Chapter 2 – Such a Beauty

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It stood to reason that as someone with a jade plate1 and a princess title, Zhu Yi was the monarch and Xie Ying was the minister. If she was dissatisfied with Xie Ying, she could arrogantly ignore him.

But Zhu Yi knew that whether for the sake of her seventh brother or her future husband’s family, she couldn’t afford to offend Xie Ying. So, she adjusted her expression and showed him a dignified smile.


Just as she was about to look away, Zhu Yi saw Xie Ying pulling up the corners of his lips and giving her an ambiguous smile in return. When Xie Ying smiled, his eyes were slightly tilted, and he had a naturally soft and affectionate look. If his eyes weren’t so cold and intimidating, it would really make people’s hearts flutter.


Zhu Yi was a little surprised at his response, and she quickly lowered her head.


After a while, the emperor suddenly said, “Xi Zhen has lost weight recently.”


With these words, everyone in the hall looked at Zhu Yi. She was startled and retracted the chopsticks that had been about to pick up some vegetables.


The gaze of the crown princess was particularly complicated. In the past two years, Zhu Yi had been like a fairy who sucked out the essence of the sun and the moon. She became more and more beautiful. With her vermilion lips and dazzling eyes, even the three thousand beauties of the harem looked vulgar next to her. Even her brother, who had only seen her once in the Capital, couldn’t forget about her when he returned home.


There was also her soft voice and her slender and beautiful figure. Because of her status as a princess, she couldn’t be openly leered at. But in the heart of a man, what he wanted was to hold on to such a beauty and play with her. It was no wonder that the crown prince was reluctant to let her marry outside the palace. Instead, he intended to keep her for his own use after he ascended the throne.


Zhu Dai smiled and said, “Has she? I think Elder Sister Xi Zhen looks almost the same all year round.”


The emperor had always indulged Zhu Dai, so he was not annoyed by her interjection. 


“Xi Zhen loves to eat stuffed shad. Give her my plate,” he ordered.


The emperor rarely gave food, and so she immediately said, “Thank you, Imperial Father.”


This was Xie Ying’s welcoming banquet, but the emperor specifically mentioned Zhu Yi. It was inevitable that interested parties would think about the meaning behind this, and then they would lose their appetite.

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Noble Consort Tong glanced at the Empress with a smile, and then at Zhu Yi. She had spent a lot of effort on this niece, and naturally she intended to exchange her for the best support.


Ever since the emperor took over leadership from his elder brother, he had been facing a situation of strong branches and weak roots2 where the power of the Vassal States dominated over that of the Capital.


There were nine feudal kings in the dynasty, and the Xie family of Wei Prefecture were second to none, followed by Jing and Yong Prefectures. These three feudal dynasties were all foreign relatives, and they had the merit of being subordinate to the dragon.


All the feudal kings were watching the Xie family’s movements. Everyone knew that Xie Chong Ying, King Wei Ning, had become increasingly more addicted to women in recent years. The military and political power of Wei Prefecture had long been in the hands of his son Xie Ying. Therefore, Xie Ying’s attitude was crucial. Even if he only superficially respected the authority of the Imperial Family, that still could still ease the worries of the Imperial Court.


Letting Zhu Yi marry Xie Ying was naturally what Noble Consort Tong most wanted to facilitate. Although the Empress was Xie Ying’s aunt, if Zhu Yi gave birth to Xie Ying’s heir, the Xie family might no longer be the Empress’s patron.


Both the Emperor and Noble Consort Tong loved song and dance. They sometimes composed and choreographed their own music. In order to cater to the emperor, the masters of the Royal Arts Academy also did their best to innovate. As a result, the standard of palace performances was so high that it was rare to see it.


After seeing the Emperor and Noble Consort Tong flirt with each other, the Empress calmly left the table first.


The empress could leave, but no one else could. The emperor loved to see a large family in harmony. However, it was acceptable to leave for a short while to get some fresh air.


After sitting for a while, Zhu Yi felt that something was wrong with her body, and she went to the washroom. Sure enough, her period had come, and her skirt was stained.


She sent Geng Lu to inform Noble Consort Tong, and hurriedly left with Mian Feng. As soon as they walked out of the garden of Yi Great Hall and were about to turn onto the road leading to Joyous Hope Pavilion, Mian Feng spotted someone with her sharp eyes.


 “Princess, the Fourth Prince is coming this way.”


When Zhu Yi heard that it was the prodigal Zhu Xiu Ze that was headed her way, she immediately hid behind the rockery with Mian Feng. There was a high hole behind this rockery. After Zhu Yi took a few steps, her steps faltered.

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Xie Ying?


Xie Ying was standing in front of her, and his expression was strange. Through the small hole in the rockery, a green dress embroidered with orchids flashed by.


Who was that?


Zhu Yi tried to recall who was wearing green clothes today and Zhu Jing’s figure appeared in her mind at once.


Zhu Jing was the fifth princess who was just a year younger than Zhu Yi. She was also a beauty. She has a small red tear mole under her left eye, with slender shoulders and a thin waist. She loved to wear wide and elegant light green palace dresses all year round, which made her look delicate, like a willow swaying in the wind.


Xie Ying and Zhu Jing?


Zhu Yi was astounded. She never would have suspected it at all. Zhu Jing’s mother was originally a palace maid, but she died a long time ago. Her status in this palace was even lower than that of Zhu Yi, an adopted princess. She relied on her attachment to Zhu Dai, which was indeed a pity.


It turned out that Xie Ying liked delicate and frail women? Why couldn’t he just have told her that earlier instead of agreeing to meet her at that time? Moreover, who was he to show such an arrogant attitude that looked down on everyone?


Xie Ying obviously also knew that Zhu Jing was a step slower at hiding than him. When he saw the change in Zhu Yi’s expression, he knew that she had misunderstood the situation. For those who could do things for him, whether men or women, it was of no difference to him.


At that moment, Zhu Xiu Ze’s drunken shout came from outside, and Xie Ying frowned.


Zhu Yi couldn’t tell how she felt in her heart. It stood to reason that Xie Ying had nothing to do with her own marriage. When Zhu Xiu Ze’s voice faded away, she forced out a smile. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Your Highness.”


Zhu Yi turned around and tried to run away but her wrist was clasped by that man. Xie Ying leaned down and spoke into Zhu Yi’s ears, his breath held a hint of alcohol. 

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“It’s too dark, I’ll send Your Highness back.”


The two were too close to each other, and Xie Ying’s tall figure made Zhu Yi feel oppressed. Zhu Yi took a breath, but fortunately Xie Ying let her go quickly.


“There’s no need to bother, Your Highness. You can go about your own business.”


Xie Ying looked at her steadily. “I’m not busy. Let’s go.”


Zhu Yi wondered why Xie Ying insisted on leaving Zhu Jing and sending her off. Could it be that he didn’t want her to spread any rumours about what she saw tonight? Did he want to intimidate her into keeping quiet? Zhu Yi immediately spoke out. “Your Highness, I promise I didn’t see anything. My palace maid was blocked by me, so she couldn’t see anything either.”


Xie Ying’s gaze became unpleasant.


“You don’t have to worry, Your Highness,” Zhu Yi tried to reassure him. “My mother already has a candidate for my marriage. I will never hinder your own marriage.” After all, she was not oblivious to the intentions behind her father’s actions at the banquet today.


“I said, let’s go.” Xie Ying’s face gradually became gloomy, and Zhu Yi didn’t dare to disagree. Mian Feng followed behind, not daring to say a word.


The days in summer were long, and the lights in the white stone lamp holders on both sides of the road were also burning, which meant that it wasn’t too dark yet.


None of the three spoke as they walked. 


Suddenly, Zhu Yi felt a sense of lightness. Before she knew what was happening, she was somehow off her feet and clasped into the arms of Xie Ying.


The sound of metal and stone came to her ears, which was particularly frightening at night.


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Zhu Yi looked at the source of the sound. A gold-handled dagger with a paper-thin blade was submerged into the ground with a thick copper snake struggling under the upright blade tip. The snake’s head was triangular, and its body was dark red with yellow ring patterns. Judging from its appearance, it was most likely poisonous.


While Zhu Yi was still afraid of the snake, Xie Ying’s attention had already shifted to the person in his arms.


Zhu Yi was looped from behind, and her soft chest rested right on top of his hard arm. Her breathing was heavier than usual from fear which made her chest undulate rapidly. The pair could clearly feel the subtle changes happening between them.


Xie Ying lowered his eyes for a moment, released his arm, and took two steps back.


Only then did Zhu Yi look at him and say, “Thank you for saving me, Your Highness.”


Xie Ying didn’t speak. He went to retrieve the dagger and wiped it clean with a white cotton handkerchief. The cold light of the dagger glinted on his face. 


“Let’s go,” he said. “It seems that you don’t think it’s superfluous for me to send you back now.”


He saved her and yet he deliberately said this…did he want to embarrass her? Zhu Yi thought Xie Ying was a bit odious.


In the Forbidden City, Zhu Yi lived with Noble Consort Tong, but the palace buildings here were small, and it was always inconvenient for the emperor to come over. He simply arranged for Zhu Yi to stay separately in Joyous Hope Pavilion. Zhu Yi was happy and at ease with the arrangement.


Seeing Joyous Hope Pavilion right in front of them, Zhu Yi stopped and said, “Your Highness, you can just see me off right here.” There were many eunuchs and maids in Joyous Hope Pavilion. If they saw Xie Ying here, it would inevitably create a mess.


Xie Ying smiled at Zhu Yi’s caution, and he turned to Mian Feng. “Go ahead first,” he ordered quietly. “I have something to say to your princess.”


Mian Feng looked at Zhu Yi, who frowned. Knowing that Xie Ying was accustomed to being domineering, she thought for a while before acquiescing.


 “Go ahead, Mian Feng.”

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