Chapter 15 – Plum Blossom Spa

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Xie Ying didn’t answer this time. It was naturally impossible for Shen Xing Liu to ask again. He always felt that the princes’ attitude towards Xie Shao was subtle; as if he was not only treating him as his half-brother and rival but there was also something more to it.


Early next morning, Zhu Yi was called up by Xie Ying to hurry. When she arrived outside the inn, she saw that the couple next door was fine, and so she withdrew her gaze.


When they reached the outskirts of the Capital, Xie Ying had a suggestion. “Princess, why don’t we go to Grand National Temple together after your palace servants enter the capital? ”


Zhu Yi was taken aback. “But they’ll only arrive in three days. Where will we stay if we don’t go to the temple?”


“There are many interesting places in the capital, and the princess may not have been there before,” Xie Ying coaxed. “It’s rare for you to come out, don’t you want to look around?”


This man spoke to her heart every time. Zhu Yi decided to follow her heart and place all the responsibility on Xie Ying.


After they had breakfast at Eight Treasures Restaurant, it was time to find a place to take a bath and change their clothes. Naturally, Xie Ying made all the arrangements while Zhu Yi just followed along.


Even Zhu Yi had heard of the famous Plum Blossom Spa in the palace. It was said that the water in the hot baths inside was extremely clear and fresh. Around the pool, strange stones, flowers, and plants were used to create the image of the mountains and wilderness. The dome was built high with light blue glaze, allowing sunlight to leak through from the top of the glaze. It made people feel like they were in a forest even though they were indoors.


Zhu Yi stepped out of the misty pool, wrapped herself with a soft yellow muslin shawl, and laid down on her stomach on top of a cool bed. When the spa attendant wanted to take her muslin shawl, she was a little embarrassed. After all, the attendant was a stranger.


But when the maid wiped the cleansing skin dew on her body, and slowly pressed a pair of skilled hands along her shoulders to her ankles, Zhu Yi couldn’t help sighing. It was so comfortable, and the masseuse’s craftsmanship was also great. She didn’t expect that there would be places outside the palace that would be more enjoyable.


Zhu Yi thought that before returning to the palace, she had to come again.


Wen Yan turned her head occasionally from the door, and Zhu Yi’s milky white skin caught her eye. Because she was lying down, the enchanting curves on the girl’s body became more voluptuous and seductive. Even as a woman, she was blushing. No wonder Prince Wei Ning had his heart set on her.


Wen Yan guessed that the prince would come over later, but Xie Ying didn’t show up until Zhu Yi changed into a clean dress.


It was Zhu Yi who took the initiative to ask, “Wen Yan, where is your master? ”


Xie Ying happened to come over as she asked this, having also changed his clothes.


Zhu Yi had been immersed in her enjoyment before, but now she realised that Xie Ying hadn’t come over to interrupt when she was in the bath. It wasn’t that she wanted Xie Ying to come. Rather, he had even made a point of seeking her out last night at the inn, but now that it was easier to take advantage of the situation, he didn’t turn up…

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Seeing that Zhu Yi seemed to have something on her mind, Xie Ying asked, “What’s wrong? Does the princess feel uncomfortable?”


“No, it was really good,” Zhu Yi said rather unenthusiastically. “Thank you for arranging this, Your Highness.” She didn’t say anything more.


Xie Ying glanced at her, but because it was inconvenient to speak in public, he didn’t say much.


After leaving Plum Blossom Spa, the group walked through the street and came to Elegant Treasures Pavilion.


“Princess, don’t you like collecting stationery?” Xie Ying asked. “The things in Elegant Treasures Pavilion are alright. You can take a look.”


Zhu Yi glanced at Xie Ying out of the corner of her eyes. He still knew that she loved to collect stationery? She hummed in agreement.

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Elegant Treasures Pavilion was three storeys high and it was built to be wide and spacious. The first floor was full of books, while the second and third floors were for supplies. Xie Ying accompanied Zhu Yi on the first floor for a long time and helped her pick two sets of books.


As soon as they got to the second floor, Shen Xing Liu whispered a few words in Xie Ying’s ear, and Xie Ying said to Zhu Yi, “Princess, you can buy whatever you want here. I’ll be back in a while.”


Knowing that he was very busy, Zhu Yi nodded. Anyway, she intended to pay Xie Ying back for whatever she bought.


After browsing for a while, Zhu Yi stopped in front of a white jade seal.


On the top of the seal was the carving of a cat ready to pounce on a butterfly. The cat’s two eyes were embedded with sapphires. It was carved with such detail that it was remarkably true to life. The quirky and lively carving made Zhu Yi think of Zhu Chuo at once.


Zhu Yi immediately wanted to buy it and bring it back as a gift to Zhu Chuo. She called the attendant on the side and was about to speak when a female voice intervened. 


“Get me the cat seal! I want it.”


Zhu Yi and Wen Yan looked over. The girl who spoke was wearing a cherry-coloured silk skirt patterned with a hundred butterflies, and the hairpin rings she wore were all of the best quality. She was followed by four maidservants. At first glance, anyone could tell that she was a noble lady. Zhu Yi didn’t like to participate in the activities of the aristocratic circle like Zhu Dai and Zhu Chuo, so she didn’t know which family she belonged to.


What Zhu Yi didn’t know was that this girl was not from the aristocratic circle of the capital. The girl was indeed of great origin. She was the daughter of King Jinghai, Yan Yu’er, the youngest born from his Queen Consort. She was the Lady of Jia County and Zhu Chuo’s younger cousin from the empress dowager’s maiden family. Because she was of the age to be married, the empress dowager specially ordered King Jinghai to send her to the capital.

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Originally, when Yan Yu’er entered the Capital, she should have immediately gone to the palace to meet the empress dowager, but this girl was used to being wild in Jing Prefecture, and she had to stroll around the bustling capital before she was willing to be locked up in the big cage of the palace.


“This seal was first seen by our young lady,” Wen Yan said.


“How is it that she saw it first?” Yan Yu’er glanced at Zhu Yi. “I obviously said it first.”


This deliberate tone of finding fault made Wen Yan look at Yan Yu’er more closely. This woman was indeed born with a beautiful face. She was probably used to holding the moon and the stars at home and felt that she should be getting the most attention wherever she went. Since all the eyes around her were following Princess Xi Zhen, she obviously couldn’t stand it.


Yan Yu’er’s maids also secretly looked at Zhu Yi many times. Zhu Yi was wearing a long apricot-coloured silk dress patterned with a dark mist-covered river creek. Because Mian Feng wasn’t there, neither she nor Wen Yan was good at styling hair. Zhu Yi pulled her hair up into a simple bun by herself, using a pearl hairpin.


If one didn’t have a good eye for clothing, one would only see Zhu Yi with her simple hair bun and hairpin, with only one maid following her, and most people would assume that she was from a mediocre family and wanted to use her appearance to take a chance in a prestigious place like Elegant Treasures Pavilion to catch a rich husband!


But the maidservant next to Yan Yu’er saw Zhu Yi’s graceful behaviour and whispered, “Miss, judging from this girl’s demeanour, I don’t think she comes from a small family.”  


“Demeanour? What can that explain?” Yan Yu’er whispered back meaningfully. “Those skinny horses1 have been trained since they were young. They’ve been taught to have good deportment.”  This sentence was not heard by Zhu Yi and Wen Yan.


Wen Yan refused to accept that Yan Yu’er stole the seal and wanted to argue.


“Wen Yan, I don’t need this seal,” Zhu Yi said. “Let’s go and have a look elsewhere.” She had indeed only called the attendant without saying whether she wanted it or not. In any case, she was out on her own without permission, so it was best to avoid trouble.


Yan Yu’er looked at the backs of Zhu Yi and Wen Yan as they left with a dark sneer.


Zhu Yi stopped again in front of a white emerald double lotus wrist pillow2. The middle of this wrist pillow was white, and the sides were green. The ends of the green sides were carved to a lotus that could be gently rotated inside. It was small and stylish and anyone could tell that it was designed for women. 


Zhu Yi called the attendant over again. Yan Yu’er had been following her, and when she saw that she was about to come over again, Zhu Yi spoke out first. “I want this wrist pillow.”


No matter how good-tempered she was, she won’t keep giving way.


When Yan Yu’er saw that she hadn’t got it, she didn’t get annoyed, but just stared at Zhu Yi again and smiled.


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Zhu Yi thought this person’s gaze was really strange. She obviously didn’t know her, but the other party’s attitude towards her was like it wasn’t the first time they met.


Zhu Yi followed the attendant to settle the bill and left. Yan Yu’er followed them to the street and soon saw a man walking up to Zhu Yi, then walking alongside her in a rather intimate manner.


Wasn’t that Xie Ying? Yan Yu’er stared at the man’s back and ordered her highest-ranking guard, “Follow them and see where they’re going.”

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Xie Ying took Zhu Yi to the famous Luminous Tower next to the Red River. The origin of the name of the Luminous Tower was that it was a good place to see the night view of the capital, especially from the top floor where Xie Ying and Zhu Yi were located.


Summer days were so hot that people only came out of hiding in the evening. Therefore, the night market in summer was more lively than any other season, with all kinds of operas and colourful lights. The Red River slowly flowed through the capital like a ribbon, with the sound of oars and the light of the waves like falling stars. It was a bustling world of fireworks, which is very different from the sombre severity of the palace.


All this was new and novel to Zhu Yi. She propped her hands on the carved railing and leaned half of her body out to look at the weaving flow of people underneath. It wasn’t enough to look at it this way. She wanted to go to the night market. 


“Very well, but first I have something to say to Your Highness,” Xie Ying said.


Shen Xing Liu and Wen Yan retreated when they heard the words.


“What do you want to say?” Zhu Yi asked, looking at Xie Ying.


Xie Ying sat down on the chair by the railing, patted his legs twice, and motioned to Zhu Yi to sit there. Zhu Yi pretended not to understand the hint, and only said, “If you have anything to say, just say it quickly.”


“Princess, why didn’t you look very happy when you came out of Plum Blossom Spa?” Xie Ying asked.


“That’s not true,” Zhu Yi denied.


Xie Ying pulled Zhu Yi onto his lap and sat back down. Zhu Yi knew that resistance was useless, so she let him embrace her. Xie Ying studied Zhu Yi’s expression as he asked, “Princess, are you blaming me for not barging into the bath and playing in the water with you3?”


Zhu Yi’s eyes widened.


…Playing in the water? In his dreams!


However, Xie Ying’s long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he watched her closely. Zhu Yi’s whole countenance wasn’t very good. “Your Highness, you’re also the official of this country. What are you thinking about all day long?” She asked sternly.

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“I want to…princess4.” Xie Ying said seriously.


Zhu Yi was left dumbstruck, feeling both bashful and annoyed.


Xie Ying frowned slightly. “Then what is Your Highness unhappy about? The female masseuse I found is said to be the best in the spa in terms of craftsmanship. Could it be that she didn’t serve you well? ”


Zhu Yi thought for a while before she finally made up her mind and said, “I was served very well. Was it the same for Your Highness? Why did you ask the best girl to serve me, when she should be serving the prince?” She shouldn’t overdo it after saying that.


As soon as Xie Ying heard this, he knew that his good intentions had fallen flat again. He originally made a special trip to Plum Blossom Spa to make Zhu Yi comfortable. 




However, Xie Ying chuckled softly. When Zhu Yi was jealous, she was much more candid than usual.


“So Your Highness is jealous again?” He asked, his voice low.




Zhu Yi pinched the fabric of her skirt tightly. She thought carefully, and it really was true. From the moment she knew that Xie Ying was going to Jade Island, she couldn’t help feeling all kinds of disappointment towards him. Zhu Yi didn’t like this and began to squirm uneasily.


Xie Ying hugged her tightly and said, “I came out after taking a bath, and I didn’t look for a female masseuse. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Shen Xing Liu.”


“I don’t believe it,” Zhu Yi muttered very quietly. “You’re terrible. If it wasn’t for the fact that there was someone with me, wouldn’t you have come over to bully me?”


Xie Ying thought Zhu Yi was really adorable, so he held back his laughter and said, “It’s true.”


His eyes darkened, and he deliberately told Zhu Yi more bluntly, “I didn’t come to see Your Highness because I’m not a saint. I can’t stand just thinking about the princess taking a bath. If I were to see Your Highness…this official can’t guarantee that I would be able to control it. Just in case Your Highness gets frightened…”


Xie Ying believed that although Zhu Yi didn’t fully understand what he meant, she should have at least gotten the gist of it. Sure enough, Zhu Yi’s head couldn’t be any lower, and she wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide in.

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