Chapter 17 – Third Master Rong

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Early in the morning the next day, Zhu Yi told Xie Ying, “Your Highness, you don’t have to follow me all day long. You can go about your business as well.”


Zhu Yi knew that there would be a lot of people who wanted to befriend Xie Ying, both implicitly and explicitly. Not only that, the power of the Xie family has long been deeply rooted in the capital, so there should be a lot of people Xie Ying wanted to meet.


Xie Ying studied Zhu Yi. “Princess, what are you going to do that you don’t want this official to follow? This official has to guarantee the safety of Your Highness.”


“Just let Wen Yan follow me around,” Zhu Yi persuaded. “Her kung fu is good so it’ll be fine.”


Xie Ying laughed and agreed after seeing her eagerness before he really left with Shen Xing Liu.

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When Zhu Yi arrived at the Thousand Brocades shop, Rong Xiao was already waiting there. He was the youngest son of Duke Cheng Guo, born from his official wife. The eighteen-year-old young official was wearing a black suit embroidered with dark silver bamboo patterns, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes. He was handsome and upright, and his temperament was far calmer than that of his peers.


Seeing Zhu Yi, Rong Xiao immediately got up and greeted her. Zhu Yi motioned that he didn’t have to treat her with formal courtesy. His gaze towards her was intense. “Princess, you came from Sheng River Palace, right?” He asked. “May I know who your escort was?”


“Xie Ying escorted me here,” Zhu Yi answered.


Rong Xiao was startled. “Prince Wei Ning? How could the emperor let him take on such a role?”


It seemed that everyone believed that it was wrong for Xie Ying to be appointed as her guard. Zhu Yi let out a slightly self-deprecating chuckle.


“Princess, why did you come here personally?” Rong Xiao asked. “What happened to Chang Lin?”


“Chang Lin and Mian Feng are still on the road,” Zhu Yi said. “I read the letter you asked Chang Lin to bring me last time. You mentioned that you’ve contacted my father’s former subordinates?” 


“Yes, these two people are very loyal to General Pei, and they’ve remained in Rong Summit after the general passed away. This official knew that Your Highness would enter Grand National Temple in early July, so I contacted them in advance. They should be able to reach the capital in two days.”


“Excellent,” Zhu Yi said, feeling a little excited. She was finally about to meet her father’s old subordinates. “You have to be careful on your own side,” she cautioned Rong Xiao.


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Zhu Yi’s concern touched Rong Xiao.  “This official is aware and unhindered. Princess, you must also be careful in all matters inside the palace.”


“Thank you, Rong Xiao,” Zhu Yi said, nodding. “I don’t know what I can do to express the depths of my gratitude.” She tried to give him money, but he refused to take it.


“Your Highness doesn’t have to worry about it,” Rong Xiao said, smiling. “These are things that this official himself is willing to do.” He then deliberately asked, “Princess, how is your relationship with Prince Wei Ning?”


Zhu Yi was caught off guard. She couldn’t tell him about her actual relationship with Xie Ying at all, so her reply was vague. 


“It’s not bad.”


“I suggest not telling the prince what we’re investigating,” Rong Xiao said. “Also…Princess, you shouldn’t get too close to Xie Ying. He’s a deeply shrewd person, and he does whatever it takes for his interests. He’s toyed with many people and yet he still has them in the palm of his hand and they’re devoted to him. Your Highness, with your temperament, it’s not advisable to associate with him too much.”


She was investigating the cause of her biological father’s death. Naturally, the fewer people knew about it, the better. “I know,” Zhu Yi nodded. “Since you’re handling this, I won’t tell anyone.” She didn’t know how to process the words that Rong Xiao had said about Xie Ying.


Rong Xiao was in a great mood after seeing Zhu Yi, so he had a suggestion. “Princess, it’s almost noon. There is a restaurant called Cuiping Pavilion nearby, and the dishes are quite good. Is it alright for this official to invite Your Highness to try it?”


“It will be my treat,” Zhu Yi said, smiling. “You’re always helping me, so let me express my gratitude.”

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Xie Ying was about to climb up the steps of a restaurant, when a whip suddenly slashed towards him out of the blue, accompanied by the flash of a flaming red dress.


Xie Ying grabbed the tail end of the whip and poured his inner strength1 into it. The whip instantly hardened into a stick. As soon as he sent it forward, the owner of the whip flew upside down.


“Argh! That hurts!” Yan Yu’er cried out as she fell to the ground, but she still raised her head, her eyes reluctant to leave the man who threw her.


Xie Ying still had a sense of propriety, so Yan Yu’er was able to stand up with the help of her guards. She stared at him intensely, feeling that the sun shining brightly above her head was still not as dazzling as the person in front of her.

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“What do you want with me, my lady2?” Xie Ying asked.


Yan Yu’er held back the pain and smiled. “Xie Ying, didn’t you read the letter my guard sent you last night?”


“I read it.”


“Then why don’t you go to my appointment at Jade Platform Pavilion today?”


“I’m not related to you in any way,” Xie Ying said. “Moreover, there’s a need to guard against having a situation between men and women, so why should I go to your appointment?”


Yan Yu’er’s face turned pale. “How can we be unrelated? We almost became husband and wife.”


“Be careful of what you say, my lady,” Xie Ying said, frowning.


But Yan Yu’er sneered. “Don’t pretend to be serious in front of me. I’ve seen that woman. What’s so good about her? No matter how well-dressed she is, she can’t hide her vixen eyes.”


Xie Ying’s eyes were dark, and he didn’t answer her words. He simply said, “My lady, if you follow me again and accidentally get injured, don’t blame me for not taking my friendship with your brother into account.”


The man’s tone was flat, but it was cold enough to make Yan Yu’er shiver even though it was a hot day. No one has ever threatened her since she was a child, and she immediately retorted, “…You wouldn’t dare!”


“You may try to find out, my lady,” Xie Ying said. After he spoke, he turned his gaze towards the guard beside Yan Yu’er. The guard immediately understood that this prince was warning him to keep an eye on his young lady, otherwise, if she was injured or disabled, he would be to blame as her guard.


“Xie Ying!” Yan Yu’er glared at Xie Ying’s back as he turned and left, but she didn’t dare to chase after him.

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This restaurant was none other than Cuiping Pavilion. Wen Yan greeted Xie Ying inside and took him to a private room on the second floor. Xie Ying didn’t knock on the door but just pushed it open and walked in.


Zhu Yi’s smile froze on her lips. Xie Ying glanced at her with half-lidded eyes, and then looked at Rong Xiao who was sitting opposite her.

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It wasn’t just women who were sensitive to rivals, but men as well. Rong Xiao sensed something from Xie Ying’s glance towards Zhu Yi as he stood up and greeted him. “Your Highness.”


“Third Rong, has your eldest brother returned to the residence?”


Rong Xiao knew that Xie Ying and his eldest brother Rong Ting had looked out for each other’s lives on the battlefield and had a deep friendship. “My eldest brother is newly married,” he replied. “He’s been in the princess’ residence recently and hasn’t returned to the government post.”


Xie Ying then glanced at Zhu Yi again, and she reacted by standing up and saying, “Have you had lunch yet, Your Highness? If you haven’t, let’s dine together.”


“No, I haven’t eaten yet,” he replied, giving her a slight smile.


Xie Ying’s smile made Zhu Yi’s heart tighten. His gaze somehow made her feel that he would punish her when they returned later. But she felt that she had done nothing wrong. Rong Xiao was her good friend and he was helping her investigate the cause of her father’s death. It was reasonable for her to treat him to a meal.


“Then sit down, Your Highness,” Zhu Yi said. “Let’s order a few more dishes.”


Rong Xiao’s eyes went back and forth between Xie Ying and Zhu Yi, his heart vaguely suspicious.


Once Xie Ying sat down, he didn’t look at Zhu Yi again. He kept talking to Rong Xiao and the two of them ordered more wine, while Zhu Yi ate alone quietly.


Just when Zhu Yi thought she was going to finish the meal in silence, Xie Ying suddenly moved closer to her; so close that she thought he was going to kiss her, and Zhu Yi leaned back in fright.


“Why are you covered with persimmon juice?” Xie Ying stretched out his right hand and swiped his finger at the corner of Zhu Yi’s mouth, rubbing the delicate skin on her chin twice before calmly withdrawing his hand.


After Xie Ying retreated, Zhu Yi’s face burned uncontrollably. Rong Xiao’s hands on his lap were folded into fists. Only Xie Ying, as if his previous behaviour was perfectly normal, poured another glass of wine and raised it to his lips.


She had just said in front of Rong Xiao that her relationship with Xie Ying was only ‘not bad’, and then Xie Ying turned around and made such a scene. She was so embarrassed to have her lie blatantly exposed that she didn’t dare to look at Rong Xiao again.


Zhu Yi glared at the culprit who embarrassed her, and Xie Ying stared right back at her. Contrary to Zhu Yi’s anger, Xie Ying smiled softly at her. It was as though they were flirting with each other. Rong Xiao turned his gaze away.

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When Zhu Yi said goodbye to Rong Xiao, Xie Ying stood at the side. Rong Xiao couldn’t speak bluntly, so he only looked at Zhu Yi and said, “Princess, you have to remember what I said to you earlier about that person.” Although Rong Xiao also knew that it was difficult for someone in Xie Ying’s sights to escape his grasp, he couldn’t help but remind Zhu Yi.


In order to keep Rong Xiao from worrying, Zhu Yi nodded. Xie Ying stood by and watched the two of them, not urging them on.


Back at the inn, no matter how fast Zhu Yi moved, she couldn’t shut Xie Ying, who was following her, out of the door. Instead, she was pinned behind it after it was closed, unable to move.


Zhu Yi raised her hand to pummel him, but then she exclaimed as her body left the ground, and she found herself being carried by Xie Ying holding her two small buttcheeks. She subconsciously put her arms around Xie Ying’s neck to prevent him from suddenly dropping her.


Xie Ying was obviously very satisfied with Zhu Yi’s movements. He hugged her and placed her back against the door again, holding her neither too high nor low, but just at the same height as him. He didn’t make any other movement, but her legs had to be spread wide, clamping his waist as she faced him.


Zhu Yi was so embarrassed by this posture that she almost cried with shame. “You…how can you do this? Xie Ying, you can’t do this to me!” She was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry out, but she remembered that they were by the door and might be heard by people passing by in the corridor. She shut her mouth tightly and only gave him an accusing gaze.


Zhu Yi’s eyes were slightly red, she wanted to cry without crying, she wanted to make trouble but she was afraid that others would hear her so she dared not make any noise. Xie Ying, who was usually always responsible and careful, still couldn’t help but inhale deeply. He kissed Zhu Yi’s forehead and asked, “Princess, tell me, what kind of alluring spirit are you that can seduce me like this every day?”


Zhu Yi was aware that the words ‘alluring spirit’ and ‘seduce’ had negative connotations and they weren’t pleasant words to hear. She’d been attending classes in Water Drop Academy since she was a child, and she knew books and rituals. How could she tolerate such words? “Xie Ying, besides bullying me, what else can you do?” She growled angrily.


What Xie Ying was actually thinking in his heart was that he had to protect her well. He didn’t know how much she would suffer if her current provocative and pitiful appearance fell into the hands of other men.


“Your Highness,” Xie Ying suddenly spoke. “You’ve had three guards including me, correct?”


“Let me down,” Zhu Yi growled. She was still angry and didn’t want to answer him.


“Answer this first,” Xie Ying said.


“How can Your Highness be considered a guard?” Zhu Yi pointed out. “You’re just visiting here.”


“Since a government official like Rong Xiao can be one, why can’t I?” Xie Ying asked meaningfully.

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