Chapter 6 – Perfumed Breeze, Luminous Dresses Swirl

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The crown prince suddenly lowered his voice. “In a moment, let someone note down that orange-pink satin for Xi Zhen’s wardrobe. Ah Dai was too disrespectful.”


The crown princess looked at the ground and replied, “Alright.”


The crown prince was present, but the princesses didn’t have any more quarrels, and they were all picking their own fabrics quietly.


The princesses were young and still growing. They had to be weighed and measured every six months. Zhu Yi finished choosing the fabrics first, raised her arms, and allowed the senior maid to use a measuring tape to measure her waist. It was really uncomfortable.


At this time, it would not be appropriate for the crown prince to remain there anymore, so he got up and strode out.


The crown princess believed that he had definitely not left but was instead watching them from behind a partition. She was afraid that he wanted to become the measuring tape that was now wrapped around Zhu Yi’s waist.


But the crown princess guessed wrong this time, and the crown prince had actually left. Unlike in the Eastern Palace, the crown princess was the only one beside him at Sheng River Palace. He thought that the fire that Zhu Yi had aroused in his heart had to be suppressed.


Sheng River Palace was close to Sangyang, the capital of Jing Prefecture. Although Sangyang was not as prosperous as the Imperial Capital, it had a unique place called ‘Jade Island’, which was famous for its music, singing, and dancing. It was a place where you spent a lot of money.


Inside Jade Island, there was an area called ‘Jade Heart Sandbar’ that was not open to the ordinary public. Tonight, it welcomed two guests.


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The perfumed breeze, the swirling of luminous clothing, and the exposed arms of the leading dancer overlapped like snow-coloured waves. She half-concealed her delicate face and walked forward towards the crown prince who was sitting at the top. The crown prince smiled and raised his chin slightly towards Xie Ying on the right. The girl immediately understood. At the end of the song, she stopped in front of Xie Ying in a graceful posture.


The girl then knelt two steps away, silently serving wine to Xie Ying. Jade Island’s rule was that the dancers couldn’t take the initiative to speak out if the guests didn’t ask questions.


“Ah Ying, how was it?” The crown prince smiled at Xie Ying. “What this older brother prepared for you is of the highest quality.” He especially added, “She’s still fresh1.”


Xie Ying smiled and took the wine glass from the girl.


“My lord,” the girl had never seen such a handsome man before, and she couldn’t bear to blink when she looked at him. She forgot the rules and called out to Xie Ying, obviously hoping that he would pick her.


Most of the girls in Jade Island only sold their art and not their bodies, but those who could enter Jade Heart Sandbar were first-class nobles, so naturally they were willing to make an exception.


It was not early at this time, but it was also not too late. Xie Ying stood up, looked at the girl kneeling at his feet, and said, “Let’s go.”


The crown prince was stunned for a moment. His younger cousin had always been indifferent to women. Sure enough, this choice suited his appetite, and Xie Ying was actually more eager than him today. He smiled and said, “Then the both of us will not go back tonight.” He looked at the girl again. “Be attentive and serve him well.”


The crown prince naturally picked one as well; a girl who was about the same height and figure as Zhu Yi and looked very similar from the back.


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The girl blushed and followed Xie Ying, and a waiter led the two into the room that had been previously prepared. As soon as she stepped into the room, Xie Ying raised his hand and placed it on the back of her neck, his gaze blank. The girl fainted immediately, still smiling as she fell.


Shen Xing Liu checked the room, then wrapped the girl in a cloak and took her away. Two figures flashed in, half kneeling and saluting, “Your Highness.”


Xie Ying asked the two of them to get up. Nie Zhao Xian on the left said: “Your Highness, there’s news from Wei Prefecture that Xie Shao has failed in his fight against Zheng Chang Shi. He has started plans to mobilize the troops of the Elite Shadow Battalion to control the Yuan River shipping routes.”


Half of the grain needed by Xie Ying’s army was transported by the Yuan River. 


Xie Shao really had a big heart.


A smile slowly appeared on Xie Ying’s face. “This is just the beginning,” he said. “When the news of my extended stay in the Capital reaches Wei Prefecture, my father will likely write a letter asking me to hand over the seal to Xie Shao to let him handle the government affairs on his behalf.”


Sheng Qing frowned and said, “Your Highness, Xie Shao is now waiting for an opportunity, and the king is determined to support him again. Your subordinates believe that Your Highness should not stay in the Capital anymore.” Although the emperor had made his wishes clear, Xie Ying was capable of finding a way out if he wanted to.  


“Let Xie Shao do it.” Xie Ying said calmly. His eyes were cold. “It just so happens that I have long wanted to get rid of the Elite Shadow Battalion.” The battalion was one of the guards directly under King Wei Ning, and it has now been allocated to Xie Shao.  


“But Your Highness will eventually be in charge…”


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Sheng Qing tried to persuade him again, but Xie Ying was undeterred. 


“Don’t say any more,” he said. “I’ll write two letters and you will take them back to your husband. He knows the arrangements.”


Nie Zhao Xian and Sheng Qing had no choice but to acquiesce with aggrieved hearts.


The king retrieved an illegitimate son from the capital more than two years ago and named him Xie Shao. He was three years older than Xie Ying, and just like that, the prince suddenly had an elder brother. It stood to reason that such a person could honestly just enjoy the glory and wealth of the royal palace, but that wasn’t the case with Xie Shao.


The most disappointing thing was the king, who claimed that he owed Xie Shao and his late biological mother. He showed favour towards Xie Shao in everything, and even wanted Xie Ying to hand over half of his military power to Xie Shao.


No one in Wei Prefecture knew that Prince Wei Ning respected Mr Tai Yan, a famous scholar from Mount Misen2, as his teacher. At the age of thirteen, he wrote ‘The Theory of Siqi’. It was a treatise to assist the king in pushing political reforms to deal with long-standing corruption, and to govern the waterways and help agriculture and commerce prosper.


When the war began, he was ordered to lead the army to break through difficulties and cause destruction to the enemy. He had contributed greatly to cultivating Wei Prefecture’s current wealth and strength. Xie Ying was afraid that while even the emperor wished that he was actually his own son, his real father, the king, remained foolish and heartless.


Xie Ying handed the letter to Sheng Qing, and the two quickly disappeared. Xie Ying sat at the table, half of his face obscured in the darkness, his expression unclear.




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“Elder Sister, elder cousin didn’t come back at all last night.” 


Zhu Yi came to see Zhu Xiu Li early in the morning, and the young boy was eager to share the gossip. 


“Imperial elder brother came to find elder cousin yesterday afternoon. It seems that they went out to play somewhere. I wanted to go too but imperial elder brother won’t take me!”


Zhu Yi was taken aback for a moment, before she quickly reprimanded him, “Why do you care so much about other people’s business?”


Seeing that Zhu Yi’s tone was not as gentle as usual, Zhu Xiu Li was also taken aback.


“If you don’t do anything, it’s just gossip,” he mumbled defensively.


Later, Zhu Yi stood under the porch and watched Zhu Xiu Li practice three different sets of punches in the courtyard. 


When Xie Ying walked in from outside the yard, the first thing he saw was Zhu Yi. Zhu Xiu Li happily ran over to Xie Ying, wanting Xie Ying to teach him boxing, so Zhu Yi turned around and re-entered the East Hall.


Xie Ying looked at Zhu Yi’s back thoughtfully. “Ah Li, I just came back and I’m a little thirsty. Will you invite me to have tea with you?”

“Huh? Sure!” Zhu Xiu Li immediately pulled Xie Ying to his side. “Let’s have tea together.”

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