to be snapped up so quickly, it could be seen that the buyer was very generous, so there wasn’t anything to hesitate about.

It was time to say goodbye to the past. From now on, I would just calmly fish away.

I didn’t enter the game and instead stayed on the menu page. With the help of the system, I changed the associated number and email to that of the buyer’s:

Even the buyer was my fan ah.

After completing the exchange, I received 35 thousand yuan from a bank transfer, and also received a message. “Pian Pian, why did you disappear, why aren’t you replying to my message?” Swiping it away, I returned to Jia Ren Pian Pian’s account. There, I realised that the shouting match hadn’t ended.

[Loudspeaker] Mu Shang: Apart from loving me, she hasn’t done anything wrong. If you have anything to say, say it to me instead! Why do you have to bully an innocent girl?

[Loudspeaker] Mu Shang’s Pampered Wan Wan Jiang: Hubbie, it’s ok. I really can’t beat this kind of underhanded and despicable player.

[Loudspeaker] Mu Shang:  How did you become like this? I really hate myself for being too useless. Originally I just wanted to protect your innocence. It’s me that hasn’t done well, I’ve let you suffer.

[Loudspeaker] Mu Shang’s Pampered Wan Wan Jiang: Jia Ren Pian Pian, seriously, come onto your main account and scold us ah, if you’re like this there’s no meaning.

I looked through the world chat, and saw that a group of small accounts had suddenly started to heavily criticise Wan Wan Jiang and Mu Shang, scolding them to be a match made in heaven – a cheating scumbag with his mistress. A whore paired with a prostitute would really last forever. How they had no conscience, and how the husband was truly too shameless, etc etc. Basically, all of their dirty deeds had been splashed on the world chat like an eyesore.

[Guild] Jia Ren Pian Pian: What’s going on, why have so many people started scolding Wan Wan Jiang?

[Guild] Cloud Tai Tai: Look at your personal chat.

[Personal] Cloud Tai Tai: It’s a bunch of small accounts that Bao er and I set up. We couldn’t just let Mu Shang that cheating scumbag off the hook. He’s really too despicable, I’ve never seen a man as terrible as him in my life.

[Personal] Jia Ren Pian Pian: They won’t be able to mess with us afterwards ah, it doesn’t really matter.

[Personal] Cloud Tai Tai: Silly girl, why have you suddenly become so forgiving, my heart really hurts… He thinks he hasn’t protected Mistress Wan well, yet why didn’t he care as much when you were hurt so much worse than her? Is your body feeling better nowadays? Remember not to bend your waist too much, and drink more water, make sure you keep yourself warm and don’t play games for too long.

I really thought that the former user was going through her period then, and was going to tell her not to make such a small thing seem so bad, but she suddenly posted something else. Something strange.

[Personal] Cloud Tai Tai: This is already your second time, it’s really too harsh on your body. Can this guy even be counted as a man? He’s really too despicable! I’m going to continue opening accounts to scold him, you can just rest now.

Befuddled, I tilted my head left and right, but I still couldn’t figure it out, so I went to go through the chat records between the former user and Mu Shang. In an attempt to gather some intelligence, I chanced upon a spoiler worthy of all those palace dramas.

[Personal] Jia Ren Pian Pian: Hubbie, I’m really sad, do I really have to abort our child?

[Personal] Mu Shang: Yes.

[Personal] Jia Ren Pian Pian: But, last time you said, if I got pregnant then we would immediately sign the marriage certificate and have the baby…

[Personal] Mu Shang: I did think this way, but you’re only in your second year of university. Do you want to drop out?

[Personal] Jia Ren Pian Pian: Yeah, I’m only in my second year, if I have an abortion it’ll be harmful for my body, in the future I might not even be able to have children. Hubbie, I’m really, really sad. You have to take responsibility for me…

[Personal] Mu Shang: Precious, I’m thinking about your future. Now isn’t the time to become a mother. We can still have children later on, so just listen to me this time, alright?

[Personal] Jia Ren Pian Pian: Okay… t口t… Will you still marry me?

[Personal] Mu Shang: Let’s talk about this later on, alright? Don’t think too much about it. Right now you need to rest for a while, and go to the clinic tomorrow.

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Towards, the end, the tone of last few messages took a complete 180 degrees turn.

[Personal] Jia Ren Pian Pian: You married Wan Wan? Have you thrown your brain into the lake? Does she even know about the relations between us? Does she even know that we’re a real-life couple?

[Personal] Mu Shang: Are you joking? We’re over. You cheated on me.

[Personal] Jia Ren Pian Pian: I cheated on you, yes, but can you say you didn’t cheat on me too? You went around and hugged and flirted with all of those girls in front of my face! Everyone can see that I was actually cheated on, but it’s only because you’re an expert and they’re all afraid of you that they’re all on your side. Mu Shang, you’re the one in the wrong, how could you change so much, how could you treat me like this! You didn’t use to be like this!!

[Personal] Mu Shang: I’m sick of hearing this. Just say what you want online, I’m tired.

[Personal] Jia Ren Pian Pian: Tell me the truth. Is it that, from the very beginning, both of you were already together… And was I the only one left in the dark? I’ve given up so much for you, and sacrificed so much for you, do you still remember? Did you forget the promise you made to me?

System Notice: Young hero, it’s truly regrettable, but you have been blacklisted by Mu Shang. Mu Shang will no longer receive any of your messages.

This kind of drama… I’d eaten so much popcorn that I felt full.

No wonder… The pair hadn’t just been an online couple, but they’d actually been an offline couple that chose to have an abortion. Again, driven by curiosity, I looked through Jia Ren Pian Pian’s Tieba post and made some deductions. There probably weren’t many people that knew of them being a real life couple. She was still young, and was probably scared of speaking up for herself regarding this kind of thing, and had only been able to do something silly to retaliate. Who knew that the more she tried, the worse it got, and the worse it got, the more reasonable Mu Shang seemed.

Because no one knew about the whole truth, and I bet that the mistress herself also didn’t know, everyone chose to help the scumbag and his mistress scold the former user. It could be seen that the former user had really suffered a lot.

I couldn’t blame her for having an emotional upheaval, and I also couldn’t blame her for posting that kind of Tieba post.

Looking at the words of love and fondness that the scumbag and his mistress were spewing out, I really couldn’t comprehend their actions. Were they going to make their relationship a real-life one? Having played the game for so long, I knew that real-life relationships that started off in the virtual world weren’t uncommon, but rather than being lifelong relationships, most of them tended to end in a flash. Just look at Jia Ren Pian Pian’s downfall.

When I looked at the mistress’s friends saying things like, “isn’t she just jealous of our Wan Wan?”, I couldn’t help but feel like lightning had struck me, rendering the little angel in my heart mute again.

[Loudspeaker] Jia Ren Pian Pian: I’m really not jealous. This kind of man that can’t be bothered and chooses to divorce during the New Year celebrations… Congratulations to both of you, I wish both of you lots of happiness.

[Loudspeaker] Mu Shang’s Pampered Wan Wan Jiang: Keke

[World] Mu Shang: Ai, why’re you forcing yourself to act strong…

[Loudspeaker] Jia Ren Pian Pian: I’m not forcing myself, this is completely real strength. After all, I’m the game’s strongest woman.

In the past, I’d been really low-key, so I’d never said anything like this. But now, I admit, I felt a sense of exhilaration and adrenaline was running through my veins. However, I forgot that rashness was like a little demon, and I’d lit up a grenade to explode under myself.

[Loudspeaker] Mu Shang’s Pampered Wan Wan Jiang: Hubbie, did you hear her? She said that she’s Boss Han’s woman! Let’s help her spread this happy news around!

[World] Mu Shang: You? Yi Chuan Han Xing’s woman?

[Guild] Leng Yue has left the guild!

[Loudspeaker] Jia Ren Pian Pian: Wait, I think you read that wrong!

But wait a moment, what was with the system notice before that?

After a while, when I clicked on Leng Yue’s information again, his new guild had changed to Furious Warring Dynasty.

Is it Stitchie TLs updating quicker than usual? Yes, yes it is! Trying to churn out more chapters in these 2 months so that this project will actually see the light at the end of the tunnel…

Also disclaimer to everyone out there: Abortion does not necessarily lead to future complications with pregnancy. I don’t want to perpetuate any kinds of misconceptions about abortion out there, but there are different kinds of abortions, and depending on which type you get, the risks are different. Do a google search if you’re interested.

Mu Shang is actually disgusting. Never date this kind of man, girls. Also to my younger viewers: Remember, safety first! Don’t do something rash in the heat of the moment.


DPS stands for Damage per second. Meaning players that deal lots of damage, so your typical offence. Yu Ling is… a magical bird. But I found a game that has the character so here’s a picture. I found the English equivalent on Perfect World Mobile and it’s apparently Winged Elf?

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