Was it Fun Playing as a Little Eunuch?

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With Xie Ying’s martial arts skills, even He Chong couldn’t beat him, let alone someone like Zhu Yi. The speed of her punches and kicks was almost like dancing in Xie Ying’s eyes.

Yet he didn’t hide from her fists as they continued to beat against his chest, only turning his face to avoid her two attempts to slap him.

Zhu Yi hated him so much. How long had he been in the capital? She couldn’t bear the constant loneliness of having him embrace her first, only to turn around and do the same with that prostitute. Even worse, he lied to her about that and now he even dared to beat her. In her dream, Zhu Yi wasn’t afraid of Xie Ying, and she cursed at him furiously.


Li Geng, who was outside the carriage, wished that he could poke his eyes out at this moment – no, he wanted to poke his ears.

The crown prince had difficulty processing the curse that Zhu Yi just uttered.

 What exactly did Xie Ying do to Zhu Yi?

Xie Ying’s eyes were cold. Zhu Yi was disorientated and she was obviously still dreaming. Her reaction made one wonder what terrible things she had encountered in her dreams. Could it be that the crown prince had already done something to her before? Otherwise, why would she be sullen when she was in Jade Island, and still go so far as to use such words to scold the crown prince?

“Did you have a nightmare?” Xie Ying coaxed softly. “Don’t be afraid, I’m here now.”

Xie Ying’s voice woke Zhu Yi up completely. She peered at Xie Ying, who was almost within reach, trembled and immediately pushed him away. If she let him know that he was the subject of her nightmare…

“I was still dreaming just now and made a mistake,” she explained sheepishly.

The crown prince’s face was indescribably ugly as he stared at Zhu Yi and then at Xie Ying.

He didn’t mind that Zhu Yi had once had a heart for Xie Ying. It was normal for young women to care about outward appearances the most. When he ascended the throne, all women under the sky would naturally know whom to choose.

What the crown prince really cared about was Xie Ying’s attitude. If Xie Ying also had his heart set on Zhu Yi, then he would have a real headache.

“Imperial Elder Brother, Your Highness, I’m leaving now,” Zhu Yi said, not wanting to be delayed any longer

Naturally, no one stopped her. Zhu Yi was escorted back to Joyous Hope Pavilion by Li Geng, where Zhu Chuo was still waiting, her face wrinkled like a bitter melon.

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Zhu Chuo rushed forward and grabbed Zhu Yi’s arm.

“Where have you been?” She choked out. “You scared me to death!” She was afraid that something had happened to Zhu Yi and had returned to look for her, but even Han Yun Rong had disappeared, and there was no one she could ask for clues.

“I was called by an old eunuch to move things,” Zhu Yi said, quickly hugging her. “I’ve been working hard, and I’m exhausted!” She gave Zhu Chuo’s cheek a gentle pat. “Remember, you owe me for today, and you must listen to this big sis in the future.”

Zhu Chuo smiled through her tears and nodded. Zhu Yi didn’t mention Han Yun Rong at this time. She had advised her enough already. After this, Zhu Chuo had to figure the rest out for herself.

“Ah Chuo, hurry back and get some rest,” Zhu Yi persuaded. “I’m aching all over.” After seeing her off, Zhu Yi asked someone to prepare hot water, wanting to take a nice hot bath.

Zhu Yi had no energy to move anymore, so she sat on the bed and allowed Geng Lu to help her change her clothes. After undoing the lapels of Zhu Yi’s dress, Geng Lu began to untie the silk belt that bound her chest. Zhu Yi had tied it into a tight knot in a haste, and as Geng Lu pulled on it, she couldn’t help but inhale sharply with pain. “Ow, it hurts! Be gentler!”

“Wait a moment, Your Highness,” Geng Lu said. “This servant will fetch the scissors.” 

“Alright,” Zhu Yi was half leaning against the bedhead, her snow-white and smoothly rounded shoulders completely bare.

When most of the light in front of her was suddenly obscured, Zhu Yi looked up and almost screamed in fright. 

“Get out!” she hissed, not daring to raise her voice for fear of attracting someone.

Seeing that the man in front of her had no intentions of obeying her, Zhu Yi gathered up her clothes and tried to flee, but Xie Ying clasped her wrists behind her back and his voice ordered from above her head, “Tell your palace maid to not come in.”

Zhu Yi considered her options first before finally calling out, “Geng Lu, wait outside first. I want to be alone for a while.”

Geng Lu, who had found the scissors and was right outside the curtains, was bewildered, but she obeyed immediately.  “Yes, Your Highness.”

The hand on Zhu Yi’s waist tightened and she was pulled over by Xie Ying to the side of the bed. He took her into his arms and sat her down with him, and Zhu Yi’s backside rested snugly on Xie Ying’s thighs. The more she struggled to sit somewhere else, the tighter she was held.

Xie Ying sized up the state of Zhu Yi’s chest, which was currently so flat it was like a steppe that horses could gallop straight across1. “How could you bind it so tightly?” He said with dissatisfaction. “Aren’t you afraid of flattening them?”

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When Zhu Yi realised what he was talking about, her mind went blank for a moment before she managed to spit out one word, “Shameless!”

Xie Ying absolutely didn’t mind being scolded. He only whispered against her ear, “Is it uncomfortable? Your Highness’s maid can’t seem to unbind it. Shall I help Your Highness release it?”

Zhu Yi gawked at him, stupefied and speechless. How long had this bastard been waiting in her room?

Fearing that he might actually do something, Zhu Yi hastily wrapped her arms around her chest. “Your Highness, please leave quickly.” She begged, softening her tone. “What someone finds you here?”

But Xie Ying’s expression suddenly became intense. “Princess, from now on you’re not allowed to behave like this or speak like that in front of men. Apart from me, of course.”

Zhu Yi was furious. What did she do wrong for him to turn around and criticize her? Wasn’t he just bullying her because her family was weak and her younger brother was powerless? Did he think that she was isolated and helpless?

“Xie Ying, if it were Zhu Dai, would you dare to sneak into her room in the middle of the night like this?” She asked coldly.

Xie Ying smiled lightly. “I really don’t want to sneak into Zhu Dai’s room in the middle of the night. It’s not that I don’t dare, but that I don’t want to. Does Your Highness understand what I mean?”

Zhu Yi scoffed at him inwardly. She didn’t understand nor did she want to understand. She had only one request, “Can you please leave now?”

“Let me hold you for a while and then I’ll leave.” Xie Ying tightened his arms. It was the first time in his life that he had ever entered a woman’s boudoir. Zhu Yi looked tall amongst the mass of women in the harem, but when she was in his arms, she felt so slender and petite.

“Why did you go to that kind of place with the crown prince today?” He asked.

Xie Ying’s focus was on the crown prince, while Zhu Yi’s focus was on ‘that kind of place’. He actually took the initiative to mention it, she derided in her heart.

“What ‘kind of place’?” She scorned. “Yes, Your Highness, let’s talk about why you were there in the first place.”

Xie Ying noticed that Zhu Yi’s momentum had changed in an instant, and he truthfully replied, “I think that the ambience there is pretty good.”

“It’s not just the ambience that’s pretty good, right?” Zhu Yi asked, chuckling softly. “I had a good look today. The girls in that place are also pretty good, especially with their pitifully thin clothes, and their exposed arms and stomachs. Your Highness thinks it looks great, right? Why else would you like to go there? Oh, that’s right, I even saw a girl in a red dress being very friendly with you. Why didn’t you take her away? You truly don’t know how to act towards women2.”

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Zhu Yi didn’t breathe at all throughout her tirade, and Xie Ying didn’t even have a chance to interrupt. After she finished her rant, his lips slowly curved into a dazzling smile.

Zhu Yi also realized that her tone was strange. Before she could backtrack and explain, Xie Ying spoke first. “Since Your Highness doesn’t like me going there, I won’t go there anymore.”

He also figured out something at once. “So, Your Highness was sulking in Jade Island because of me?” He asked, his voice a whisper. “Was I the beast that you were scolding earlier?” 

Zhu Yi fell backwards, trying to avoid his sudden approach.  “What are you doing?”

Xie Ying raised his eyebrow slightly. “I’ve been called a beast. Wouldn’t it be a waste if I didn’t really do something?”

Zhu Yi whimpered and pressed against the hand that was sliding up her waist. “Xie Ying, you’re not allowed to mess around,” she warned.

Xie Ying stopped teasing Zhu Yi and let her go. “Go to bed early. It’s not comfortable to be tied up like that.” It didn’t matter if he was scolded by her, as long as she didn’t suffer and was alright.

Zhu Yi stared at him blankly, frozen in place. She didn’t actually expect him to let her go like this.

“Why, Your Highness can’t bear to part from this official?” Xie Ying smiled. He raised his index finger and brushed it against Zhu Yi’s face. “It doesn’t matter to this official, I can stay here all night with Your Highness.”

Seeing that Xie Ying deliberately used the word official to annoy her, Zhu Yi immediately turned away from him. Who said she couldn’t bear to part from him?

Xie Ying then got up. He walked to the window, slowed his steps and suddenly turned his head. “Princess, this official is really leaving.” Zhu Yi always knew that Xie Ying’s voice was pleasant to hear, but she didn’t know that it could be so compelling that you would be convinced of his reluctance to leave.

“Get out of here!” Zhu Yi’s heart was pounding. She was first fascinated by Xie Ying’s voice and then shaken by the smile on the profile of his face.

Xie Ying’s figure disappeared completely in the next instant, and Zhu Yi quickly pinched her arm, reminding herself that she must never fall head over heels as she had done before.

Early the next morning, while Zhu Yi was still having breakfast, someone came from Phoenix Manifest Hall and said that the empress had summoned her.

The empress observed Zhu Yi standing in front of her, her gaze moving from her hair to her feet, then back up again. After a while, she finally spoke.

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“Xi Zhen, was it fun playing as a little eunuch?”

Zhu Yi blinked nervously. She glanced at the empress and slowly knelt down.

“Imperial Mother.”

“So, what insights have you gained by following your Imperial Brother out?” The empress sneered softly. “Speak, let this empress listen and enjoy it too.”

Zhu Yi remained silent.

The empress didn’t ask any more questions, but her gaze towards Zhu Yi secretly flashed with a trace of cold murderous intent. She lowered her voice and stated, “Seed of calamity.”

Zhu Yi lowered her head and gazed emptily at the golden lotus patterned jade tiles not far away. The empress left the phoenix throne and came to Zhu Yi. “I really want to see the beautiful scenery outside the palace. This empress will personally take you out, alright?”

“Imperial Mother, this daughter knows I was wrong,” Zhu Yi said hastily. “This daughter doesn’t want to go out of the palace and dares not add more worries for Imperial Mother.” 

In fact, she didn’t know what the empress intended to do with her. Perhaps she was taking the opportunity to vent the anger that she had towards Noble Consort Tong onto her instead. Zhu Yi could only admit her mistake and let the empress cool her temper.

“You don’t want to leave the palace?” The empress asked. “But I want to take you with me. You’re such a beautiful girl, let’s see you in a good mood, alright? I’m going to the Dajue Temple in Sangyang to offer incense, let’s go.”

“Imperial Mother, Dajue Temple is not an imperial temple.” Zhu Yi pointed out. “There are all kinds of people who go there. What if someone offends Imperial Mother?”

The empress smiled, but Zhu Yi remained alert. “Since I’m going to offer incense, there is naturally an imperial decree already in place, and those who shouldn’t be there have been cleared out,” the empress said. “Do you still need to worry about these trivial matters?”

Zhu Yi stood up. Her steps were a little slow and sluggish, and the empress glanced at her. 

“Come here, follow this empress.”

Zhu Yi stepped out of the gate of Phoenix Manifest Hall and turned her head to look around. Both Mian Feng and Geng Lu were tightly clasped by the court ladies under the empress to prevent them from reporting to Noble Consort Tong. Zhu Yi shook her head at the two of them, motioning that they didn’t have to worry before she followed the empress into the sedan chair.

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